MLB looking like a zoo


Nov 17, 2004
United States
Bonds didn't know he used steriods, Milton Bradley asked to be arrested, wow I was watching the news this morning and my9 year old son said to me is that how he hits so many home runs, and the next story was about milton bradley who two years ago was arrested in cleveland for driving 70 in a school zone, and said he was pulled over because he is black. Untillpro sports starts hitting these idiots where it hurts, in thewallet im done. MLB is doing apoor job of babysitting there thugs just like the nba, Support your local high school teams, the so called pros are out of hand.
At first it looked like we had another white sacrificial
lamb on our hands, but the other shoe quickly
dropped. What about Bonds saying that he thought
one of the things that Anderson gave him- maybe the
THG- was flaxseed oil? Yeah, that's really
believable. Giambi said that he and Anderson may
have never had a conversation about it being
steroids, but that they both knew what it was. That
sounds more realistic.

Regardless, they're both cheaters and I'm glad
nobody can reasonably deny it now. Before, Barry
Bonds supporters would just say that there was no
direct proof. Well, there was, we just didn't know
about it until now. There was so much
circumstantial evidence surrounding Bonds, but now
we have his own words. I wonder if they'll still say
that steroids don't help with hitting homers. It's all
hand-eye coordination, man! Yeah right, fast twitch
muscle fiber is of no use to power hitters. Sure. Or
maybe they'll take a different angle and just say that it
doesn't matter, he's still the greatest player ever. Or
they'll say that other great players were cheaters too,
so it's okay. Or they'll say that we're all cheaters, and
therefore hypocrites. Yeah, that sounds about right.

All the records he breaks are meaningless- even if
"unofficially". Maybe it wasn't against MLB rules at
the time, but he still took it, and that will forever
tarnish his "legacy" (if you can call it that). And just
because steroids weren't illegal at the time doesn't
mean that it's okay to take them. How about being a
good sportsman and making a personal decision to
not take steroids? Do we all have to be forced to do
the right thing? Should we defend slavery just
because it was "legal" at the time? Of course not. It
was a violation of human rights regardless of
whether it's legal or illegal.

So even if he still "officially" breaks the home run
record, deep down we'll all know it's a lie. That's
what matters more than what's written on paper. We
all know he wouldn't have caught Ruth or Aaron
without drugs.

And as an added bonus, we have Conte saying that
Marion Jones shot up HGH right in front of him.
I think the worst thing of it all and this is saying both giambi and bonds are wrong, but giambi told the truth and is going to end up being released and looking worse then bonds for this for telling the truth, while bonds who lied, will have nothing at all happen to him. Could you imagine if bonds were to be released or punished for this the blacks would probably riot.
Bring on the riots! I don't know how anyone could justify letting bonds play baseball anymore or voting him into the hall of fame. The worst thing you can do in sports is cheat and he did it for years - changing the outcomes of games and distorting all-time records. Pete Rose is still banned from baseball and he did not cheat or change the outcome of one game because of his gambling. Gambling was a problem from the past (1919) when players weren't paid much and it was a real threat to the sport. Now steriods is the real threat to the integrety of the game. Across the board the blow-hards are supporting bonds being a first ballot nomination to the hall of fame and letting him continue to play and disgrace the game.
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