Miss Oklahoma 2010


Nov 23, 2008
America's way of conforming with Islam. Must be so sad to be a Christian these days.


No surprise she's from Michigan, which has the USA's largest Muslim population. The runner-ups were from Oklahoma, Colorado and Virgina (ALL Blondes).

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FORGET the winner, runner-up Miss Oklahoma (Morgan Woolard) should be the real winner... she SUPPORTS the ARIZONA LAW!!!!

[TUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DadWzASo_So[/TUBE]Edited by: j41181
Doesn't seem like she's a typical Muslim if she's entering beauty pageants. Half her family is probably Lebanese Christian
To be fair, beauty and grace transcends religion and culture.
She's quite beautiful though.

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No disrespect to the winner but, IMHO, Miss Oklahoma (Morgan Woolard) is much more beautiful, and should be the winner. She's a patriot!!!

Her support for the Arizona Law echoes that of former Miss California's (Carrie Prejean) support for traditional marriage.

God Bless these 2 very smart and beautiful women!!!
Edited by: j41181
The Oklahoma legislature is about to pass a tougher law than the one Arizona has and so I am sure many Oklahomans are very proud of Morgan Woolard.
j41181 said:
To be fair, beauty and grace transcends religion and culture.
She's quite beautiful though.

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No disrespect to the winner but, IMHO, Miss Oklahoma (Morgan Woolard) is much more beautiful, and should be the winner. She's a patriot!!!

Her support for the Arizona Law echoes that of former Miss California's (Carrie Prejean) support for traditional marriage.

God Bless these 2 very smart and beautiful women!!!

No I meant that Muslim women are traditionally forbidden from exposing themselves and modeling, I'm sure they have their beauties as well especially amongst Turks, Persians, and Arabs. Agree with your take on Ms. California and Oklahoma
Guest said:
j41181 said:
To be fair, beauty and grace transcends religion and culture.
She's quite beautiful though.

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No disrespect to the winner but, IMHO, Miss Oklahoma (Morgan Woolard) is much more beautiful, and should be the winner. She's a patriot!!!

Her support for the Arizona Law echoes that of former Miss California's (Carrie Prejean) support for traditional marriage.

God Bless these 2 very smart and beautiful women!!!

No I meant that Muslim women are traditionally forbidden from exposing themselves and modeling, I'm sure they have their beauties as well especially amongst Turks, Persians, and Arabs. Agree with your take on Ms. California and Oklahoma
Actually, traditionally I don't think that was the case. Believe it or not, up until the late 1970s the most common fashion attire for Muslim women in Middle Eastern cities and suburbs was the miniskirt (it's hot there). From Iraq, to Afghanistan, to Egypt to Iran. In the late 1970s and 80s is when fashion shifted to be more modest. The Muslim women I've known, have almost all dressed like regular American women, often wearing very revealing clothes. The media like to focus on the extreme though, so 99% of Americans wouldn't know that.

women in Kabul.
Edited by: Fightingtowin
I have to agree that Arab / Persian woman is a complete stunner as are the runner ups. Man, can you just imaging waking up going into the kitchen with one of these babes wearing only high heels making you French Toast with Freash Squizzed orange juice, fueling up for round three!!!
Oh, I am pretty sure the winner is an Arab Christian. No way would her family allow her to expose that gorgeous body to millions of viewers and not be "Green Lighted" for a "family honor Killing" Some of the Muslims are nuts!
Westside said:
I have to agree that Arab / Persian woman is a complete stunner as are the runner ups. Man, can you just imaging waking up going into the kitchen with one of these babes wearing only high heels making you French Toast with Freash Squizzed orange juice, fueling up for round three!!!

Westside said:
Oh, I am pretty sure the winner is an Arab Christian. No way would her family allow her to expose that gorgeous body to millions of viewers and not be "Green Lighted" for a "family honor Killing" Some of the Muslims are nuts!
I'll drink to that!

This woman, while attractive, is not really a Michigander, a muslim, or a Christian, she's not even really an american. She's an immigrant from a rich Lebanese family. Perfect for the cultural marxists, no real nationality, no real religion, just a pretty face. Style over substance. Just what america is becoming.

Rima Fakih

Born into a prominent Shia family in Lebanon, Fakih grew up in Queens, New York, where she attended St. John's Preparatory School, a Catholic high school. Her family moved to Dearborn, Michigan, in 2003. Though Shiite Muslim, her family celebrates elements of both the Muslim and Christian faiths, and celebrate Christmas.

Although Fakih has been reported to be the first Arab American, the first woman of the Muslim faith and the first immigrant to win the Miss USA title, pageant officials stated their records are not detailed enough to confirm these claims. The 1983 winner, Julie Hayek, is the first Lebanese-American to win the title of Miss USA; however, Hayek, a Lebanese Christian, is not considered an Arab-American
This is supposed to be a White, Christian nation...founded & made great by White Christian men. It should be their heirs (& similar European bloodlines) that have the lion's share in this Republic! Our Forefathers (RIP) would be turning in their graves if they knew how the culture marxist vermin had poisoned our cultural, heritage & people!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Gentelmen, trust me, this woman is a Christian Arab, as Jaxvid posted history of her indicates. I saw only highlights of her winning. If she sounded intelligent answering the questions, looked good in a swim suit(I am sure she did!), is an American(give a pass if she naturalized)and has a credible talent(not sure if Miss USA requires it)I have no problem with her winning. She sures beats the force feed negresses this pageant has proped as Miss USA in the past.

Dixie as you well know the land of "White Christian Nation made great by White Christian Men" ship has passed. Its now our mission to recapture parts of it. We ll do that with electing people who represent our interests and getting people like minded to the polls this November!
Westside, you mean that "ship" was scuttled by the verminous cultural marxist scum & their power-laden "Globalist Elite" enablers!

FYI, it appears Fakih won a "strip contest" previously. Hopefully, the title goes to Ms.Oklahoma (beautiful & gutsy) & REAL American!

Fakih Won "Strip Contest"

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Dixie I agree, but the "shipmates" allowed the enemy to hijack the ship by the pirate scum you mentioned. The "shipmates" were the predecessors of today's DWFs. They were too busy getting drunk, soft, guilty, cowardly and brainwashed. Hopefully its too late to "Right the Ship!"
Edit: Last line of last post should read. "Hopefully its not too late to "Right the Ship!"
Oscar Nunez is Cuban. Last year's snarky questioner, flamer Perez Hilton, is Cuban (real name: Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.). Maybe Nunez is in favor of SB 1070. In any case this is a big boost for the immigration control side. I don't know the demographics for a Miss USA viewing audience, but I assume many didn't appreciate the question.

It is really weird when Hispanics who have the advantage of U.S. citizenship by birth in Puerto Rico or 'toe on shore' Cubans promote amnesty for Mexicans and Salvadorans. Maybe white Hispanics hope to expand their political and media base by increasing the number of non-white Hispanics.

"...however, Hayek, a Lebanese Christian, is not considered an Arab-American..."

I don't understand that. Is it because she's Christian? I thought Arab Christians like Casey Kasem and Kathy Najimy were Christian AND Arab. Maybe there's a new paradigm where Arab Muslims are considered non-white. There are strong advantages to being non-white in America, unlike when Arab Christians first immigrated to the U.S.

So if we have Christmakah, the combination of Christmas and Hanukkah, what is the combination of Eid (pronounced 'eed') and Christmas? Chrismeed? Eedmas? Cheedmas?

Would Rima Fakih have won a beauty contest in Lebanon? Did she win here primarily because she's exotic and 'diverse'? I think so.

This Lebanese lady supports government funded birth control. Lebanese are descended from Phoenicians. Phoenicians founded Carthage. Carthaginians practiced ritual infanticide. Rome, out of revulsion and disgust, destroyed Carthage.
Charlie did not know that. Thanks for the quick history lesson.
Westside said:
Charlie did not know that. Thanks for the quick history lesson.
I agree! Interesting historical fact. I've always admired Rome's triumph in the Punic Wars.

This proves why Morgan Woolard should be the winner... Rima Fakih is a strip dancer!!!

What in heaven's name is happening inside Donald Trump's twisted mind???

I went to the Miss USA site to confirm my suspicions on Miss Fakin's phyical attributes. Based soley on looks and physique. Miss Michigan gets a 10 and 10. Her body is athletic perfect!!! And her mug is very exotic. She is a solid winner or runner based soley on looks. I would have no problem going on dates with her to convert her to conservatism and true Christianity!
I like how she says that her family celebrates Christmas. Uh-huh, how is that? By putting up a tree with Santa and reindeer and exchanging gifts? I doubt that it is by going to a Christian church and celebrating the birth of the Saviour and Son of God who opened the gates of heaven to man. If she's not doing that then it's disingenous to say she "celebrates" Christmas. What she celebrates is mass consumerism. I wonder if her "celebration" of islam is as superficial?
There are certain sects in the mideast that observe both easter and ramadam. As a result Christian consider them to be moslem, while moslems consider them to be christian. These sects tend to be secretive and clannish. She might be part of one of these sects.

These beauty contests should allow only women who are born to mothers who are American citizens at the time of birth.
jaxvid said:
I like how she says that her family celebrates Christmas. Uh-huh, how is that? By putting up a tree with Santa and reindeer and exchanging gifts? I doubt that it is by going to a Christian church and celebrating the birth of the Saviour and Son of God who opened the gates of heaven to man. If she's not doing that then it's disingenous to say she "celebrates" Christmas. What she celebrates is mass consumerism. I wonder if her "celebration" of islam is as superficial?

Well said sir. Like many "modernized" foreign usurpers (from "turd world" countries), I'm sure this gal's family is as legitimately Christian as I am a china-man. There's (sadly) many Americans of the same mold though...throw up the "Xmas" tree & celebrate Santa...vs. the birth of the Savior.
Affirmative Action For Beauty Queens
[James Fulford]

Daniel Pipes, as I mentioned in the Today's Letter, has done a post called Affirmative Action in Beauty Contests?[May 16, 2010], in which he writes of the various "first Muslim"Â￾ beauty contest winners,

They are all attractive, but this surprising frequency of Muslims winning beauty pageants makes me suspect an odd form of affirmative action.


check out how ugly the "winner" is at Jesse Jackson's alma mater.
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