Michael Scheuer on Colbert

Scheuer is wrong to believe that somehow if we just stop supporting Isreal that somehow Al Cada wouldn't have a problem with us. The truth is Al Cada has a philosphy that thier book, the Koran is the true meaning of god and that all others must submit to god. This believe allows them to justify a brutal inhumane way of life.
In this country there seems to be a lot of apologist, mainly young spoiled rich kids who haven't had to earn anything, and the site of these people living in poverty leads these apologist to believe that America is responsible. They read is are liberal biased history books that the whites commited such appalling such as slavery, the crusades, and the Indian genocide, all of which I don't condone. However they are not aware of the appalling acts of Islam. Islam is not a religion of peace, America first experence of Islam as Christopher Hitchens has documented, was one in which Amercian sailors were kidnaped ans sold as slves by Barbery pirates. When Thomas Jefferson tried to nogotiate for their release, the Ottoman Abassador justified the white enslavement by saying that Christians are infidels. It has been estimated that from 1750-1820 over one million whites were sold into slavery.
If you want to discuss the genocides commited by Islam, there is the Armenian genocide in which over eight million Armenians were killed by Turks, mainly for being christians. Then there is Saddam's attacks on both Kurdistan and Kuwait. Kuwait being a U.N.member led American to fight in the Guld war. ThisInfuriated Bin Laden, not because he was loyal to Saddam, but becasue he hated the west. The final genocide that I'm going to mention is the one in East Timorby Indonesia.
East Timor is a small island off the tip of Indonesia, it is mainly Christian and the people speak Portugese. The people of Indonesia armed by Herny Kissinger and Gerald Ford massacured the people of East Timor. BTW this was the second act of supporting genocide done by Kissinger, the other being the decision to not act in Cambodia. So anyway the U.N. decided over twenty years later to reverse it's decision and grant East Timor it's indepedence after an estimated five million minumum people were killed. This angered Bin Laden as well, and eventually led to the boming of the U.S embassy, where U.N. diplomat Sergio de Mello, the man fought for the rights of the people of East Timor was visting. De Mello was against the Iraq was and was tring to bring about peace in Iraq. Al Cada also bombed Australian tourist in Indonesia two years before that.
Lets not feed ourselves the lies that our teachers tried to sell us. Islam is not and will never be a religion of peace. The means in which Islam chooses to spread itself is though intimidation, they believe in Sharia and loathe American values. The question I have is how many consessions are you guys willing to make, because Bin Laden's list of demands include death to unvailed women, lashings for men not wearing beards, stoning to women who commit adultary, female circumcision, death to all non-muslims, death to the American dream, the American way of life, and everything you hold sacred. However that is not enough because your white you will never be seen as their equal.
Now you can either side with the apologist or you can fight this and maintain everything you hold sacred.
Michael Scheuer

The US has no interest in whether Israel or Palestine survives. I said we should dump the Israelis. There's nothing we get from them that we need. Israel can exist forever, but not with another American dollar.
hawkeye said:
<div>Now you can either side with the apologist or you can fight this and maintain everything you hold sacred. </div>

So why should we side with Israel? With anybody but ourselves? I hold white Christianity sacred. Not radical Judiasm. What do you hold sacred?
The Crusades were not the horrific thing that we are led to believe they were. The Catholic Church was in full rights to protect the Holy Land and the pilgrims and Christians who were being molested by the Muslims. While individual Crusades/Crusaders were clearly inerror at times, (as is the case with everything containing a human element...which is everything in life), they were on the whole just.
That, the Inquisition and Galileo are the old familiar clubs used to beat Christians in general and Catholics in particular.Jews and enemies of Western Civiliazation have used them to weaken the morale and cetainty of the West for years.

While I disagree with your view, I understand it and respect it. A question. If radical Islam is a threat to the United States (I could care less about Israel), then how do you propose we deal with this without draining our treasury? Would you continue to support the current wars against hazy groups of enemies that are currently bleeding the country of billions of dollars per year?

I support what our founders said, a strong national defense at home and no interventionism abroad.
The Pentagon has admitted that there are only about 50 Al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Against these cave dwellers the U.S. has arrayed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and mercs, and hundreds of billions of dollars of equipment and weapons. "Al Qaeda" was never even mentioned by the government and corporate media until 9/11, then suddenly it was supposedly anywhere and everywhere, a threat to the existence of America.

Al Qaeda is an all-encompassing, perpetual bogeyman, aninvention of the military-industrial-entertainment complex to justify U.S. intervention in the Middle East and around the world, but most especially in controlling the oil and resources of the Middle East and Central Asia.

Scheuer has been called an "anti-Semite" for holding balanced views on the Middle East (as has Ron Paul). He's a breath of fresh air in apower structuredominated by professional rabid Zionists.
Edited by: Don Wassall
That man is a breath of fresh air. Thanks for posting the link, C Darwin! The best thing we could do would be to disentangle ourselves from Israel, let them protect themselves, and let our military protect us.
Don Wassall said:
The Pentagon has admitted that there are only about 50 Al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Against these cave dwellers the U.S. has arrayed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and mercs, and hundreds of billions of dollars of equipment and weapons. "Al Qaeda" was never even mentioned by the government and corporate media until 9/11, then suddenly it was supposedly anywhere and everywhere, a threat to the existence of America.
<div>Al Qaeda is an all-encompassing, perpetual bogeyman, aninvention of the military-industrial-entertainment complex to justify U.S. intervention in the Middle East and around the world, but most especially in controlling the oil and resources of the Middle East and Central Asia. </div>
<div>Scheuer has been called an "anti-Semite" for holding balanced views on the Middle East (as has Ron Paul). He's a breath of fresh air in apower structuredominated by professional rabid Zionists.</div>
Spot on. Bin laden was a CIA asset, just like Oswald was when he "defected" to the USSR with the label "Communist sympathizer" conveniently applied to him later on when the PTB describe his motivation for assassinating JFK. Oswald, realizing too late that he had been set up all along then accurately describes himself to the media as a "patsy". Ruby then takes him out for all to see on national TV and then Ruby is quietly taken out in jail by the PTB while the Warren Commission is set up to provide the necessary cover.

Bin laden was a CIA asset during the Soviet - Afghan war in the 1980's. When the "Project for the New American Century" neocons needed "another Pearl Harbor", enter bogeyman Bin laden and "Al Qaeda" to conveniently grant them their wish. Bin laden is as dead as a doornail but is worth infinitely more to the PTB as alive so they can use him and "Al Qaeda" as a ruse to their true intentions in that region (oil/gas pipelines and rare earth metals.) I believe Benazir Bhutto was correct when she startlingly stated that ISI (the Pakistan equivalent (and friends of) the CIA) Agent, Omar Sheikh, playing the role of Jack Ruby, murdered Bin laden and also believe she paid the ultimate price for saying it less than two months later when she herself was assassinated, most likely by CIA-backed Musharif ISI agents.

I'm am not saying we should eliminate are alliance with Isreal we probably should, but to say that they would somehow not hold a grudge against us or hate us is absurd, BTW the U.S. trains and arms both Isreal and Palestine now. First off are alliance with the Mujahadean was the worst thing we could have done. They were never are ally like the movie Charlie Wilsons War tries to make them out to be, many of their acts such as execting Russian prisoners violated the Geneva Convention. The reason we armed them was because we saw the expansion of the U.S.S.R are a bigger threat at the time. This is why after the war we cut are ties with Afganistan.
Why I'm not a fan of Isreal, I don't see them as a direct threat to me, I can't say the same for Islam. Look at how people of Islam have lived in Europe. In England for example they have the highest rate of Islamic Fundalmentalist in any European nation, many of them Pakistani. There have been numerous assaults on young women both muslim and non-muslim for not covering their faces. The attack on the bus station, was an attack not on service men, but was an attack on young women going out to the clubs. One man even said that they would stop waring until the flag of Islam is hanging over Buckingham Palace. In France it's as bad recently in an interview with Christopher Hitchen, he spoke of this professor of Islamic studies who went to Morroco. During the trip he met with students who were saying that France will eventually be a Muslimcountry.
I don't think we can win this war on terror the way it's being conducted by speading tax dollars to support a war we can't afford, nor do I think it logical to deport all muslims living inAmerica. However I think we can stop giving visas both working and student visas to muslims. I think any muslim that makes treats to the U.S. should be sent back to their own country. I think we should make efforts to use less oil and we should promote more offshore oil drilling. I think Europe should do the same.
I had a friend who was on flight 175 when it crashed into the world trade center, soI don't believe those were missiles, like the first 9/11 conspirators tried to argue. I think people who belief that BS should go to a muslim country and see how it really is.
What do you think Israel would do to us if we pulled our aid and military support? Do you think we might have a lot more false flags? Assasinations? Spying? If you don't fear Israel than you're a fool. Who is behind the muslim immigration invasion? Did muslims lobby for this or Jews? Who has more influence on our current racially destructive governmental policies - Muslims or Jews?
neocons can't be spoken to, they can only be out-bred.
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