Mayweather VS De La Hoya


Sep 4, 2005
Here We Go..
5th may..
Mayweather VS De La Hoya..
I think that De La Hoya can won..But he need to be more physical..Mayweather is more faster but De La Hoya is really more stronger..De La Hoya have a great chin..Mayweather doesn't beat anybody in 147lbs..Gatti,Baldomir is class B..De La Hoya is one of the better boxer off all-time..Mayweather think he is one of the better in the history..But he never fight against Mosley,Wright,Trinidad,B-Hop,Calzaghe,Hatton,Collazo...
The fight will be at 154lbs..

So what do you think?
I still go with Mayweather. Oscar de la Hoya is well past his prime and does not handle speed well. Mayweather is one of the best of all time. If he wins he will be a champ in 5 weight classes.

I'd still like to see Ricky Hatton get a crack at Mayweather at 140. Hatton has the street fighting style to bring Mayweather down (though Mayweather would certainly be the favorite against Ricky).
Oscar has had 1 fight in the last 2 years, he will probably be easy pickings for FLyd at this point. Mayweather should be fighting Sugar Shane instead, Mosley has the speed and the power to take it too him and win.
De La Hoya is very good, but a bit shy of great. Floyd is my number one pound for pound (doesn't mean I'm a fan). The Baldomir fight was a big bore. I don't know, maybe Oscar can bring out the entertaining side of Mayweather.
The best thing about this matchup is the potential Dallas like family angle with Floyd Sr and Jr. The key to the bout is the weight requirement. Knowing Oscar he will want the fight at the 154 limit. If Floyd were fighting a true jr middle he would be in trouble, but Oscar is a blown up fighter like himself. I think this fight will be a replay of Mosley vs Oscar I.
I think it will be more of a mismatch than most people suspect. De La Hoya can handle those fighters that come right at him and stay in front of him.....Vargas, Mayorga, etc....but Mayweather will be almost impossible for De La Hoya to hit and should easily outpoint him.

I agree with Bunnyman about Hatton getting a shot....but his only hope would be to turn the fight into a brawl like Duran did in the first fight with Leonard. Would love to see him get a chance, though.
I'd rather see Mayweather fight Antonio Margarito. Floyd's ducking him for a reason.

I for one won't pay PPV dollars to watch De La Hoya - Mayweather. It will be a boring fight with Mayweather on his bicycle all night long. But the PPV numbers will be huge because of De La Hoya anyway, no matter who he fights.
Calzaghe is way too big for Mayweather. It would be an easy win for him. Mayweather won't go above this weight class for a fight.
De la Hoya's one of my favourite fighters,great text book boxer.I've always seen De la hoya as white,he looks to be of wholly white spanish descent to me.Many of Mexico's great fighters like JC Chavez,Salvador Sanchez were the same.Being Mexican ,their not seen that way though and are lumped in with the rest of the mestizo's.I want and think De la hoya will win this fight.Way more fire power,he obliterated bigger stronger men in Mayorga and Vargas and if he lands them same sort of punches on Mayweather he should stop him. I always thought Kosta Tzuy would beat Mayweather by keeping him on the outside with quick straight hard punches and this maybe the way for Oscar too.If De la hoya's jab and straight right are working,i cant see how Mayweather can get inside and De la hoya's quick so Mayweather dos'nt have too much of an advantage their.Just my opinion though.
I've always wondered about his ethnic makeup. He's a chameleon. It depends on who the audience is, I guess. They darken him for the Mexicans and lighten him up for the whites. As he ages, he seems to be getting a puffier face and looks less white. I wasn't able to use the pic I found, it wouldn't work.


Edited by: Bart
Interesting pic lineup, Bart.

I live in the heart of Latino country, so I see plenty of Hispanic men and women who look like De La Hoya, as well as many who are much lighter and more fair of head than he. In other places I've lived, I knew white men who were of the same skin tone and hair color and texture.

What about this fellow, white or Latino?


Or this one?


I'll disclose who they are in my next post, if no one else can identify them.

Let's be crystal clear about one thing: De La Hoya identifies himself as Latino, particularly Mexican. He would probably be insulted if he thought someone considered him to be white.
Looks like Rock Hudson and Donny Osmond - both white.

Oscar is a mostly-white Hispanic. But he always has linked himself to being a Mexican first. Never heard anything anti-white come from his mouth. But he has made racial comments about blacks - particularly about Pernell Whitaker.
What did he say about Pernell, Bunnyman?

A long time ago, Oscar was less concerned about his heritage. But when he fought Julio Cesar Chavez, he had to 'come out' as Latino. He was even derided at the time for not being a 'real Mexican.' Once he beat Chavez, though, they needed someone to hang their hats on to replace Chavez, and De La Hoya was it.
Bart said:
I've always wondered about his ethnic makeup. He's a chameleon. It depends on who the audience is, I guess. They darken him for the Mexicans and lighten him up for the whites. As he ages, he seems to be getting a puffier face and looks less white. I wasn't able to use the pic I found, it wouldn't work.

Oscar's maternal side is white latino I have seen his maternal grandmother and she was a blonde lady. His dad is mestizo though. Also his white image made him a superstar that crossed over. When he first turned pro he was marketed as American first ethnic Mexican second. After he became the black killer he became Mexican first American second. He has in the past been chided for being a sellout and acquiring burgeoise tastes. There is a joke in the Latino community that the more money you make the whiter you become.........
White Shogun said:
about this fellow, white or Latino?


Or this one?


It's not just hair and skin, it's also facial features. When a "Hispanic" is wholly or mostly Indian, it's obvious by the facial features: broad nose and slanted eyes (not like an Asian but still slanted) being the two features that I notice the most. Since we're talking about boxers, Mayorga and Baldomir come to mind. The two photos above don't exhibit those facial features. They just have black hair.

De La Hoya clearly has European ancestry. You can see a little "Indian" in his eyes and nose, but I'm looking for it. He could definitely pass for Southern European. But you're right that he identifies as "Latino," and nobody else considers him white either.


Ricardo Mayorga


Carlos Baldomir


Oscar De La Hoya


Pretty big difference! Edited by: JD074
JD, good points.

I left out the more obvious comparisons that use eyes and other facial features though because there would be no question that they're not white.
Remember Ernie "Indian Red" Lopez, and his little brother Danny "Little Red" Lopez? They had Mexican and Indian in them, along with a lot of I think Irish. They were both redheads with very fair skin. Danny especially could walk down a Dublin street and not stand out.Edited by: Hockaday
Winky Wright was quoted as saying that he thinks De La Hoya will win. Does he really believe that, or does he just want to fight De La Hoya?
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