McNabb Attacked by NAACP Head

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's little short of amazing how out of touch with reality almost all black "leaders" are. The head of the Philadelphia branch of the NAACP blistered Donovan McNabb in his own black Philly newspaper on Sunday, essentially calling him an Uncle Tom because he doesn't still run around like a deer fleeing headlights at the first opportunity. Wanting to be a pocket quarterback is selling out according to this mentality.

I became aware of this article by listening to Dan Patrick on ESPN radio interviewing Charles Barkley about it this afternoon. Barkley was really ripping into American blacks, saying how they want to act like Terrell Owens rather than McNabb and how they love to tear down the McNabb "company types" as sellouts and Toms. Barkley shows good common sense at times, though his pathetic command of the language is illustrative of how his hiring as a commentator is an affirmative action joke.

Here's the attack piece on McNabb:

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Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Wow! He gives it to McNabb with both barrels. It amazes me just how many blacks prefer Owens , Irvin, Moss and other bad characters over Donovan. I guess not being a criminal is tantamount to being an Uncle Tom. Ha ha.

I heard the mouse like Keith Olbermann discussing this onPatrick's radio show this afternoon. Didn't catch all of it but he did his usual anti-white shtick. They were talking about McNabb, the NAACP piece and running quarterbacks etc. He implied how silly it was for him and Patrick to critique the situation by saying, something like, ' Here we are two white guys who couldn't run to the left or either to the right for that matter.' Okay fine, he could have said, here we are two guys, but no, he had to throw in - two white guys- as a negative description.

When Michael the lying weasel Irvin came back to the show after misssing an entire week ( how horrible) they just about kissed his crack -- pipe on the air. They all joked around and laughed it off.
Apr 30, 2005
That article disgested me to the point that I might become a McNabb fan.

Athletes are going to lose mobility as they age and as injuries pile up. McNabb isn't being an "Uncle Tom" by changing his style he's adjusting to reality. Something I'd like see a lot more of in this world.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I wonder why Vick is the media darling and McNabb is not (or is no longer?)

McNabb is a better quarterback than Vick.
McNabb is more successful than Vick, having been to 4 NFC Championship games and 1 Super Bowl.
McNabb has a better reputation than Vick off the field, e.g. he hasn't given anyone herpes and hasn't had to use an alias (that we know of anyway)
And, last time I checked, McNabb is also black.

What do you think, why the discrepancy in the way they're treated, by both blacks and now, white media apologists?

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Vick keeps it real.