Millenial Millie Weaver arrested at her home in front of her children!


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
From Facebook:

Dr Alan Sabrosky:

"MILLENNIAL MILLIE WEAVER has exposed a lot of governmental misdeeds. She was just arrested in front of her children for burglary (?) after being indicted by a grand jury (?) as she was uploading a completed video on (among other things) pre-planned riots. (Always thought the post-George Floyd extravaganza went off too widely to be spontaneous).

Only thing I can think of that would have had grand juries & police act this way so fast would be something in that misbegotten Patriot Act. Conservatives note this is NOT happening under Democrats...Be on the safe side, keep a magazine in your AR-15.

Watch for updates - here is the trailer to the video she was uploading while arrested:

"SHORT VIDEO OF THE ACTUAL ARREST of journalist Millie Weaver. Watch and hear how it proceeds. Due process? ********. Probable cause? In your dreams. Time to deal with crap, guys & gals. Hope she comes out of this alive, but these days, all bets are off."

Many videos of this are also on Youtube...for now.
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I posted on this in the Miscellaneous thread. I didn't see this thread.

This is what they did in the old Soviet Union. Trumped up charges. Secret tribunals. The victims never given a chance to defend themselves.

How far away are we from being like Red China or the USSR? It looks like we're not far away.
I was listening/ half watching that when it happened on Infowars and it seemed fake. Props for not having her in make-up for the arrest, but that is about where the authenticity ends.

It just so happens to have occurred during the time when her movie is to be released. They tease the fact that she is trying to upload it at the time. This all is shown about 5 minutes into the start of the Alex’s show. Alex states that a SWAT team is taking down Millie. Why would they wait until she uploads this to arrest her? Why not before?

Then Alex gets a phone call from a “mystery” partner who is now watching over the kids. Keep in mind this just happened and she is on the phone with Alex for 40 minutes while there are no children in the background. don't know what the process is when parents are arrested, but Im pretty sure that they don't just get left in a 10 second hand off to some non-relative.

This lady teases the fact that she will upload the one copy of this movie shortly. Building the suspense that she might not get it uploaded as she will be the unsuspecting victim of a boogeyman attack. There are too many plot holes too mention in one post but you can see for yourself by watching the show. Alex also seems to distance himself from the movie in the interview creating more fake drama. The proudly displayed FreeLoomed shirt might be the cherry on top. I’m no Scooby Doo detective to break down the whole plot but its clearly ********.
Forgot to mention that 20 minutes after the mystery woman hangs up a guy appears in the studio talking about the movie. Millie is in Ohio and the studio is in Austin, Texas. Apparently he was just there because, I don't know why. This all happened the day of their movie debut that no one would have cared about otherwise.
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I first heard this from Dr Alan Sabrosky on Zuckerberg(Face)book where he posts (you can search him there). Dr S was the former head of the Army School of Intelligence, Education Dept., something like that, and a former Marine (I now formally rescind my old Navy days antipathy to those jarheaded fellows). He also has his own website but I don't have it in front of me at the moment and it's complicated and Googleberg surely won't tell you. He did address your complaint in one of his comments:

"[She] Was actually in the process of uploading story when arrested....purely coincidental, I'm sure. And not staged at all as far as I can tell."
Alan Sabrosky
3etSponlsorgehdr ·

OK. Best info. Millie & her husband were arrested Friday at their home in Ohio, without a warrant being presented or any warning, on unspecified charges of burglary.

She & her husband are being held without bond in the Portage County (OH) jail pending a court hearing Monday. The charges (which have nothing to do with burglary) are tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice and domestic violence (!).

Sounds like a typical FISA/post-911 grab-bag of crap. Guess she found some really incriminating material - e.g. that the country-wide riots in late May were pre-planned and awaited only a convenient excuse (which is something she apparently DID discern).

Wonder if she & her husband will be jailed here or shipped off to Guantanamo Bay, and if they'll be allowed to see their children beforehand? "Land of the free," my ass.
I posted on this in the Miscellaneous thread. I didn't see this thread.

This is what they did in the old Soviet Union. Trumped up charges. Secret tribunals. The victims never given a chance to defend themselves.

How far away are we from being like Red China or the USSR? It looks like we're not far away.

Exactly. They are trying to do here what they did to Russia 100 years ago. The Red Vampire is here now!

I didn't see your thread either.
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I brought the video up on youtube yesterday - watched about half of it. Went back and finished it just now (the whole video must of buffered and been cached yesterday). I hit refresh on my page one I was done to read some comments and got the notification that the video was removed due to hate speech. Amazing what they will go through to cover up the truth.
I brought the video up on youtube yesterday - watched about half of it. Went back and finished it just now (the whole video must of buffered and been cached yesterday). I hit refresh on my page one I was done to read some comments and got the notification that the video was removed due to hate speech. Amazing what they will go through to cover up the truth.

It was on in numerous places on youtube. All have been censored because it violated youtube's policy on "hate speech", in other words speech they hate to hear, in other words the truth!!!
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