Matthew Boling 9.98, 19.92, 44.84 and 8.25 LJ

Two blazing 200 times for Matt Boling today in the U20 championships: prelim 20.30 (w 2.3); final 20.36 (w 0.7). Boling destroyed the field in both races. In the final second place was 20.59, third place 20.84, fourth place 21.09 . . . .
You know, I have to say in those 100 vids he did look Lemaitresque in his top speed. He came from behind both times. I hope more plyo and weights are in his future. With a great start he can easily break 10.10 before the summer is out.
Two blazing 200 times for Matt Boling today in the U20 championships: prelim 20.30 (w 2.3); final 20.36 (w 0.7). Boling destroyed the field in both races. In the final second place was 20.59, third place 20.84, fourth place 21.09 . . . .

Simply incredible that a teenager at the end of the long season can still put up these types of incredible times. Think about how he ran 2 100 meter heats, 6 long jumps, and 2 200 meters runs all in the same weekend after he has been running all year. Matthew Boling is a Phenom! He won the under 20 national champs in the 100, 200 and only lost the long jump champ gold medal by an inch! What more can the kid do? A true superstar who we need to keep a close eye on. He has become my favorite sprinter to watch!
the 200 final:

and his 200 semifinal:

The announcer on the final got it right, he was pushed for about 140m then as the announcer said "his superior speed" allowed him to pull away. Thanks for the videos!
the 200 final:

One last point about the SI article by Tim Layden. I quote "(among the names attached to Boling's by breathless observers of the sport in the last three months: Usain Bolt and Carl Lewis)."

He quickly follows that with this I quote "And into which the wider culture has poured its fascination with any athlete who doesn't look quite like the other athletes, a phenomenon that runs from the vaguely comical to the very ugly."

This precedes a later comment which I posted earlier but will post again. Layden wrote. "Websites devoted to white nationalist and neo-Nazi voices adopted Boling. It was obscene."

I would love to question Layden about these two passages. They defy logic to a certain degree.

Wittingly or not by using words like "obscene" and "ugly" in the context of the article he is suggesting, at some level, that for a white athlete to upset the applecart where common opinion believe that blacks are superior athletes and clearly faster than white athletes, is in the end an obscene and ugly turn of events.

This is striking. When you consider the blacks are faster and more athletic narrative, that often feels like it is being protected (lack of white CFs in baseball, lack of white deep threats in football, lack of guards in the NBA etc.), you get the impression that the media or perhaps even the sports world at large doesn't want white athletes to beat black athletes in events that are considered taboo like the 100 meter dash. The narrative is very comfortable with the idea that blacks are faster than whites. Turn the tables and suddenly the media is in a panic. And all of a sudden things are ugly.

But back to Layden. If he is referring to this site in any way he doesn't show his hand. We haven't suddenly adopted Boling. He is just another name Caste Football publicizes and cheer on. Something this site has done since it started. And since Caste Football is the most consistently vocal on these matters why didn't he just mention this site in his article? Why the vagueness about "websites."

Admittedly being totally ignorant when it comes to neo-Nazi sites, even a quick search led me nowhere on this issue. And white nationalist sites adopting Boling? Breitbart is a bit of a nationalist site but I couldn't find anything beyond the ordinary regarding Boling?

So who the hell is Layden referring to when he uses words like obscene and ugly? Why did Layden find it necessary to spoil an otherwise OK but not great piece on a young white rising star in Track and Field by inserting such negative connotations.

In the scheme of things notating that Boling is somewhat a rarity in modern day sprinting due to his whiteness is to be expected. But to conjure up the shadowy forces of devils and depravity he ruins what should have been a simple celebratory article.
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Even across the pond sports illustrated is not a magazine people ( sports fans) give credence to ....its the usual P.C white American ******** written by people ( not worthy to use term journalist ) who push there own agendas ....ever since the Internet exploded sports illustrated and its ilk has been ****** ...layden is your usual dwf journo who hasn't a clue it's quite obvious from the articles...even the likes of ato boldon has been raving about boling ... ...then again Bolton is not American shadowlight dear sir ! .....castefootball has been important in giving people real information and challenging the status quo ,,something layden will never understand because he is afraid to look outside his own desk or interview some real athletes .....and this is the usual when it comes to white American written journalists .,...and his neo nazi jibe has got to make him look a fool to any logical person who understands layden has his own chip to carry and was probably bullied by kids in the school yard. That's how he sounds to me , ,,nobody likes the guy .....
Even across the pond ...laydens literary attempt didn't go unnoticed it's absolute has been commented on in different blogs the race thing ....including many who couldn't believe how uninformed this idiot is .....that's why sports illustrated has no market in Europe , because it's a lot of it is uninteresting rubbish ...
Yes indeed what are they afraid of? Having a standout white athlete display athletic skills that buck stereotypes should not in any way, shape or form cause any consternation among the media or the public at large. Except for the ass wipe brigade who wallow in sadism and love to see white athletes humiliated by blacks. And unfortunately there are quite a few of them around.

Since I only know English pointing me to foreign blogs etc. would be an exercise in futility. Although I am pleased to see some push back on Layden. That said I can't find anything that counters his article or those neo-Nazi/white nationalist "ugly and obscene" websites that have "adopted" Boling that Layden alludes to in his piece. Zip! Which leads me to believe the bastard was making that stuff up.

The devil is in the details so if somebody wants to make accusations they should back it up with accurate specifics rather than broad and vague demeaning comments that can't be properly tracked or traced.

I am not anti Sports Illustrated because they have over the years publicized plenty of great white athletes and they offer a counterbalance to media outlets like ESPN. They are far from perfect of course. But I expect a modicum of professionalism and Layden's article puts that in doubt.

In fact the only response to his article that I found when I googled it was my post here at Caste Football. Good grief.
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American journalist have always puzzled me ....what are they afraid of ..????....
This is simple, really. They need to eat and to pay the mortgage. Heaping praise on a white athlete at the expense of their black superiors will surely raise the ire of the people signing the paychecks. Layden likes to eat and have money for his house payment and fancy car. Most journalists toe the line with this in mind. Besides that, most of the "journalists" in this country believe all of that crock anyway, so they don't have a problem obeying their masters since they are on the same page regardless.
One last point about the SI article by Tim Layden. I quote "(among the names attached to Boling's by breathless observers of the sport in the last three months: Usain Bolt and Carl Lewis)."

He quickly follows that with this I quote "And into which the wider culture has poured its fascination with any athlete who doesn't look quite like the other athletes, a phenomenon that runs from the vaguely comical to the very ugly."

This precedes a later comment which I posted earlier but will post again. Layden wrote. "Websites devoted to white nationalist and neo-Nazi voices adopted Boling. It was obscene."

I would love to question Layden about these two passages. They defy logic to a certain degree.

Wittingly or not by using words like "obscene" and "ugly" in the context of the article he is suggesting, at some level, that for a white athlete to upset the applecart where common opinion believe that blacks are superior athletes and clearly faster than white athletes, is in the end an obscene and ugly turn of events.

This is striking. When you consider the blacks are faster and more athletic narrative, that often feels like it is being protected (lack of white CFs in baseball, lack of white deep threats in football, lack of guards in the NBA etc.), you get the impression that the media or perhaps even the sports world at large doesn't want white athletes to beat black athletes in events that are considered taboo like the 100 meter dash. The narrative is very comfortable with the idea that blacks are faster than whites. Turn the tables and suddenly the media is in a panic. And all of a sudden things are ugly.

But back to Layden. If he is referring to this site in any way he doesn't show his hand. We haven't suddenly adopted Boling. He is just another name Caste Football publicizes and cheer on. Something this site has done since it started. And since Caste Football is the most consistently vocal on these matters why didn't he just mention this site in his article? Why the vagueness about "websites."

Admittedly being totally ignorant when it comes to neo-Nazi sites, even a quick search led me nowhere on this issue. And white nationalist sites adopting Boling? Breitbart is a bit of a nationalist site but I couldn't find anything beyond the ordinary regarding Boling?

So who the hell is Layden referring to when he uses words like obscene and ugly? Why did Layden find it necessary to spoil an otherwise OK but not great piece on a young white rising star in Track and Field by inserting such negative connotations.

In the scheme of things notating that Boling is somewhat a rarity in modern day sprinting due to his whiteness is to be expected. But to conjure up the shadowy forces of devils and depravity he ruins what should have been a simple celebratory article.
Good post. The writer clearly wrote that stuff to make it another hit piece on White people and how racist they are.

Btw, I don’t think Castefootball was what the writer was referring to. I could be wrong but it was probably Daily Stormer, which is widely understood by most journalist to be the premier “neo-nazi” site. Personally I think the site is mostly satire and trolling but it does use “racist humor” so it would surely get the panties of a guy like Layden into a bunch. The Stormer did 3 articles about Boling:
Now to cheer guys up ......especially shadow light ;) ......there's some very relevant and nice pieces about white athlete on .....including the " spikes " section which has a nice piece on tortu breaking 10 ....
IAAF .org ...also include pieces on Kevin Meyer and Bulgarian hottie Iveta lalova ( 10.77)......
This is simple, really. They need to eat and to pay the mortgage. Heaping praise on a white athlete at the expense of their black superiors will surely raise the ire of the people signing the paychecks.

ESPN is a great example of this line of thought. They have more than a few caste analysts and some like Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg are unabashedly caste and where does that land them? In the penthouse. Most caste infected in the sports media get to sail along without a worry in the world.

So yes I can see where the waters get treacherous for a sports journalist if they stray off and actually challenge caste think.

Thanks Freethinker for pointing out the Daily Stormer pieces. The articles were so over the top at first I thought it was a set up by blacks to make whites look racist. Has a parody effect as well but I could see why it would get up the noses of a sports writer.

That said it seems very fringe and inconsequential and not worth commentary. Even so, if Layden is basing the "ugly" stuff on them why didn't he just specify that site?

As for this site the Track and Field gang here focused on his accomplishments and monitored his progress. And continue to monitor and cheer him on. Nothing beyond that. I agree with Freethinker that it is a stretch to think Layden had Caste Football in mind when he wrote the article.

After reading the article three times despite the positives at the end of the day it still rings up as a subtle hit piece on both white athletes and white fans.

Finally greyghost mentions Ivet Lalova. Full confessional. I had a major crush on her. She was a rising young star at the 2004 Olympics placing 4th in the 100 meters and 5th in the 200 meters. Injuries hampered her progress but she rebounded a few years later and was still competitive. She bagged some medals at the European championships. I didn't realize she shares the fastest 100 meter time for a white woman with Irina Privalova. See Lalova below!!

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Great interview. I liked what he said about just recently starting to run the 100 and improving in the weight room. I think he is a bigger find than Lemaitre because it seems like he is taking the right course of action. Just think, a few months back and we hadn't even heard of this guy. And we still have Guliyev, Quinn, Tortu, and Erasmus yet to put up their best performances this season. This has been a great season already.
So Matthew only began running sprints recently? Talk about untapped upside. Can you all imagine how many other potential White sprinting stars are out there? There are so many of our kids who are never encouraged to try or are propagandized into thinking they can’t compete. Many are probably also turned off or intimidated by the black culture that permeates the sport.
Can you all imagine how many other potential White sprinting stars are out there? There are so many of our kids who are never encouraged to try or are propagandized into thinking they can’t compete. Many are probably also turned off or intimidated by the black culture that permeates the sport.

Wise words indeed. These are the great grey areas the black supremacist crowd always avoid discussing when it comes to the issue of race and sports achievements.

You often here coaches and scouts say "there just aren't any great white athletes out there" usually with a condescending smirking tone. Which always irritates.

I have felt that when you look back at the 50's and 60's where many white athletes performed magnificently at taboo positions and sporting events now assumed to be for blacks only like sprinting, that these modern day barriers weren't in place as they are today.

Which is why I am encouraged by so many budding young white athletes posting their achievements on their twitter accounts. If they run a fast 40 or 60 yard dash they often post it.

But the barriers are still formidable and the future of the racial outlay in big time sports is still in a precarious state when it comes to white athletes. I am in a constant state of anxiety over it.
HI guys shadow light muentioned ....lalova ...a good looking woman relation to social media ....for me what it does is give " unknown" white athlete a platform to show their athleticism .....this has definitely helped break down caste ideas ....I remember a white dude from Boston about 15 yrs ago comin to the track where I live ....we had a group of roughly 8/9 sprinters training ....afterwards he told me he couldn't believe what he saw and didn't want to be in ear shot of the black lads as he said it ...........white lads beating black lads in the sprints ..!!!! ....for us obviously no big deal ............this is why social media is important .....YouTube shows so many white athlete from around the planet do their .....thing don't be overly anxious shadowlight .......also I want to mention David grindley ...a 400 Meter guy from the early 90s ....made Barcelona 92 Olympic final at 19yrs ....came fifth 96 his career was over because of Achilles injuries but what an athlete this guy should have been .....
It has to be said ...unfortunately it's usually an ignorant white American or Charlie francis( the athlete doper and rascist ) who makes derogatory remarks about white athleticism doesn't happen in Europe always,perplexes me the attitude of American whites pundits towards white athlete and yet many a black pundit laud white athlete for their ability as an athlete....................very few non American blacks are interested in colour when it comes to sport .....the biggest thing to come in sports / especially athletics in the future will be the whole transgender thing .
Great picture ....just made my day ....roll on Georgia for a year ...roll on the pros ...thanks white lightning ...
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