Mcdonalds commercial


Oct 10, 2006
White girl is saved from making an awfull mistake of going out on a date with a white guy. She was suffering from hunger induced lack of judgement. Thankfully a black dude saves the day and brings her a snackwrap. She eats it and says what was i thinking??? The black guy nods his head in agreeance.

Just another reason not to eat that crap they serve couched as food.
I wonder if McDonalds realizes how many White customers they have lost by presenting these,and many other commercials with the same theme?.
Dane Cook was right, you CAN find anything on YouTube!
It doesn't come across as an interracial dating thing at all, the girl seems ambiguous toward the black guy, who I got the impression was gay from the commercial. Still semi effed up though that she turns down a date from a decent white guy to eat a $1.29 snack with a flamer!Edited by: JoeV
I would argue that most people won't even notice it. Too dang many sheeple out there! Only the racially aware and some older people will even notice it.
Colonel_Reb said:
I would argue that most people won't even notice it. Too dang many sheeple out there! Only the racially aware and some older people will even notice it.

The director probably figured he could send a subliminal message to some teenage white girls while selling greasy food. Hawking McD's and denigrating white men, sounds like a great idea for a commercial.
Im always amazed at the young,perky,attrative white teens females that work at the counter in McDonalds commercials. The reality in this state is that most are fat, lazy, angry,sullen,black females who act as if its a burden to wait upon you.
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