Here is where I'm going to get called a troll but yes Borghi is fast and an excellent receiver out of the backfield the one thing that kept him from getting drafted is he just dosent have the ability to make people miss. EVERY single highlight I watched oh him last year he can only bounce out to the outside. He just currently does not have the ability to run between the tackles. The same thing was said about McCaffrey and I knew this was a fallacy because Ive watched every conceivable McCaffrey highlight since high school. To me Borghi is a poor man's Sam McGuffie. Sam was great in the open field but when pressed in tight he just didint have the jukes to make tacklers miss much in tight spaces. Borghi will probably make the practice squad but as long as Jonathan Taylor is as dominant as he is Borghi will be a SWTD at best. Feel free to disagree with me. Communication is the source of progress for people.