Matthew Boling 9.98, 19.92, 44.84 and 8.25 LJ

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Your both long time members here. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree.

Back to Matthew Boling Question for you mastermulti. If you were his coach would you keep Boling at 400 or keep him in the
100 and 200 meters? No doubt for me, sprintstar, freedom and many others here that he belongs in the 100 & 200 meters! Just
curious as to your thoughts.
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Aug 9, 2005
the occasional excellent white sprinter hardly exposes "the lies of black superiority" (as you like to call it). Blacks will continue to provide the world record holders in the shorter sprints.
We here all know it and that's why we're so impressed by a white sprinter going sub 10 or (women) sub 11. We wouldn't dare dream of a Boling running 9.58.
But they are outliers in world sprinting. It's not "the system" that's responsible for an unknown skinny African suddenly running 9.96 in a heat - it's about natural prowess in explosive type events. In general (but not always) long levers, high hips, lower body fat and many other aspects of physicality suited to moving fast.
That doesn't make anyone superior or inferior as a human being - it just is! I'm not in any doubt about that nor does it irk me in the slightest.
What I want to see is white sprinters getting the chance to do the best they can and reaching their goals. I joined this forum 17.5 years ago to get and share news on talented white sprinters and it's alerted me to many, many of them.
You're proud to wear being called a conspiracy theorist as a badge of honour - that's your choice - but others find it liberating not to be.
The physiological differences are slight. The system greatly magnifies them. The total domination does not make sense.


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
The physiological differences are slight. The system greatly magnifies them. The total domination does not make sense.
sure, it is slight but (let's say?) if a 2% difference, it remains just that. It would mean a perfect race for one athlete to beat the other slightly off form. It happens but it won't occur too often

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
sure, it is slight but (let's say?) if a 2% difference, it remains just that. It would mean a perfect race for one athlete to beat the other slightly off form. It happens but it won't occur too often

If you go back in time there was not the huge disparity that you see today. Guys like Bobby Morrow and Valeriy Borzov won the
100 and 200 meters at the Olympics against these guys you say can't be beat. When it was a far more level playing field there
was little difference. When the peds started it eventually gave them the edge they needed. Countless black sprinters have been
busted with very few elite white sprinters. To think it's just genetic does not make much sense. There are many factors. Start with
cleaning up the sport but sadly that will never happen. Too much money involved so the testers look the other way.


Aug 9, 2005
If you go back in time there was not the huge disparity that you see today. Guys like Bobby Morrow and Valeriy Borzov won the
100 and 200 meters at the Olympics against these guys you say can't be beat. When it was a far more level playing field there
was little difference. When the peds started it eventually gave them the edge they needed. Countless black sprinters have been
busted with very few elite white sprinters. To think it's just genetic does not make much sense. There are many factors. Start with
cleaning up the sport but sadly that will never happen. Too much money involved so the testers look the other way.
Since the 80s, in just about every major meet, the entire field lining up for the final of the 100 or 200 meters dash will have genetic origins from Sub Saharan Africa. The numbers don't add up. It's the same with white running backs and wide receivers in the NFL and many other examples. The total domination is the result of systematic discrimination.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
See Deuteronomy 17:15 regarding foreigners. And women ruling is considered a curse Isaiah 3:12

I started a discussion about this in the "Happy Hour" discussion. Please on this thread get back to talking about Matthew Boling.

I'm gonna delete alot of these later as it takes away from this thread created for the kid. Thanks.
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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
After the World Championships and winning 2 Gold Medals in the Relays there is 1 question that remains?
Will Matthew Boling turn professional or will he come back for his final year at Georgia?



Jun 4, 2020
does anyone know the 4 times of the Yank runners in the 4x400m relay gold medal final? IMO

I think/believe with proper training for the 400m Boling could easily hit the mid to low 44's but I also think he should focus solely on the 60m/100/200. I also believe he could go sub 6.50 60, sub 9.85 100m and sub 19.75 200m.

back in early 2005 I was coaching youth track and field and I saw first hand the "whites aren't fast" narrative being told to a young white girl)12y old) who was wicked fast, they told her she should focus on the 800m. her parents believed the coach as did the girl and it ruined her.... Turned out the coach had a black girl who was slower but had "upside" and didn't want the white girl beating her .... true story. 1 of many.

MB needs to stand up and say I am focusing on the short sprints only.... Thank goodness Steiner never gave in to the narrative....
Makes me sick to see so many instances of white kids being told they are less than colored kids.


Jun 3, 2016
Question for the American's on the you like this rendition of the USA uniform or do you feel it is a little too "rainbowish" in the way the color/design is?

Why was China so underrepresented in this sprints at the Worlds this year?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I was looking at the track and field roster for the 2024 Georgia Track Team. We konw Brody Buffington is enrolled in
school on a track scholarship. For those hoping to see Boling return he is not listed on the roster as of today. That could
change but I think he just may stay pro. If he does I hope he finds a good sprints coach and preferably a male coach.

Coaching can make or break a sprinter! Choose wisely Matthew Boling and please go back to the 100 and 200 Meters which
he was born to run. Give up the 400 forever!


Jan 16, 2022
"less" as in less likely to succeed in the short events.
No less as in they will be given less opportunities to compete and are caste aside before they have fully developed. That's the LESS that was referenced and the main reason that there are LESS White sprinters.
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Texas Flash

Mar 14, 2016
Here's a little food for thought on Matthew Boling's season: I know a bunch of people here are disappointed in what he produced or rather did not produce. Very valid considering how talented he is combined with what appears to be a very intense work ethic. I've heard a lot of reasons as to why he has underperformed here including, but not limited to: bad coaching, too many events, bad technique, lack of experience, losing his edge/psychological reasons, and more. Some here have gone as far as to theorize that perhaps he has seen his best days. Well I dont know what's inside Matthew's head, and its ultimately up to him to decide how to interpret his performances and how to respond next year on the psychological side. But on the physical side I would not be too worried about him. Here are some stats taken from the website for the 2021 season:

1. Matthew Boling: 40 total races including 7 400s and 7 long jump competitions jumping 3 times each
2. Terrance Laird: 37 total races including 1 400
3. Andrew Hudson: 25 total races including 1 300
4. Noah Lyles: 17 total races; 0 400s
5. Kenneth Bednarek: 14 total races; 0 400s
6. Erriyon Knighton: 12 total races including 1 400

If we assumed each 400m race was the equivalent of two races, and three runs down the runway for the long jump counted as say 1.5 races then the above totals adjust to the following:

1. Matthew Boling: 57.5 total races
2. Terrance Laird: 38 total races
3. Andrew Hudson: 25.5 total races
4. Noah Lyles: 17 total races
5. Kenneth Bednarek: 14 total races
6. Erriyon Knighton: 13 total races

Matthew Boling competed 1.31 times more than the three athletes representing the US in the Olympic 200m combined!! I think these numbers show that he was completely overworked. The "muscling" began if I'm not mistaken by the time of the NCAA indoor nationals at which point he had already competed in an adjusted 25 races and over a short period of time. When he became national champion he was already heading down. He needed rest. Lots of the best sprinters start their season with a 400m race - no problem with this at all. But 7 400s and 7 long jump competitions on top of everything else is not going to make you run fast. Sure, week in week out he scored points for Georgia, but I dont know how anyone could have expected him to last the season when looking at the output - and of course he didnt. Muscling occurs in beginning sprinters when they simply havent learned out to run correctly yet. In the case of an experienced sprinter it happens when the athlete feels like they are running slow and so they start to try and force their body to run faster. In other words, Boling knew he wasnt running as fast as he could or should have been. As a comparison look at Terrance Laird. He finished 2nd to Boling at the indoor Nationals and then went on a tare outdoors posting the top times in the world over the next several months. However, by the time NCAA preliminaries and regionals rolled around the 19.8s turned to 19.9s and by the time US nationals came around all he could manage in the final was a 20.15. Laird ran the second most number of races at 38 and he still fatigue through the college season. Boling had 19.5 more adjusted races than Laird!

Boling will be back strong next year I would imagine. Hopefully though he is managed better. He should be treated as a future Olympian and not a College Point Scorer. Had he and Laird been handled better the US might have been represented by both of them and Lyles.
Okay after a quick analysis of this past year, and looking at it as a whole, Boling's season can only be described as a complete **** show from a coaching perspective. ( I wont say disaster because he did win the indoor 200m national title in the world's fastest time and because he came away from the World Championships with two relay Golds.) However, if you are the coach of this athlete you should be embarrassed.

Throughout the year I had been lenient on the coaching staff giving them the benefit of the doubt as we dont know what is going on in their camp, and because adjustments do have to be made during the course of a season sometimes. For example - when it became clear he wasnt going to make the US team in the 100 or 200 they switched to the 400. Given the situation that was a good move, but one that never should have had to have been made in the first place.

In my previous referenced post I noted that in 2021 Boling ran in 40 races and 7 long jumps for a total of 47 competitions, 7 of which were 400m in distance. This was way more than anyone else and I cited this as a reason for him breaking down through the second half of the season. In 2022 the coaches cut this down to 38 and 6 with 7 400s, but still way too much. In 2023 Boling's coaches cut out the Long Jump - good! However, he ran 46 races and 19 of them were of the 400m distance!! (Note: there was one indoor 300m and one 4x400m relay not on the books because World Athletics changed what events they were recognizing and schools hadnt yet adjusted accordingly at the beginning of the season. He also had one sprint medley not reported. I have included these in my calculations.) If you are a 400m runner this is a lot, but for a short sprinter who began the year not planning on running the 400m and not training accordingly this is an absurd amount and creates a huge risk of injury and burnout both physically and mentally. What I find completely inexcusable is that the coaches had two full years with him and gave him seriously heavy loads, and both years he burned out. You then come back in the third year and you actually increase the load and significantly so! Of course he burns out and you have to adjust!

For the comparisons I will look at the best 200m runners in the world for 2023:

1. Noah Lyles - 28 races; 1 400m
2. Erriyon Knighton - 16 races; 1 400m
3. Letsile Tebogo - 18 races; 1 400m
4. Kenny Bednarek - 15 races; 1 400m

Now for comparison lets look at the top NCAA 200m sprinter given that college sprinters are asked to run a lot:
1. Courtney Lindsey - 40 races; 2 400m (This is a tremendous amount of volume and yet way far less than what Boling endured. Lindsey made the final spot of the US World team in the 200m which is a major credit to him. However, at the Worlds he bombed out not being able to run faster than 20.22 in the semi because he too was burned out!!)

In keeping with my previous post and converting 400m races to the equivalency of two races (this probably breaks down for 400m runners as they are adjusted to run the 400m) and then looking at volumes for comparison we get the following for 2023:

1. Noah Lyles - 29 total races
2. Erriyon Knighton - 17 total races
3. Letsile Tebogo - 19 total races
4. Kenny Bednarek - 16 total races
5. Courtney Lindsey - 42 total races
* Matthew Boling - 65 total races!!!

How is he ever supposed to win doing this??? Three years of this is unforgivable.

I want to make one last comparison. Justin Robinson IS a 400m runner and made the US World Team and also ran collegiately in 2023. Justin ran a total of 40 races with 28 being of 400m distance. This is a lot but he undoubtedly was better prepared and probably did a lot of over-distance training in the fall which Boling would not have done. He too though broke down by Worlds. If we multiplied his 400m races by say a factor of 1.5 instead of 2 then he would have a total race number of 54.

No athlete can keep this up and not get permanently ruined. Nobody, and especially if you're clean. If Boling wants to succeed professionally in track then he needs to leave the college scene, which I think he is doing, and get a real professional sprint coach.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Excellent Analysis and breakdown of the SHEER MADNESS that had been imposed on Matthew Boling. I'm glad that you and most here
finally admit that his coach is totally mishandled Boling. The coaching was below average for the most part with a few exceptions. I
credit those mostly to Bolings Talent and not her coaching.Nothing against her as a person but she never fixed his form consistantly
as far as relaxing. One of the number one jobs as a coach and she raced him until his legs were leg cooked spaghetti noodles. The kid
never had a chance the whole time he was at Georgia. It's a crime as even though we saw glimpses of greatness we should have seen a
whole nother level of greatness. The kid is a very rare sprinter who has done something only Carl Lewis has done depsite not getting the
proper coaching. It's sad and also infuriating to watch. A crime at the highest level of sport to take a prodigy and run him into the ground.
Hopefully he can finally move on and I hope he can get his confidence back as for the most part she helped ruin it!


Aug 9, 2005
He already has an undergraduate degree. He should put grad school on hold and go pro.

ATHENS, Ga. —- Georgia track and field senior Matthew Boling has been awarded a $10,000 NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship, marking the first time a Bulldog men's track and field student-athlete has earned the distinction.

Earlier this year, Boling became the only student-athlete from any sport in Southeastern Conference history to earn four SEC Scholar-Athlete of the Year honors in a career. He is the 91st Bulldog all time to garner a NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship and the second this athletics season, joining Callie Dickinson from women's swimming and diving.

The Houston, Texas native earned his bachelor's degree in business administration. He was a 2021 CoSIDA Academic Third Team All-American and 2022 College Sports Communicators (CSC) All-District selection as well as a U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) All-Academic honoree. Boling has also been a regular on the SEC Academic Honor Roll.

On the track, Boling was 14-time First Team All-American who won both SEC and NCAA crowns during his four-year career with the Bulldogs.Most recently, Boling finished sixth in the 400-meter dash at the USATF Championships with a personal record 45.17 last week.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It's official now. Matthew Boling has announced he is a professional track athlete now. Please get the right coach as if he does we
could see things that many haters don't think he is capable of. So much lost time but he did the right thing. College was holding him
back as far as sprinting goes. Next year will be fun to watch to see what kinds of times he can throw down eventually. Good luck to him!


Matthew Boling FINALLY Turns Pro​

Everything Track


white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I don't like the sounds of this article. It seems like he is being pushed into the 400 for good and he just goes along with
it and says he enjoys it. Not happy about this and I know the people around him don't want him in the 100 & 200. We
just can't have a white guy breaking down stereotypes as the fastest man now can we? Stick to the 100 & 200 Matthew!


white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
To show you how crazy this is to move the kid to the 400 let me compare Boling to Lemaitre.

Christophe Lemaitre has outdoors bests of 9.92 and 19.80 over the 100 and 200 meters
Lemaitre indoors has a 60 p.b. of 6.55 and 200 p.b. of 20.43!

Matthew Boling has outdoor bests of 9.98 and 19.92 over the 100 and 200 meters.
Boling indoors has a 60 meters p.b. of 6.56 and a 200 p..b of 20.12!

So Boling ran a 20.12 already indoors which blows away Lemaitres best of 20.43. So the idiots around him
convince the kid to give up the 100 and 200 meters! THIS IS THE WORST ADVICE OF ALL TIME.

I have no doubt he can run in the mid to high 44 second range for the 400 but that won't win him medals. The kid
was born to run the 100 and 200 meters. I'm so angry right now that I could scream at the top of my lungs. I knew
this would happen in this Anti White Clown World we live in.

BOLING IS BETTER THAN LEMAITRE and they are throwing his career down the drain! PLEASE SOMEONE WAKE THIS KID UP
and tell him NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Texas Flash

Mar 14, 2016
Alleyne Francique doesnt appear to be a bad coach. Obviously, Fred Kerley had tremendous success with him. They have however been together a long time starting back at Texas A&M. Kerley has just left Francique and is now going to train with Watt in California. That's too bad for Boling. Question: does anyone know who else Francique is training? Who will Boling's training partners be?

The AP article was a bit ambiguous - Boling kind of hinted at the 100, but certainly made a play for the 400m. My hope is definitely that he continues the short sprints. And for that it would help to have some fast training partners. If I had to guess the last couple of years have probably taken their toll on Boling psychologically and I think his confidence might be a bit strained. He may be looking at all of his event choices and deciding that the 400m is the least competitive at the moment and since he hasnt performed well in the short sprints.... If his plan were to focus on the 400m for the Olympics, get some hardware and thus guaranteed sponsors for the next 4-year cycle, and then go focus on the short sprints similar to what Kerley did, then that's not a bad path. He might come back to the short sprints stronger. That did work for Kerley, Michael Norman, AND Boling going into his senior year of high school - lets not forget. I dont think he'll abandon the sprints but they might be on the back burner next year. My concern is that while he might academically be 'smart' I'm not so sure he has street smarts, and he seems like he might be susceptible to bad advice and placing his trust in the wrong people. He seemed to have a rather sheltered nature and my sense is that his twin probably provided a 'shield' for him growing up that is no longer there. Lets hope I'm wrong or that he can adapt.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Boling should join the group Steiner and Prandini train with.....

I agree. That's a great idea. It won't happen most likely as that would make too much sense. In todays world almost nothing makes sense
and if it does the opposite is done. Yes that is the type of coaching the kid needs. It also wouldn't hurt to have a white coach for a change.
He had a black female coach at Georgia and he now has a black male professional coach. Yes there are good black coach's but I would like
to see what a white coach could do for the kid. Just my opinion.

Ironically both Prandini and Steiners Coaching Staff didn't try to move them away from the sprints. They are lucky that their coach's believe
in their talent. That helps a sprinter. I've even hear rumors for 3 or 4 years about Boling running the 800 meters. It's a joke. Anything to steer
the kid away from the short sprints where he belongs. Boling was born to run the 100 and 200 meters!


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
I don't like the sounds of this article. It seems like he is being pushed into the 400 for good and he just goes along with
it and says he enjoys it. Not happy about this and I know the people around him don't want him in the 100 & 200. We
just can't have a white guy breaking down stereotypes as the fastest man now can we? Stick to the 100 & 200 Matthew!

I read the next story down in the ESPN article following the Boeing story...... so Dafne Schippers is finally retiring and "without regrets"

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Now this article gives us a little more hope. Boling said he may do the 200/400 or if things go good indoors maybe the 100/200 meters.
We all know that 100 and 200 meters is where the kid belongs. If he ends up 200/400 I can live with it but hope he mainly does the deuce!
I just know as far as stereotypes go that the 100 is the most important event to prove that white sprinters can be successful in order to fight
the lies and endless propaganda that whites are told around the world. This kid could help change that perception with success over both
the 100 & 200 meters.
