MLB has an "Ambassador of Inclusion"

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
-- Billy Bean, a former major league player who announced after his career that he is gay, has been appointed as an "ambassador of inclusion," Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig said Tuesday.It is the latest move as the major sports leagues in the United States ramp up efforts to promote inclusion and fight discrimination.

As a consultant, Bean will work with teams in the majors and in the minor leagues to provide guidance and training against homophobia, prejudice and sexism, MLB said.

A year ago Major League Baseball issued a policy to protect players from discrimination and harassment based on their sexual orientation. The code is posted in every locker room

The National Hockey League, which also has no openly gay players, began teaming with the You Can Play Project, an advocacy group for gays in sports, in 2013. The league has said the partnership will include education and training for fans, players and teams.
The NFL, which saw Michael Sam become the first openly gay player drafted, has met with gay and lesbian groups and had a former player who is gay speak at an owners meeting. The league also has sessions on tolerance during sessions for rookies.

Are gays the new blacks? Which one wins out in the media? This is some sick stuff being foisted on our society and of course any opposition to the Marxist agenda is considered heresy against the state religion. How long until these Marxist social scientists put this "ambassador" on a baseball card so they can reach children with their message of depravity?
White Genocide

"Inclusion" is just another word for the ethnic cleansing of white people, like "multiculturalism" and "diversity." "Inclusion" is another word for white genocide.

In this case the goal is the replacement of hererosexual white men. This ethnic cleansing is part of a program of white genocide.

Are gays the new blacks? Which one wins out in the media? This is some sick stuff being foisted on our society and of course any opposition to the Marxist agenda is considered heresy against the state religion. How long until these Marxist social scientists put this "ambassador" on a baseball card so they can reach children with their message of depravity?

Another case of the 1% running the 99%. Call me old and naïve, but I just don't get it. How does Selig and Bean get away with this? I guess the players just ignore these things and go along to get along. I really feel like if I were a ML ball player, I would stand up and say something, but I'm not, so maybe I wouldn't, but I hope I would. If there's no gay MLBB players, why don't they just strike against this stuff?

"We're not going to be forced to tolerate your perversion and abnormalities" should be the message of the players, and then walk out if their demands aren't met! What's Selig going to do? Put in minor league replacements! It would never fly with the fans and MLB would lose millions!

If only the MLB and NFL players had the guts to make a stand! I believe it would work!

"He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation: 22:20.
Baseball needs an ambassador of "inclusion" like a fish needs a bicycle.
Lets *** up American sports some more so that we can have a bunch of divers like in European sissyball aka futbol aka soccer.
American Freedom News