

Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
How the black mind works.

[url] FEUD?[/url]

DETROIT (AP) -- Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb injected a race element into his rift with Terrell Owens on Wednesday, saying the receiver's criticism amounted to "black-on-black crime."

In November, responding to a question from Michael Irvin during an ESPN interview, Owens said Philadelphia would likely be in a better situation if Brett Favre was the quarterback instead of the banged-up McNabb

(sip)"It was like, it's unreal," McNabb said. "That's like me going out and saying, `Hey, if we had Steve Largent. If we had Joe Jurevicius. It was definitely a slap in the face to me. It was a slap in the face because, as deep as people want to go into it, it was black-on-black crime."

(snip) "It's different to say, `If we had Michael Vick or Daunte Culpepper or Steve McNair or Byron Leftwich," McNabb said of four black starting quarterbacks. "But to go straight to Brett Favre, that kind of just slapped me in the face like, `Wow ...'"
Jan 6, 2006
I hate to side with TO on anything, but isn't it possible he didn't want to play with Vick, Culpepper, McNair or Leftwich? McNabb is the race-baiter here.


Nov 25, 2004
TO and the entire black community should focus their energy on committing crimes only against white people. Only then will we rid ourselves of the evilest of all evil - "Black on Black Crime".


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree with Owen's position here, as I think I stated some time ago in the orginal thread on his comments. McDrabb is a sore loser, and he hates white players. Why didn't he just come out and say he does? Cause he's a coward too!Edited by: Colonel_Reb

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I disagree with both Owens and McNabb.

Owens is a selfish, me-first, me-only player who appears to use other people only for his benefit, be they black, white or red.

Having said that, I do not think Owens meant it as a racial slur when he agreed with Michael Irvin, who was actually the one who suggested that the Eagles would be better off with Favre, not Owens. Owens agreed with Irvin when asked, but did not proffer this comment on his own.

McNabb is obviously a racist. It is apparent from his comment that he believes it is okay to make derogatory remarks against a white player but not about a black one. McNabb said it was like saying the Eagles would have been better off with Joe Jurevicius than Owens. Well you know what, Donnie? They would have been. And still would be. No one outside of those of here on Caste Football would dare to admit with such a thought, but the truth is not the truth simply because few people know it.

I haven't been able to keep up with the publicity on this incident. Apparently even Hugh Douglas has made disparaging remarks about McNabb as well. I know the radidiot on ESPN this afternoon said he (the radidiot) did not agree with McNabb's statement that this was 'black on black crime.'

The problem I have with this whole situation is the underlying theme that seems to be lost in the media's perception of this event (surprise surprise,) which is that blacks can disparage whites but not each other. That blacks must support other blacks no matter how egregious their behavior or faults. That attitudes and ideas permitted to blacks are permitted to no other race. How many white quarterbacks could get away with saying something like this:

Joe Jurevicius said after the game that Hasselbeck's inability to scramble cost them the game, and that if the Seahawks had a quarterback with the running ability of Mike Vick, they'd have won the Super Bowl.

"It's white on white crime, for Jurevicius to say he'd rather have Mike Vick as a quarterback," said Matt Hasselbeck today, in reference to Jurevicius remarks earlier in the day after the Seahawks lost to the Steelers in the Super Bowl."

GET REAL. Edited by: White Shogun


Apr 14, 2005
Yeah even my one friend who happens to be black says McNabb is a complete idiot. McNabb has no one on his side now no even his "own people".

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Poor frickin' McNabb is all butt-hurt because another brother thinks he sucks at playing quarterback! BOO-F***ING HOO!

How dare Owens to even AGREE with the proposition that there might be a WHITE quarterback who plays the position better than Donovan McCRAP! Let's shut down the NFL! No more white quarterbacks! Lets make it a completely black league so no one will EVER have to worry about criticizing a brother - the NEGRO FOOTBALL LEAGUE! Hell, we're 90% of the way there anyway, why not go all the way? I'm sure I can find something else to do with my Sunday afternoon.

I can't wait to see if ESPN will put McCrap on the list to win the "Just Shut Up" award. No one in recent memory deserves it more than he does for his idiotic remarks. Not even Joey Porter, and thats saying something. Edited by: White Shogun

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I apologize for the double post:

I went to and nominated McNabb for the "Just Shut Up" award.

Here is my email:

Donovan McNabb, for his remark that Owen's comments regarding Favre were "black on black" crime. Its a ridiculous thing to say and is blatantly racist. Is McNabb trying to imply that no black athlete can prefer a white player over a black one, regardless of the circumstances? Thats what his statement implies, and he should be told to, "JUST SHUT UP!"

If you would like to do the same, here is the link:
Just Shut Up nomineeEdited by: White Shogun


Feb 18, 2005
McNabb probably had the best image of any of the black quarterbacks until this. McNair was arrested last year, Culpepper was on the orgy boat, Vick is Ron Mexico. Eventually almost all black athletes get arrested or say or do something idiotic.


Nov 7, 2004
White Shogun, the Phila. Daily News headline yesterday had the same sentiment: "DONOVAN, CORK THAT WHINE!"


The Duke

Jan 19, 2006
McNabb was raised in a middle class, mostly white suburb. He doesn't have the ghetto upbringing that the media loves to use to excuse black dysfunctional behavior. The great mass of white football fans are easily duped, but McNabb's remarks were so stupid and out of proportion that he's caused a lot of damage to the pristine image the media has given him. That's fine with me.