McCain overtakes Obama



McCain Overtakes Obama

Good news for people against hate crime laws, against affirmative action, and against more tax money for minorities.As a paleo-conservative Ron Paul Republican, I will happily cast my vote for McCain-Palin.As well as work to take the only party that represents white interests back from the neo-cons.

If Barr or Baldwin splits the white vote, it would only guarantee an Obama victory. Yes, right out of the Zionist/Communist playbook.Nice.

From an insightful comment posted elsewhere:

"Sarah Palin is as close to a true libertarian as you are ever going to see in your lifetime - and, in all seriousness, if she and McCain are elected, then, she would be literally a heartbeat away from becoming the President [and that's a cancer-ridden, *******-sodomized 72-year-old heart which very well could give way at any moment].

I mean, good grief - her husband was a secessionist as recently as maybe a decade ago.

And for the ostensibly pro-life Ron Paul to run against a candidate like Sarah Palin - who is clearly the most pro-life politician I have ever seen in my life - is positively satanic.

This Ayn Randian nihilism that you and Brimelow and Paul all harbor is absolutely suicidal - it is consuming you and destroying you, and, to the extent that you are aiding and abetting a tribalist bolshevik like Obama Soetoro, is a treason which is capable of destroying the entire nation.

Because of dysgenic fertility, you will NEVER AGAIN IN YOUR LIFETIME have a libertarian this close to the presidency - in fact, owing to dysgenic fertility, the GOP might not even be able to win another national election after about 2012.

For attempting to destroy her candidacy, you and Brimelow deserve to burn in hell. And no, I'm not kidding. You treasonous rat bastards. "

Edited by: 89Glory
Hey 89Glory, just read on Drudge that McCain/Palin are up 10 points in the USAToday poll!

I think alot of whites are waking up and decided that "playtime and fanatsy" is over with BO/Biden.

These upcoming debates will expose BO to the novice and hustler he is. Also looking forward to Palin and Biden debate.

Both of these fools(BO/Biden) will be stepping all over there cr.nks.
Couple other tidbits for you guys:

Read on one blog today that an AOL online poll was shut down after McCain went up by more than 50,000 votes over Obama. The numbers were something like 60,000+ to 10,000+. The initial consensus was that AOL users are more conservative than the nation as a whole, so the results would be skewed. Someone then pointed out that prior to the Palin nomination and in other polls, Obama was ahead, and that AOL poll results are notorious for leaning to the left.

On some morning show with George Stephanapoulous, Obama 'admitted' he was a Muslim, at least that's the way the Washington Post is running with the story. They were discussing the nature of the left's attacks against Palin, and Stephanwhosit asked Obama about the Muslim issue. Obama said 'McCain has never mentioned my Muslim faith - ' at which point George Stepahanahole interrupted him and said, "Christian faith,' and Obama corrected himself and said 'Yes, Christian faith...'

Slip of the tongue? Freudian slip?
I have a sense that the dems are starting to s..t in their pants. I suspect the Obama candidacy will start to implode the next two weeks.

It seems that BO has already began to step on his cr.nk. The most recent was his statement of being a Muslim. The hits will just begin to snow ball. Alot of people forget that he limped over the finish line against Hillory.

I also believe the McCain feels that an encore performance of Rev Wright should be put forward. This will be one of the nails in BO's coffin. I am loving it.
Kukulcan said:
I have a sense that the dems are starting to s..t in their pants. I suspect the Obama candidacy will start to implode the next two weeks.

It seems that BO has already began to step on his cr.nk. The most recent was his statement of being a Muslim. The hits will just begin to snow ball. Alot of people forget that he limped over the finish line against Hillory.

I also believe the McCain feels that an encore performance of Rev Wright should be put forward. This will be one of the nails in BO's coffin. I am loving it.

The Democrat party is suffering from buyers remorse right now. They should have gone with Hillary. She wasn't and isn't a sure thing general election wise but she would have had more of a chance than Obama has. Palin continues to be a masterful and brilliant stroke by McCain. I do wonder if he will regret picking her a couple of years from now when she starts to show her independent streak in the White House. But it's all about getting there for him, he will worry about her later.Edited by: guest301
I hate to rain on your parade, but McCain is WORSE then obama, he is a pawn of the jews, he will provoke war with russia, iran and any other nation the jews dont like, not that obama is much better, but i think he would not be as submissive to the jews and thier agenda as McCain, just my 2 cents worth.
did anyone see Biden on Meet the Press? Tom Brokaw (sp?) went after him hard! he had Biden squirming in his seat and towards the end of the interview, you could tell Biden was miffed at the questions. i think maybe the MSM is finally starting to take the gloves off. hopefully Biden will mess up during the vp debate.
I would rather have Obama win than Mccain. McCain is f**king nuts, and he will cause a lot of major distruptions in the world if he becomes president. Please consider this before you vote.
The corporate military industrial complex have made their choice as far as I'm concerned and it's not the half negro. Should obama win he will be used as the fall guy as the system collapses. I am almost certain of this as I am that oprah will host the party at obama's inauguration if he wins. Slowly but surely the powers that be will dig up every dirt in obama's graveyard and bury him. All this talk about white people starting to be afraid of an obama presidency or starting to see through the smokescreen is bullsh*t. Obama doesn't fit into the plans of the corporate military industrail complex.
You "McCain is nuts" guys remind me of the leftists back in 1980, saying Reagan was too aggressive and going to start WW3 with Russia. Newsflash for you guys: in foreign affairs, Strength Works. In inter-racial conflicts (like conflicts between nations), the worst thing you can be, is WEAK.

johnyboy, did you see that Oberman and Matthews have been "demoted" this morning? Looks like the Palin choice has really changed the game. The pro-left media suddenly realized that going negative is counter-productive, so they are trying to revise their strategy.

Shogun: I think BOs "Muslim admission" is more evidence of his native stupidity, like that "57 state" comment. Because of his grandiose negro speechifyin', he's got everyone fooled how smart he is, but he is actually kinda dumb. In my line of work, I have met many minority academics just like him: they bloviate to cover their lack of insight.Just average intellects (at best) who have been over-educated. They are deathly afraid of being exposed as frauds.Edited by: 89Glory
McCain will win...politically Palin was a brilliant choice. no question.

89Glory--I disagree--but where is that allegedly insightful comment from? I would like to read it in its entirety. Vdare?

I too hope that McCain will either convert to paleo-conservatism or croak (in a state of grace, one ought to wish) after the inauguration, but are either of these *likely* to happen? Should a libertarian or paleo-con vote on the basis of this faint chance?

Re death: People often hang on long after they are written off--look at John Paul II and his 10 year vatican death watch...

***Secondly, McCain only needs a week to plan and start WW3 with our white brothers in Russia.***

Thirdly, Palin has shown little "independence" so far. Her speech was scripted by neocon Michael Scully and echoed the Bush party line that 'victory in Iraq is in sight'. There are indications that she holds Bush party line views on Israel as well.

again I say...she's the friggin *VP* candidate! all such candidates... you have to give up your independence to be a part of the team!
btw, does anyone know the constitutional rules if the president elect dies before taking the oath of office? Does the VP-elect automatically become the new president-elect?
McGuffie said:
I would rather have Obama win than Mccain. McCain is f**king nuts, and he will cause a lot of major distruptions in the world if he becomes president. Please consider this before you vote.
Can't be anymore nuts than Bush II, who might as well have been consulting oracles while being the President.
Solomon Kane said:
btw, does anyone know the constitutional rules if the president elect dies before taking the oath of office? Does the VP-elect automatically become the new president-elect?
Should be the same as assassination and deaths while in the office.
89Glory--there was a reason for Reagan to put up a bold front in the 80's---Russia was a communist nation then. Moreover, nterventionism was prudent and limited--see Grenada. But once Reagan saw the possibility for reform in the Soviet Union, he abandoned the stupid ideology that says the Russia was eternally committed to Communism. And Reagan promised not to expand NATO to the borders of Russia--which some of his successors have provocatively done.

McCain talks like an idiot ("Bomb, bomb, bomb iran"), supported the anti-white bombings of Serbia, the pro-Israeli Iraq war ("why not stay in Iraq 100 years? 1,000 years?"), is even more of a toady to Israel than Bush (don't forget his lineage--his father--admiral mccain presided over the whitewash of israelis in their attack on our boys in the USS Liberty), and is even more pro-amnesty than Bush.
Solomon, the comment is from the comment section on Steve Sailer's blog.

The perfect can be the enemy of the good. While McCain is far from perfect, he is A LOT better than B.O., even on the foreign policy issues you mention.

When it comes to the racial agenda of B.O. (reparations, more affirmative action, more welfare), McCain is light years better.

Also, when it comes to appointing judges, McCain has promised to favor constitutionalists, which is just about as good as we can hope for.

Even if Palin doesn't inherit the Presidency through death, she will be in prime position as VP to be the next elected president.

In the end, B.O. is a white-hating racist Marxist ideologue, as are all his followers. He is the absolute worst case scenario for paleoconservative whites, and he must be stopped.
89glory, So we should vote for McCain to keep the Neocons out? I looked up neocon in dictionary and it said "see John McCain."

I also wonder how someone that seems to be pro-war and says "news flash, in foreign policy strength works" could be a Ron Paul supporter. I don't buy it. I think you're trying to convince the many true Ron Paul supporters on this site to vote for your beloved McCain.

Anywho, I predicted on this site long ago that Obama was being put on pedestal to beat Hillary so that the Republicans would actually have a chance with perhaps the worst presidential candidate to come along since ..... well George Bush. Now the negative will come out on Obama 10 fold. Remember the Rev. Wright story was on here months before it it the MSM. Why? Nobody interested in a blockbuster story? Or, more likely it was to get Hillary out of there. Like or not (I don't) she would have won easily.

Isn't it funny how the supposedly "liberal bias" (real meaning; Democrat bias - both parties are liberal) in the MSM can't do one negative story on McCain? No Keating five stories, no interviewing of former stripper girlfriends, no misstresses of the many can be found, no stories on crime family connections, no stories on the many lobbiest, and virtually no criticism at all? Strange isn't it? Not so strange when you understand the stranglehold the media has on us. In fact, pretty predictable.
Perception, it kills hopes and aspirations. Having a Blk in the White House combined with the constant disparging comments toward whites in entertainment, commericals and sports will have a negative effect on whites and their youth.

I think it is imperative to Keep the White House White! We can work on MSM and sports but having this black in the White House will be difficult. I have read some posters who think that a BO adminstration will be good for whites. It will make whites rise up, are you f..cking kidding me! Look at these drunken whites fawn over these negro convicts playing in the NFL.

Right now as I post, there are millions of stupid whites who think BO is the answer and are giving him millions to be lead by this racist blk marxist. Just say no, and support Palin, oh I mean McCain/Palin. They would be so much better for the whites. IMO.

Also when you have military, especially a great military every now and then you want to see how it works. Men in the military feel the same way, trust me. So if that means killing 1000's of terrorist, let them do it. In the end, two goals are satisfied, killing our enemies and showing our military should not be messed with, while sending the message. A bonus is that our warriors moral will hit the roof.
If your ex-military I will cut you some slack for that statement. But soldiers aren't pawns for "great" leaders to play with. Ask any parent or wife, sibling or good friend of someone who doesn't come home for this misadventure what they think of GB II and his lies about weapons of mass destruction. Afghanistan is one thing since that government financed terrorism and it's the main exporter of opium to the world. Iraq is a total farce.
WIR your right I was in the arm forces. I am only stating what I and 1000s of ground pounders believe. For example, take a fighter pilot. He recieves 1000s of hours of training which cost millions of dollars. When he is flying F-18, F-16 or F-15 he wants to see if all that training and his ability will fare in combat. Of course he does! Same can be said for the ground forces.

We have professional military force, not a draft, we all accepted that we were trained to kill. The parents and wives should accept this. If we die, we die performing our job, in which we get paid.

I hear from the left and here that the Iraq War was based on lies. If someone has actual proof that GB II lied, I would help in convicting him. To date no one has. So we can either argue an opinion or state the facts, and let the chips fall where they fall.

Its the job of the senate and congress to find out the lies. To date, they have not nor have they do anything for the American people. Truely the worst performing congress in history.
Powell has stated it(he was duped) between the lines. His resigning the Secretary of State portfolio also speaks volumes to me. Here are the details from Wilkepedia about the controversy.. in the Bush administration, Powell was perceived as moderate. Powell's great asset was his tremendous popularity among the American people. Over the course of his tenure he traveled less than any other U.S. Secretary of State in 30 years. Powell was unanimously voted in by the United States Senate.

On September 11, 2001, Powell was in Lima, Peru, meeting with President Alejandro Toledo and US Ambassador to Peru John Hamilton, and attending the special session of the OAS General Assembly that subsequently adopted the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

After September 11, Powell's job became of critical importance in managing America's relationships with foreign countries in order to secure a stable coalition in the War on Terrorism.

In April 2002, he visited the site of the alleged Jenin Massacre in the West Bank and later said while testifying to Congress, "I've seen no evidence that would suggest a massacre took place." Details of the events were unclear at the time, Shimon Peres was quoted by Ha'aretz speaking of a massacre and IDF estimates of the dead were in the 100s. Later investigations by human rights organizations and the United Nations placed the number of deaths amongst Palestinians at 52.

Powell came under fire for his role in building the case for the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. In a press statement on February 24, 2001 he had said that sanctions against Iraq had prevented the development of any weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein. As was the case in the days leading up to the Persian Gulf War, Powell was initially opposed to a forcible overthrow of Hussein, preferring to continue a policy of containment. However, Powell eventually agreed to go along with the Bush administration's determination to remove Hussein. He had often clashed with others in the administration, who were reportedly planning an Iraq invasion even before the September 11 attacksâ€â€￾an insight supported by testimony by former terrorism czar Richard Clarke in front of the 9/11 Commission. The main concession Powell wanted before he would offer his full support for the Iraq War was the involvement of the international community in the invasion, as opposed to the unilateral approach some advocated. He was also successful in persuading Bush to take the case of Iraq to the United Nations, and in moderating other initiatives. Powell was placed at the forefront of this diplomatic campaign.
Computer-generated image of an alleged mobile production facility for biological weapons, presented by Colin Powell at the UN Security Council. On 27th May 2003, US and UK experts examined the trailers and declared they had nothing to do with biological weapons.
Computer-generated image of an alleged mobile production facility for biological weapons, presented by Colin Powell at the UN Security Council. On 27th May 2003, US and UK experts examined the trailers and declared they had nothing to do with biological weapons.

Powell's chief role was to garner international support for a multi-national coalition to mount the invasion. To this end, Powell addressed a plenary session of the United Nations Security Council on February 5, 2003 to argue in favor of military action. Citing "numerous" anonymous Iraqi defectors, Powell asserted that "there can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce more, many more."[11] Powell also stated that there was "no doubt in my mind" that Saddam was working to obtain key components to produce nuclear weapons.[12]

Most observers praised Powell's oratorical skills. However, Britain's Channel 4 News reported soon afterwards that a UK intelligence dossier that Powell had referred to as a "fine paper" during his presentation had been based on old material and plagiarized an essay by an American graduate student.[13][14] A 2004 report by the Iraq Survey Group concluded that the evidence that Powell offered to support the allegation that the Iraqi government possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) was inaccurate.

A Senate report on intelligence failures would later detail the intense debate that went on behind the scenes on what to include in Powell's speech. State Department analysts had found dozens of factual problems in drafts of the speech. Some of the claims were taken out, but others were left in, such as claims based on the yellowcake forgery.[15] The administration came under fire for having acted on faulty intelligence. Reports have indicated that Powell himself was skeptical of the evidence presented to him. Powell later recounted how Vice President Cheney had joked with him before he gave the speech, telling him, "You've got high poll ratings; you can afford to lose a few points." Larry Wilkerson later characterized Cheney's view of Powell's mission as to "go up there and sell it, and we'll have moved forward a peg or two. Fall on your damn sword and kill yourself, and I'll be happy, too."[16]

In September 2005, Powell was asked about the speech during an interview with Barbara Walters and responded that it was a "blot" on his record. He went on to say, "It will always be a part of my record. It was painful. It's painful now."[17]

Mr. Powell's longtime aide-de-camp Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson said that he participated in a hoax on the American people in preparing Mr. Powell's erroneous testimony before the United Nations Security Council.[18]

Because Powell was seen as more moderate than most figures in the administration, he was spared many of the attacks that have been leveled at more controversial advocates of the invasion, such as Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. At times, infighting between the Powell-led State Department, the Rumsfeld-led Defense Department, and Vice President Dick Cheney's office had the effect of paralyzing the administration on crucial issues, such as what actions to take regarding Iran and North Korea.Edited by: white is right
WIR "IF" this is proof, how come the democratic congress who hate GBII have no acted on it? Before they were elected the majority back in 2006, they stated impeachment proceedings would go forward. For some mystical reason they have not. Could you please explain the reason they are sitting on their hands regarding this evidence of High crimes/lies?

I look forward to your response.
What does a blot on his record mean? Read between the lines. You sound like the original OJ jury who interpreted the evidence at a grade 4 level. Plus Powell would have to turn his back on all his friends and he would be on the outs with the Georgetown crowd.Edited by: white is right
WIR whats with the insults? I requested answer from you as to WHY this democratic/liberal congress has not gone forward in implicating GB II in lies you confidently asserted.

I can spend time in memorial reading "in between the lines", frankly I don't the time. As I have stated in previous posts, I base my thinking and decisions on evidence and facts presented. I suspect congress thinks the evidence you presented is weak.

I just want your answer to why no action is being taken now against Dayba.
They need Powell's help and he won't do it. The line from Goodfellas about "never rat on your friends and keep your mouth shut" applies here.
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