Michael Savage


Jul 29, 2008
Does anyone here listen to Michael Savage, and if so, what is your opinion? I listen to him frequently, and I find that while I do not agree with him on issues 100%, he has a lot of good things to say on many subjects. Illegal immigration, the liberals and feminists who are destroying this country, fradulent republicans who are nothing more that the lapdogs of the elite (just like the Dems), the list goes on and on.

He was on a particular roll this past week while talking about the Times Square incident, and how the vermin in the media (as he likes to call them) were basically foaming at the mouth at the prospect of a white male in his 40s being the possible suspect in this case. He played several montages in which all the talking heads were hammering the point home about the "white male" all day Sun/Mon on various shows. He basically said the white man is now the new bogeyman, and what a delight it would be for the media if indeed a suspect in a future incident turns out to be a heterosexual while male in his 40s, preferably from the South. It was some good stuff to listen to.

He's clearly very aware of the war against whites and especially white men in this country, and is not afraid to talk about it extensively. I also enjoy his rants against the illegals who are destroying CA and the Southwest. The one thing I don't agree with him is his stance on Israel and some neocon tendencies he seems to have, but then again, no one is perfect.Edited by: foobar75


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Hey foobar75 I used to listen to him when he was broadcasted here(Los Angeles) during my drive to work but the channel changed format. I think he is quite interesting for the most part and I agree with him about 90 percent of the time.

Regarding his stance on the Star of David should come as no surprise. He is Jewish. His real name is Michael Wiener. But I find him worth listening to.

foobar75 I call Michael Savage a poor man's version of the Great Mark Levin. Mr Levin is a scholar and former attorney assist general during the Reagen adminstration. He is quite funny and goes into more depth than any conservitive talk host host. I would recommend him as well.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
"Albehim" a juden (ala Levin), I don't think Weiner (aka - "Savage") is a pure NeoCON ala "Pawn Vanity" (his nickname for Hannity), Beck, etc. I agree with Savage on 70-80% of his positions & find him more forthright & on the mark then "Vanity", "Shill O'LIElly" & Neal "phony Libertarian" Boortz. However, I'll take Dr.Duke &/or Dr.Ron Paul over Weiner any day.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South


Apr 9, 2010
yet again there are some people on this site, that label all white jews as evil. I t really is pathetic and does no favours for this site.

This site is supportive of white and non black atheletes who are discriminated against because of their race. Michael savage and chaim ben psech are two white coragous jews that are more pro white than 99.9 percent of gentile peple in the news media.

Unfortunately we have some stormfront idiots on here that discuss skulls sizes with each other rather than discussing issues and praising people like chaim ben psech and michael savage.

They are brainwashed and are a lost cause.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
He's certainly better than Rush, Glenn Beck, and Mark Levin; but, as others have already pointed out, he's still way out of line in his "war on terror" national security state rhetoric and his pro-Israelism.

I'm curious--did he legally change his name to"Savage"? Can you do that? it would be interesting tofind outwhether his level of popularity would drop if he used his real name.Edited by: Solomon Kane

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
f3dor said:
yet again there are some people on this site, that label all white jews as evil. I t really is pathetic and does no favours for this site.

This site is supportive of white and non black atheletes who are discriminated against because of their race. Michael savage and chaim ben psech are two white coragous jews that are more pro white than 99.9 percent of gentile peple in the news media.

Unfortunately we have some stormfront idiots on here that discuss skulls sizes with each other rather than discussing issues and praising people like chaim ben psech and michael savage.

They are brainwashed and are a lost cause.

This post is way out of line.


Mar 23, 2009
Colonel_Reb said:
C Darwin said:
controlled opposition.

Agreed. He has no incentive to stick up for white gentiles. He has every incentive to be controlled opposition. Or at least he was chosen by them to inherit the spotlight because his views aligned where it really matters (Zionism).


Apr 9, 2010
Don Wassall said:
f3dor said:
yet again there are some people on this site, that label all white jews as evil. I t really is pathetic and does no favours for this site.

This site is supportive of white and non black atheletes who are discriminated against because of their race. Michael savage and chaim ben psech are two white coragous jews that are more pro white than 99.9 percent of gentile peple in the news media.

Unfortunately we have some stormfront idiots on here that discuss skulls sizes with each other rather than discussing issues and praising people like chaim ben psech and michael savage.

They are brainwashed and are a lost cause.

This post is way out of line.

Until white gentiles start doing this for absulutely no money, im notgoing to hate on all jews.


C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
f3dor said:
Until white gentiles start doing this for absulutely no money, im not going to hate on all jews.</div>
<div> </div>
<div> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3U9zyssEmQ&feature=related</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>

the comments on this youtube video say it all.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Savage touches on anti-whiteness a lot more than other professional Neocons (Rush, Beck, Hannity, Coulter, etc). He's certainly not an ideal voice for white nationalism, but he's less "restricted"Â￾ than the others.

F3dor, you joined this site exactly one month ago"¦perhaps you should keep your squawking, media-manufactured Jewish Supremacist judgments to yourself before barking about what is "doing this site any favors."Â￾

The impulse to manipulate (and oppress) the thoughts of real white men must be deep-rooted in that Israeli DNA of yours. Wait, no, you're "not Jewish,"Â￾ I forgot.
Dec 10, 2008
Outside North America
I'll stop hating Jews when they 100% ADMIT they're responsible for much the mess the USA, and rest of the Western world is in right now.

The so-called RIGHT Jews need to start blaming their Zionist brethren. I'm also amazed that Jews have no sense guilt whatsoever when Socialism was actually founded by a Jew. Jews are also responsible for the founding of the USSR.

Whites are evil indeed.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I think Savagage is fair overall. He is not perfect but he does a nice job of pointing out facts. For the last couple of weeks, he has been talking about how America is against all white males. That takes guts to say. It is easier for a jewish guy to get away with saying it than for some others. His stance on languague, culture and borders is very good. I support him for some of the positive things he brings up. Even here on this board, alot of us agree to disagree on many subjects. The bottom line is that whites are disciminated against in all aspects of society. The sooner whites wake up, the better our chances of survival. Any radio, tv, internet or newpaper reporter who fights the cause even partially is better than nothing in my opinion.

Like him or not, he is better than most guys I hear with the exception of a handful of guys who have been already named. Edited by: white lightning


Apr 9, 2010
Thrashen said:
F3dor, you joined this site exactly one month ago"¦perhaps you should keep your squawking, media-manufactured Jewish Supremacist judgments to yourself before barking about what is "doing this site any favors."Â￾

The impulse to manipulate (and oppress) the thoughts of real white men must be deep-rooted in that Israeli DNA of yours. Wait, no, you're "not Jewish,"Â￾ I forgot.

So your logic is, i dont hate all jews therefore i must be "jewish". And whats with all this "you only been here a month'", that is irrelevant, completely irrelevant. If i show something with video or statistical proof to back up what i am saying then it backs up what i am saying. No correlation as to whether i am a veteran on this forum or not, or whether im jewish or not.

The fact that i amnot jewish shows how insecure some of you are, perhaps "im just a conspiracy" to put you all against each other to hold all of your post counts down.

I have contributed some pretty decent threads, ive kept the soccer section alive, as well as contributed on the boxing, golf and various other sections. So please show some respect towards me. Its not as if ive shown videos of steven spielberg and forced you to like him is it. Ive shown you videos of a white jew who is very pro white.

As is michael savage btw.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
f3dor said:
Thrashen said:
F3dor, you joined this site exactly one month ago"¦perhaps you should keep your squawking, media-manufactured Jewish Supremacist judgments to yourself before barking about what is "doing this site any favors."ÂThe impulse to manipulate (and oppress) the thoughts of real white men must be deep-rooted in that Israeli DNA of yours. Wait, no, you're "not Jewish," I forgot.
&lt;!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//--&gt;

<div> </div>
<div>So your logic is, i dont hate all jews therefore i must be "jewish". And whats with all this "you only been here a month'", that is irrelevant, completely irrelevant. If i show something with video or statistical proof to back up what i am saying then it backs up what i am saying. No correlation as to whether i am a veteran on this forum or not, or whether im jewish or not.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The fact that i amnot jewish shows how insecure some of you are, perhaps "im just a conspiracy" to put you all against each other to hold all of your post counts down.
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>I have contributed some pretty decent threads, ive kept the soccer section alive, as well as contributed on the boxing, golf and various other sections. So please show some respect towards me. Its not as if ive shown videos of steven spielberg and forced you to like him is it. Ive shown you videos of a white jew who is very pro white.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>As is michael savage btw.</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>

Respect? Yeah, in your dreams, newbie-boy. Why on earth would I tolerate, let alone "show respect" for an obvious rookie"¦ especially one with a schizophrenic Jewish obsession, and one who so bluntly refers to those who visit Stormfront as "idiots."Â

As Anak, KP, and other trusted members of this site have concluded"¦arguing with you is about as futile as swimming upstream in a raging river. We get it, not every single Jew is a diabolical fiend hell-bent on white destruction"¦I applaud you for reaching this utterly obvious conclusion.

And yes, I acknowledge that you happen to make a few nominal pro-white posts in other threads"¦however, your impolite attitude and absurd intolerance of anyone who "dares" to utter anything remotely anti-Jewish (on a white nationalist sports website, what nerve!) is aggravating. Clearly, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

As for you "being a conspiracy" (I'm not even sure what that means) to keep real members from posting here"¦don't fret, nobody in their right mind would care enough about your lame posts to alter their visitations to castefootball.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good post Thrashen. You certainly aren't the only one who feels that way. f3dor is far too entitled for his own good, but I guess that's how it is when you are one of "God's chosen." As for respect, it has to be earned. I haven't seen any behavior from you that warrants my respect. Until that changes, don't expect respect from me.


Apr 9, 2010
Thrashen said:
f3dor said:
Thrashen said:
F3dor, you joined this site exactly one month ago"¦perhaps you should keep your squawking, media-manufactured Jewish Supremacist judgments to yourself before barking about what is "doing this site any favors."Â￾The impulse to manipulate (and oppress) the thoughts of real white men must be deep-rooted in that Israeli DNA of yours. Wait, no, you're "not Jewish,"Â￾ I forgot.
&lt;!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//--&gt;

So your logic is, i dont hate all jews therefore i must be "jewish". And whats with all this "you only been here a month'", that is irrelevant, completely irrelevant. If i show something with video or statistical proof to back up what i am saying then it backs up what i am saying. No correlation as to whether i am a veteran on this forum or not, or whether im jewish or not.

The fact that i amnot jewish shows how insecure some of you are, perhaps "im just a conspiracy" to put you all against each other to hold all of your post counts down.

I have contributed some pretty decent threads, ive kept the soccer section alive, as well as contributed on the boxing, golf and various other sections. So please show some respect towards me. Its not as if ive shown videos of steven spielberg and forced you to like him is it. Ive shown you videos of a white jew who is very pro white.

As is michael savage btw.

Respect? Yeah, in your dreams, newbie-boy. Why on earth would I tolerate, let alone "show respect"Â￾ for an obvious rookie"¦ especially one with a schizophrenic Jewish obsession, and one who so bluntly refers to those who visit Stormfront as "idiots."Â￾

As Anak, KP, and other trusted members of this site have concluded"¦arguing with you is about as futile as swimming upstream in a raging river. We get it, not every single Jew is a diabolical fiend hell-bent on white destruction"¦I applaud you for reaching this utterly obvious conclusion.

And yes, I acknowledge that you happen to make a few nominal pro-white posts in other threads"¦however, your impolite attitude and absurd intolerance of anyone who "dares"Â￾ to utter anything remotely anti-Jewish (on a white nationalist sports website, what nerve!) is aggravating. Clearly, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

As for you "being a conspiracy"Â￾ (I'm not even sure what that means) to keep real members from posting here"¦don't fret, nobody in their right mind would care enough about your lame posts to alter their visitations to castefootball.

I find it slghtly amusing that "nobody in their right mind would care enough about my lame posts" but you have seemed to have wasted at least 5 minutes of your life posting quite a emotional post.

As for a "few nominal posts", a few? What are you on, ive must be one of the biggest contributors of this forum in terms of post count. Not just have i saved some sections i.e the soccer section which i know far more than you could ever dream of. I have contributed to the golf section, MMA section, NFL section(although i know very little about it), and even did a thread about how it could be the best year ever from a caste perpective. So do not patronise me, and stop acting like a cyber warrior.

I am a zionist, plus im support white rights. Whats your problem. I think the bible commands gentiles support israel for the jews, not the stinky non white arabs. if you want to support the disgusting arabs then so be it, but the bible imo commands us to support israel, whether holywood is ran by aload of politically correct jews or not. That is what i believe the bible commands. if you find that so horrible, and you want to support the ragheads so much,who wouldnt hesitate to behead any western white mans family then thats your prorogative.

What makes me laugh so much is you claim "not every single Jew is a diabolical fiend hell-bent on white destruction"¦I applaud you for reaching this utterly obvious conclusion".

Yet its not that obviously is it, looking at some of the moronic posts from "such veterans", claims of "controlled opposition", in regards to michael savage, and with regards to chaim ben pesech..well it got so desperate for soke members that all they could come up with is "hes believes israel should have their own state so i hate him". Which is what i believe, and im christian. Add the fact that ive never once claimed that i love all jews, i hate alot of jews. I hate all the white gentiles and jews in hollywood, the media, who runs the newspapers etc. but white gentiles are just as self hating in the media, hollywood etc.

As for calling stormfront "morons", i dont take that back one bit. Why do people care what i think of stormfront?This is sport forum/site in regards to discrimination against whites. Especially in america. If i think stormfront members are morons i am completely entitled to that opinion, which i happen to think is fact btw.

I thought the whole reason for banning deorgatory terms such as the "n" word etc was so this site didnt come acorss as some white supremacy site. If i have got this site wrong, then i apologise and will leave it. I obviously misinterpreted what its about. From my understanding it was promoting white athetheletes from the biggest form of affirmative action in the USA, SPORTS. But if its some meeting ground for people to discuss skulls sizes etc then i will leave. So what is it thrashen? Please give me an answer?

Also while you are at it, perhaps you could reimnd us that this is a forum where we might not all agree. Or are we like zombies and lemmings on here that we have to all "agree with thrashens posts".


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I think everyone should return to the matter at hand, the caste system, and not argue about those other issues which waste energy and divide us.


Apr 6, 2007

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006

All we have done is give our opinion about Mike Savage. Basically, we have said he's67% good (on borders, language, culture. and domestic spending); 33% bad (on Israel and the "War on Terror").

If you look at the facts and listen to his show, that's an objective analysis of the man.

You keep making posts which are attacks on straw men or which are beside the point at issue.

Bottom line: listen to savage when he talks about the immigration problem or Political correctness.

But turn him off when he talks about Israel and the "war on terror."

Edited by: Solomon Kane


Apr 9, 2010
Solomon Kane said:

All we have done is give our opinion about Mike Savage. Basically, we have said he's67% good (on borders, language, culture. and domestic spending); 33% bad (on Israel and the "War on Terror").

If you look at the facts and listen to his show, that's an objective analysis of the man.

You keep making posts which are attacks on straw men or which are beside the point at issue.

Bottom line: listen to savage when he talks about the immigration problem or Political correctness.

But turn him off when he talks about Israel and the "war on terror."

I wish he was more pro israel tbh, and what annoys me with michael savage is that he wont admit the fact that its islam thats the root of all terrorism. The quran and haddiths are some of most viscious attacks on judeo christianity.

Why savage backs up those quranimals is beyond me. He claims its a peaceful religion.