Mike Hass Impressive

ToughJ.Riggins said:
I  think  the  discrimination  shown to Mike 
Hass  is  right  up  there with  Luke 
Staley  Eric  Crouch and Travis Jervey. The guy is only
slightly slower than average remember he ran a 4.5 and 4.58 at Proday
and he's very quick and a good route runner with hands of glue with amazing football smarts.  I
looked on the packers draft scouting reports and noticed that the
average speed of  "drafted" NFL receivers in the last few years is
mid to low 4.5's. Mike Hass also posted an elite 3 cone time and a
vertical of 36.5 inches at Proday.
Lastly Im a newbie here, but I don't
think using the term "Negroe" helps the cause of this site. If your
trying to fight the PC police "Negroe" which I've seen used several
times (although previously  in a joking context) has been an
outdated term since
the 50's in the North, and late 60's even in the South another words a
very long time. Although I wouldn't mind having people use the word
mullato  to describe bi-racials. That was only recently for some
unknown reason been labeled racist (probabley by Jesse Jackson, lol)..
Curb your enthusiasm even had a joke about it.  I also don't think
it's wise to stereotype races as I've seen on this site such as calling
Arabs "car-burners" The site should stick to crime in sports and
political issues such as affirmative action and nationalism to be taken
seriously. using broad stereotypes everywhere only makes people see the
site as a bunch of racist whites!
I agree about all points. Man did Hass get screwed.... Edited by: jared
I agree as well.. although you'd normally expect a new member of the forum to wait til after he's been on the board a few days and contributed a bit before he criticizes everyone else, if he isn't merely trolling.
I have been a member of this website for a while and would have to agree with ToughJ.Riggins. Using the word "Negro" is not professional and makes this website look quite primitive.

A legitimate point may become void to a casual visitor if such language is used.
I agree as well.We need to carry ourselves in a proper manner to help fight the discrimination that these athletes face.We need to help change the perception of the white athlete.We need to get the word out to as many people as possible in a professional manner.Welcome to the board.
Do we have to call them "African-Americans" because "black" has developed a negative connotation as well? If "Negroe" is off limits, "Caucasian" should be as well. And I still can't find an answer that makes sense as to why Egyptians, Tunisians, and Algerians aren't considered "African-Americans". Aren't those countries part of Africa? I know, I'll call blacks "Sub-Saharan-African-Americans". It's my term. No Jewish journalist can steal it.
Edited by: KG2422
It's an interesting dilemma: how much should we conform to mainstream society in order to build support, not scare people away, etc., and how much do we reject and rebel against mainstream society, and try to influence mainstream society to not be so politically correct?
I won't even get into the I-told-ya-sos...I've been beating this point to death for over a year on this board.

You guys should re-confer on standards for posting. There's a pretty broad margin of space for free-expression that exists between measured wording and fascist thought-policing. IMHO, for the good of your thesis HERE (id est, drawing attention to the variant forms of college and professional sports discrimation; what might be called "reverse discrimination") it might be a good idea to go through your back catalogue and expunge alot of the excreta that doesn't conform to these. You'll likely lose some of the more vociferous hate-mongers, but seriously, I don't see much in the way of their contribution to deconstucting the mythoi that keep deserving kids from College scholarships.

Don't think of it as censorship...I'd call it thematic hygiene.
Take a look at the number of posters who have already said the same about using slurs and insults. It ain't an "I told ya so" unless the person you 'told' disagrees with your premise. Most of the regular posters on this board refrain from use of racial slurs and insults.
i didn't realize "negro" was an insult. tell that to the folks at the Negro College Fund and that old timey baseball league.
Maybe everyone who has written the term negro should make an apology. We should start a "dialogue" so healing can occur. This kind of language is unacceptable in this day and age. Mel Gibson should go to jail for incitement of racial hatred. The BNP should be banned. Right Jerve?

Why is your location listed as United States when you refer to us as "you Yanks in the States" and so forth? Political correctness rears its ugly head even here. I'm not interested in any communist paternalism.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i didn't realize "negro" was an insult. tell that to the folks at the Negro College Fund and that old timey baseball league.

Yeah, no kidding! I always send them a donation at Christmas and just realized that every time I addressed the envelope... it was a grave insult! Oh well, in the future I will send guilt offerings to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.Oops! Didn't mean to offend those foks who describethemselves as being people of color, but are notcolored.
Alright. I give up on this. Go ahead, use the N word. If you feel that its use is the best thing for this forum. If you feel that it will help us achieve a political end.

As a matter of fact you guys should all try to get jobs as professional journalists. Tell them you will describe all backs as ******s, all whites as crackers, and all mexicans as wetbacks. Im sure that such an employer would feel that such vocabulary is completely nessasary and unavoidable.

Based on your constant useage of the N world to get your point accross I am sure that you are quite intelligent. Only an idiot would try to use other more "professional" kinds of terms on a serious discussion forum.
OC football said:
Alright. I give up on this. Go ahead, use the N word. If you feel that its use is the best thing for this forum.

When do I use the n word ? In how many of my posts, do I use the word willy nilly as an everyday expression. Unless you consider Negro to be equal to the N word. I do not like being held to a standard that blacks do not hold for themselves! I am not advocating screaming the -N - word at everybody as we drive the streets, but I am very much in favor of de-stigmatizing the word!!!!
I would agree that Negro is
an offensive word b/c it has been
outdated for quite some time, unlike mullato
for instance. Although refering to the NFL
as the Negro Football League is an
interesting play on words, I don't think it
helps the cause of this site to
be taken seriously. Using the term
for Luke Staley as "black"balled out
of the league like I did is
also a play on words but less

If you are Irish like I am it' doesn't bother you to
make fun of yourself and your Irish friends as crazy rowdy drinkers,
but if a mexican said it about your group it would be somewhat
offensive and blacks don't say n***er they say n**ga which was their
own invention to get rid of the word n***er that has been used in
racist context since the time of the slaves.

I think there are more people out there that are
starting to understand the dynamics of racial discrimination against
whites in sports. I found several newspaper articles about
discrimination against talented white running backs in different states
professional newspapers. I also found an article online where a
highschool team Don Beebee coached (Don Beebee ran a legitimate 4.2 at
the combine so did Bo Jackson the only one to run faster was Deion who
ran a 4.19) had a RB who ran in the mid 4.5's and was very productive
in High school against top competition. When Don Bebee tried to get
interest from college recruiters many asked him "is the kid black or
white?" Don Bebee said "it shouldn't matter." So I think some people
are starting to get it. This was in newspapers and I'm guessing some of
them were liberal. We should try to stay level headed here to be taken
seriously. I'll post the links to these articles when I get my
other computer working, I have them saved on. There is also an
interveiw w/ Dustin Fox where they ask him why the Vikings wanted him
to convert to saftey. His response "I don't know maybe because I'm
white, just kidding." He's really not kidding though, he just doesn't
have the guts to say it straight out.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
and blacks don't say n***er they say n**ga which was their own invention to get rid of the word n***er that has been used in racist context since the time of the slaves.

Interesting post, butI really don't think blacks consciously invented the word n***a to get rid of the word n****r. They often are lip lazy, as we used to say and tend to drop letters of words. Cracker becomes - cracka - and mother becomes - mutha - and give me the ballischanged to - gimi de baw. Edited by: Bart
Linguists say that African languages are constantly changing. That reminds me of their slang here. That was funny Bart.
Edited by: KG2422
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i didn't realize "negro" was an insult. tell that to the folks at the Negro College Fund and that old timey baseball league.
Write a check to the UNCF and see if they are offended or if they cash your check.

JD074 said:
It's an interesting dilemma: how much should we conform to mainstream society in order to build support, not scare people away, etc., and how much do we reject and rebel against mainstream society, and try to influence mainstream society to not be so politically correct?
No matter how eloquently our posters express themselves the MSM will take every opportunity to criticize this site because of the site's purpose. I doubt very seriously if we were to eliminate all disparaging remarks that a CBS or an ESPN would be taking up the cause or giving us positive air time. IMO, there's no problem with the play on words as long as someone doesn't go "Kramer".
I can tell you that ****a is a slang adaptation caused by the lazy lip syndrome Bart mentioned and nothing more, certainly not a word designed to replace the former. As far as I can tell, it came out of the black gang culture and became popularized through rap. I have heard them call each other both words at about the same frequency over the last several years.
I almost wish now that Mike Hass had stayed on the Saintspractice squad, or at least not signed with the Bears. Does anyone think Hass will have any shot at playing time with Lovie Smith's team next season or the season after that? After the waythe Bearssummarily dispatched Derek Abney, Eddie Berlin and Brock Forsey, I don't. He should have signed with the Colts or Lions, if they were interested that is.
In academic terms blacks are Negros ( It is a transplanted latin word- means black or dark) whites are to describe a black person is not more or less insulting than using the term homo saipien to describe them as a human.Edited by: Tired old White
The dreaded N-word is simply latin for black. Negro is spanish for black.
Black is english for black. All the negative associations with these terms is
due to crummy black behavior.
PitBull said:
The dreaded N-word is simply latin for black. Negro is spanish for black.

It's the context...N**ger has been outdated a longer time and is very racist having conotations from the slave days. Although less racist, a white calling a black "negro" is a term that has negative conotations from suppression of black rights in the former segregated south... A very recent outdated word like Mullato, is not a racist term just UN-PC which I have no problem with! Just because Jesse Jackson decided it's innappropriate doesn't make it so! There are levels of taboo here!
and going back on topic, i wonder if we will get to see Mike Hass next season... we all know that the league needs players like him, with the ammount of dropped ball ever on the increase
In my opinion there has never been a case of more blatant discrimination than Mike Hass's case...He proved at Proday that he is an "outstanding" athlete as well as had a hall of fame college career, and still got screwed! I still think Martz, Dungy or Bilechek will give him a chance next year!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins