Mexican Invasion


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "On the Border: Retreat?"

According to the earnest liars of Washington, the border is "as secure as it ever has been"Â￾ and is getting safer all the time, despite the ongoing complaints of people who actually live there. In May, the ever helpful President Obama promised 1200 National Guard troops would be sent to the border by August 1 (though they haven't arrived as yet).

However, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer appeared in a video in late June which showed her in the desert 80 miles north of the border near a sign that warned the public about the danger from Mexican drug cartels.

Sheriff Larry Deaver has heard a less cheerful story, that some Border Patrol agents are being pulled back from areas that are considered too dangerous by their superiors. Doesn't that mean that Mexican organized crime is taking over American territory as US border police essentially abandon it? Park land is being given up now; how long until ranchers are advised by Washington to vacate their property for safety considerations?
Cultural degeneracy, devaluation of citizenship, inability to defend our own borders...all that remains is being placed on history's ash heap.
An article entitled "House Acts to Take Back American Territory from Cartels"

There's good news from the House of Representatives, where positive small-ball immigration enforcement legislation was passed last week.

One example was Rep. Steve King's amendment to fund the removal of Mexican cartel spotters located in this country who direct the movement of drugs and aliens across the border and north.
If we had true defenders of the Republic on "Crapitol sHill", they'd extract all military personnel out of the Middle East (& from around the globe) and put the troops on the southern border...where they'll truly be defending our country. Instead, we have a bunch of racially castrated, morally bankrupt traitors co-opt'd & owned by the PTB & their Zionist allies.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Dixie in what you stated is why all of us have to get active in electing a person who believes in most of what we believe. I do not want to hear to hear "i'm setting this out, or I will not vote for the less of two evils or the PTB have it rigged already bs."

We must go out and try to make defend America!!!
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<cite id="yn-date"><abbr title="2011-06-16T09:45:35-0700" ="timedate">ThuJun16, 12:45pmET</abbr></cite>
<h1 id="yn-title">Mexican-American studies program nixed by Ariz. education chief</h1>
<cite id="yn-author">By Liz Goodwin</cite>

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top education official told Tucson educators they must stop teaching or
significantly alter a Mexican-American studies program that is
ostensibly in violation of a state law, or else lose millions of dollars
in funding from the state. There's just one problem--Arizona's own
investigation of the program found that there's nothing illegal about

EducationSuperintendentJohn Huppenthal says the
program, which is taught to about 650 high school juniors, violates last
year's controversial state law that bans K-12 programs that "promote
the overthrow of the U.S. government, promote resentment toward a race
or class of people, are designed primarily for pupils of one ethnic
group or advocate ethnic solidarity," according to The Arizona Republic's Emily Gersema.

The Tucson district can lose about $15 million--or 10
percent of all state aid--if they don't come in compliance within 60
days, the paper reports. However auditors hired by Huppenthal found no
issues with the Tucson program. And students support the program. "I get
really emotional because this class helped me a lot," Olivia Payne, an
African-American student told CNN. "We're a family. We're one, and it's
teaching us we can make a difference in this country. I don't want this
class to be taken away."


Huppenthal's auditors report that students
participating in the program graduated at a higher rate than their
counterparts who don't enroll in the program. "No observable evidence
was present to indicate that any classroom within TUSD is in direct
violation of the law," the auditors said, according to The Arizona Daily Star. They observed 40 percent of the classrooms participating in the program for 30 minutes each.

In concluding the program broke the law, Huppenthal
said some course materials referenced white people as "oppressors" and
stressed Hispanic unity. More than 90 percent of students enrolled in
the courses are Hispanic, which Huppenthal argues advocates "ethnic
solidarity" in violation of the law.

Huppenthal also criticized the course's website
for language he said indicatedit was originally designed for a
particular ethnic group: "formed specifically to enhance theacademic
success of Latino students." But thefull sentence says:
"While the Mexican American Studies Department was formed specifically
to enhance the academic success of Latino students, theeducational
model andcurriculum developed by the Mexican American Studies
Department help all students." Auditors said they did not find evidence
that the program was exclusionary, but raised concerns that the course
did not provide enough guidance to teachers to ensure all the materials
were appropriate at a high school level.

Tucson officials say the program has helped to lower
the city's high school dropout rate and improve attendance, since the
kids who take the courses feel more connected to the material. Tucson
administrators also say the curriculum is designed to make students
examine their assumptions about race and think critically about
traditional historical narratives.

Students in the program have told reporters they love the classes.

"Ethnic studies allow me to read and view and analyze
different forms of literature and learning from another perspective,"
student Krysta Diaz, 17, told EdWeek reporter Mary Ann Zehr.

Eleven teachers and the director of the Mexican American Studies Department are suing the state over the law
in federal court, arguing it violates the FirstAmendment. The former
schools superintendent, Tom Horne, had already decided the program was
not in compliance with the law before he left office, but Huppenthal
commissioned his own investigation before deciding.
Unfortunently, the alabama hispanics will end up in Illinois where our traitor politicians will welcom them with open arms and more entitlements
New immigrants are traditionally welcomed with a bible. Here the northern liberal states will welcome the Mexicans(I presume) with a bible and a direction pamphlet to the local social services office..:biggrin::thumbdown:
American Freedom News