Scheuer is wrong to believe that somehow if we just stop supporting Isreal that somehow Al Cada wouldn't have a problem with us. The truth is Al Cada has a philosphy that thier book, the Koran is the true meaning of god and that all others must submit to god. This believe allows them to justify a brutal inhumane way of life.
In this country there seems to be a lot of apologist, mainly young spoiled rich kids who haven't had to earn anything, and the site of these people living in poverty leads these apologist to believe that America is responsible. They read is are liberal biased history books that the whites commited such appalling such as slavery, the crusades, and the Indian genocide, all of which I don't condone. However they are not aware of the appalling acts of Islam. Islam is not a religion of peace, America first experence of Islam as Christopher Hitchens has documented, was one in which Amercian sailors were kidnaped ans sold as slves by Barbery pirates. When Thomas Jefferson tried to nogotiate for their release, the Ottoman Abassador justified the white enslavement by saying that Christians are infidels. It has been estimated that from 1750-1820 over one million whites were sold into slavery.
If you want to discuss the genocides commited by Islam, there is the Armenian genocide in which over eight million Armenians were killed by Turks, mainly for being christians. Then there is Saddam's attacks on both Kurdistan and Kuwait. Kuwait being a U.N.member led American to fight in the Guld war. ThisInfuriated Bin Laden, not because he was loyal to Saddam, but becasue he hated the west. The final genocide that I'm going to mention is the one in East Timorby Indonesia.
East Timor is a small island off the tip of Indonesia, it is mainly Christian and the people speak Portugese. The people of Indonesia armed by Herny Kissinger and Gerald Ford massacured the people of East Timor. BTW this was the second act of supporting genocide done by Kissinger, the other being the decision to not act in Cambodia. So anyway the U.N. decided over twenty years later to reverse it's decision and grant East Timor it's indepedence after an estimated five million minumum people were killed. This angered Bin Laden as well, and eventually led to the boming of the U.S embassy, where U.N. diplomat Sergio de Mello, the man fought for the rights of the people of East Timor was visting. De Mello was against the Iraq was and was tring to bring about peace in Iraq. Al Cada also bombed Australian tourist in Indonesia two years before that.
Lets not feed ourselves the lies that our teachers tried to sell us. Islam is not and will never be a religion of peace. The means in which Islam chooses to spread itself is though intimidation, they believe in Sharia and loathe American values. The question I have is how many consessions are you guys willing to make, because Bin Laden's list of demands include death to unvailed women, lashings for men not wearing beards, stoning to women who commit adultary, female circumcision, death to all non-muslims, death to the American dream, the American way of life, and everything you hold sacred. However that is not enough because your white you will never be seen as their equal.
Now you can either side with the apologist or you can fight this and maintain everything you hold sacred.