Men These Days

Just got through running several errands and saw some worse (0r near the same level) as her (if you can imagine it), including an obese tattooed mudshark toting around her four mulatto spawn (sperm-donor not present, of course) which looked to be from ages 3-8. Another female looked like the lead fat member of Insane Clown Posse. Her face had some kind of weird makeup on it, like trying to look like a cat and she had tattoos up both sides of both arms. I probably saw over 200 women/girls while running my errands and not one of them was remotely appealing. Back in the early 80's you couldn't throw a wrench without hitting a pretty, slim and feminine one...that also smiled...and zero tattoos (of course).

Heretic -

Let’s get this straight. You saw over 200 women / girls while running your errands and not one of them was remotely appealing? Well, that’s quite a feat and immediately begs the question of the location(s) in which you ran those errands. Do you live in some sort of sprawling zoo enclosure reserved for fat, grotesquely tattooed lesbians sporting shaved heads or number one crew cuts? If, for example, you happened to reside in New Guinea or the Solomon Islands your statement wouldn’t raise an eyebrow but I assume you are based in the United States.

In all seriousness, where do you live? I’m not asking you to pinpoint your street address or anything but - given your astonishing declaration - I believe the question is fair and valid. It’s also a question I’ve posed previously in the wake of similar assertions you have made but I guess you must have somehow overlooked it:

Now, given your regular opinions about women and your repeated references to “Men’s Rights Activism” and “Men Going Their Own Way” websites, I have a sneaking suspicion that our lifelong interactions with - and subsequent perceptions of - females have been fundamentally different. For one thing, I don’t follow or spruik Youtube channels whose Paypal donation account addresses are listed as “AllWomenAreWhores”:

But each to his own.

Strangely enough, I see attractive and feminine women every day, be it at work, on the street, in shopping centres, or pretty much anywhere else I go. As I start each morning by seeing my lady, my visual strike rate is therefore 100% all year round.

Let’s use last Saturday as an example. My lady and I had to make a rare trip up to Sydney, so we drove to Sutherland, left the car at the railway station and caught a train into Central. The platform at Sutherland station was unexpectedly quite crowded in the late morning and as we only arrived a couple of minutes before the train was due I couldn’t see very far from where we were standing. Nevertheless, I quickly spotted a few young and not-so-young females who caught the eye. All were nicely dressed and looked - lo and behold! - pretty damn feminine. One girl who might have been somewhere between nineteen and twenty two or so instantly stood out: long, immaculate hair; perfectly proportioned, eye-popping (or load-popping, depending on the viewer’s level of ejaculatory control) athletic body dressed in a black top, deliciously tight black jeans and medium heel black ankle boots. In what must amount to a miracle in your part of the world, our bewitching sylph was smiling as she conversed with a number of friends…

But I guess that according to the hermeneutics of certain groups of males who, well, just have to go their own way because they’re always somehow “inexplicably” single, the very fact that the girl I described wears jeans makes her unfeminine and - furthermore - the tightness of those jeans marks her as a dirty whore utterly devoid of modesty and morals. But I’ll wager those MGTOW types “would if they could”…

Due to a series of signal failures (thanks Sydney Trains - sterling job, you ******* overpaid, inefficient, staunchly unionised bludgers…) our train arrived at Central almost forty minutes late. The Sydney CBD literally teems with Asians and every other piece of non-White garbage from even the farthest-flung dumps on the planet. Yet despite the yellow, brown, and black waves washing over every centimetre of the city I saw plenty of great looking, elegantly attired White women all over the place. Several gyms dot the area, so there was no shortage of very fit females clad in arse-and-leg-hugging lycra. Wait a minute, wait a minute - come to think of it, those preening, exhibitionist sluts should have been at home baking a cake or cleaning the oven or suckling a dozen kids or something…

But what the **** do I know? After all, I’m just a bloke who’s in a healthy long-term relationship with a woman… ;)
That looks like a quarter ton of chewed bubble gum.

She looks like a sexy pin up girl compared to this little sweetheart...


I've been tellin ya there's something in the water that's doing it. In fact I was just reading about tilapia fish and how they are all sex changed by feeding them hormones to make them grow bigger...

"US - According to a recent report, almost all tilapia sold in the U.S. is hormone drug treated and great quantity have undergone a sex change for the sake of company profit. According to a NaturalNews report, the low price of tilapia is achieved by converting the young females to males through the use of the hormone drug 17alpha-methytestosterone. .."
This article speaks of a declining sperm count in western men. This should be of no suprise given the coinciding rise of pantywaist "metrosexual" nancyboys, neocucks & pinko SJW snowflakes. It's no dadburn wonder these modernist milksops are severely lacking in the testosterone department. :gey:
I think it's most likely due to the negative effects of radiation from cell phone towers to cell phones, wireless Internet routers, web porn and third-wave Feminism combined with the introduction of GMOs about that time...since the article mentions that the trend is over the past 25 years. That would be my guess, at least.

Also, who the hell knows what's in those Chemtrails, which started about 15-20 years ago, although I haven't seen nearly as much activity where I'm at since Trump took office. I've read other people saying the same thing, but someone in California said they are still really bad there.
I think it's most likely due to the negative effects of radiation from cell phone towers to cell phones, wireless Internet routers, web porn and third-wave Feminism combined with the introduction of GMOs about that time...since the article mentions that the trend is over the past 25 years. That would be my guess, at least.

Also, who the hell knows what's in those Chemtrails, which started about 15-20 years ago, although I haven't seen nearly as much activity where I'm at since Trump took office. I've read other people saying the same thing, but someone in California said they are still really bad there.

Ive heard from several sources that food which has been in contact with plastic is the main reason. Dont drink out of plastic bottles, plastic molecules increase estrogen. Stay Away from Soy, fast food, Sugar. Fat cells in your body reduce Testosterone, so get lean. A violent hobby like fighting increases T, so make the heavy bag your best friend. I realize i sound like a know it all, this is just what ive picked up from People much smarter than me.
Ive heard from several sources that food which has been in contact with plastic is the main reason. Dont drink out of plastic bottles, plastic molecules increase estrogen. Stay Away from Soy, fast food, Sugar. Fat cells in your body reduce Testosterone, so get lean. A violent hobby like fighting increases T, so make the heavy bag your best friend. I realize i sound like a know it all, this is just what ive picked up from People much smarter than me.
Yes, it's a combination of many factors, diet being another one for sure.

I just stumbled upon this obesity chart from a link from DrudgeReport. Note that the only category above 40% are American women. I'm not surprised, and that's just obese, not "overweight" or "fat", which would probably put it around 80%. I'm guessing this isn't motivating many men in this country either.
I tend to agree with Heretic, I dont see "many" good looking attractive white women most days as they are being drown out by the fat, obese, tatted up swamp donkeys. I have noticed the attractive ones are getting fewer and fewer and a good estimate would be 2 in 10 and I live in a city of 38,000 people. I also tend to think that if a white man has not found a good solid white woman in todays society the chances are getting worse as women become more and more aggressive and feminist thinking. I hate to say this but in my little town on average the skinny ones are the Asians, the well dressed ones are Asians, the ones with no tattoos are Asians...Most white women are swamp donkeys now...

My very best friend is single, 47 and cannot find a decent white woman in his age range, sad but very true. I can also tell you my friend has his act together just the "modern" DWF mostly acts likes 20 y old boys looking to screw as many as possible, party and drink and carries a ton of baggage, resentment towards men.

For us who are in this situation of being divorced or unmarried between ages 35-55 it is a big shyte sandwich, for those of us who are happily married to a white woman it all seems a bit strange to see points like Heretics or mine.