Matthew Boling 9.98, 19.92, 44.84 and 8.25 LJ

So I checked and here it is from Despite this horrible season Boling is still tied for the 3rd fastest american sprinter college or professional as of today over 100 meters. Here is the list. and central america&timing=electronic&windReading=regular&page=1&bestResultsOnly=true

Then in the whole world he is still the 10th fastest. So if he isn't special then I guess the majority of sprinters around the world should just give up track forever. I know what I see and the kid is a legitimate superstar and he will run faster
than Lemaitre, Guliyev and countless others over the next 5 or 6 years. You can hold me to that as I will be here as long as I'm still breathing. Boling will go faster then Lemaitre's 9.92 and his 19.80! Boling will work and train as hard as it
takes. I love Christophe Lemaitre but he never had the desire to be the best that Boling does!

When Matthew learns to relax all the time at top speed you will see the talent explode. Look at this pic in the 200 meters from the 2022 National Championships 200 Meters Mens Final. He ran 20.13 with dead legs and tight as can be. Scary to
think just how good he can be when he puts all the aspects of the race together. It's called modeling phases and knowing what to do when. Mostly relax and let the speed flow through you. The sprinters that win are (NOT) running faster at the end of a
100 meters or 200 meters race. They are actually just deaccelerating at a slower rate due to relaxation of the whole body. That and your arm swing carry you when the legs are tired & built up with lactic acid!

Just two months ago Boling ran 19.92 into a negative 0.9 wind. A few weeks later he ran 20.01 with 0.1 wind! When he is in form he doesn't need any wind in either the 100 or the 200. I see him getting his 60 times down to the
6.50 range next year. Outdoors he should easily go 9.90 and 19.80. His 19.92 this year into the negative wind is already a 19.80 with a legal tail wind. So he has already proven hecan go in the 19.80's by that performance.

People need to understand that he peaked a month or two ago. That's another reason he looks so stressed and tight because the legs are not there. More rest between races, learning to relax all the time and timing his peak will bring
the titles next year. I think it's amazing he was the 2nd fastest sprinter in the country with dead legs and tight as a virgin. Most sprinters struggle to do those times even relaxed. He does them running against his body. Now that
is real talent. He isnt' there yet but he will make you all believers in the future!
He has the talent and the work ethic. If he gets the right coaching he will be one of the all time greats
Ok guys let's get this thread back on track. We can talk about other sprinters but that is for the track season thread or in the threads for the individual athlete.

This thread is for discussion on Matthew Boling. I don't want to have to delete alot of posts so let's please get back to talking about him on this thread. Thanks.

I just checked the 2022 USATF Championships website. I didn't expect to see Boling attempt any events due to his form the last month or so. Well I guess Matthew and his coach
decided to have him try to make the team but only for the 200 meters. Even though I love seeing him run the 100 due to his current form this is a smart decision. So he has 2 weeks to
both rest and get his body fresh as well as ready to attempt to make the US Team for the World Championships of Track & Field to be held in Eugene, Oregon next month.

Let's get some predictions going as to can he make the team and what kinds of times can he run? In my opinion it will take sub 19.90 to even have a chance to make the individual 200 meters team.
He is capable when in form but can he get back to the shape he was in a couple of months ago? Time will tell but I wish him the best of luck. It would be epic to see him on the US Team and it would
give him great experience going forward for future Championships and Olympics.

2022 USATF Championships

Status of Entries

Men 200m

Affiliation Mark Status
Erriyon Knighton adidas 19.49 qualified
Noah Lyles adidas 19.52 qualified
Fred Kerley Jr. NIKE 19.76 qualified
Kenneth Bednarek NIKE 19.78 qualified
Matthew Boling University of Georgia 19.92 qualified
Christian Coleman NIKE 19.92 qualified
Josephus Lyles adidas / Pure Athletics 20.03 qualified
Brandon Carnes
20.07 qualified
Elijah Hall-Thompson NIKE 20.11 qualified
Courtney Lindsey Texas Tech University 20.15 qualified
Javonte' Harding North Carolina A&T State University 20.16 qualified
Cravont Charleston
20.19 qualified
Micaiah Harris University of Texas at Austin 20.21 qualified
Boling is entered in the 200m and the Long Jump at the US Nationals this weekend.

Unfortunately for Boling, the men's 200m is a super strong event right now in the US.
He may have a better chance of making the team in the Long Jump.
Boling is entered in the 200m and the Long Jump at the US Nationals this weekend.

Unfortunately for Boling, the men's 200m is a super strong event right now in the US.
He may have a better chance of making the team in the Long Jump.

Even the long jump will be hard. He hasn't jumped in competition in 2 or 3 months. I would have rather he just did the 200. Both will take his best performances of the year just to have a chance.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm excited to watch it for sure as I know most of you guys here are as well. I just hate that there are so many championships this weekend. Hard to have time to watch them all.
Personally I dont think based on his latest form he has a chance in either events but the experience gained will be invaluable. Now if he was in the form from April/May the he has an outside shot...
Yes, did he have enough rest? At 22, a person's recuperative powers are strong, but it's only been like 2 weeks. I long for the day when he gets invited to the Diamond League, competes in one event and really goes full force without having to worry aboug saving anything for another round.
Matthew Boling only finished in 11th place in the Mens Long Jump at the 2022 US National Championships of Track and Field. I hope this finally ends his long jumping career. He wastes too much time & energy with mediocre results
at best and the chance of injury is sky high. It was dumb to even enter it and his advisors should have told him that. He hadn't jumped in 3 months. To think he would somehow magically compete is beyond stupid.

Now he will run in the 200 meters tommorow and because of all the long jumps today he will not be at his best. It's a lose/lose situation. I think he makes it out of the opening round but I see him being eliminated in the 200 meters semifinals.
Again I hope I'm wrong as I'm a huge fan be he is not being handled right with the timing of his peak, overracing the last 2 years and still trying to jump when those days are over. The truth hurts but he needs to hear it.

I believe 2023 will be the year he finally runs sub 10's and sub 20's more consistantly but his year has has been so up and down. Despite this he still had personal bests indoors and outdoors at all the distances. That is what you call an elite talent!

Good luck to Matthew tommorow and I hope he proves most of his haters wrong but honestly I just don't see it happening this year. Hope I'm wrong.
I have alot of Matthew Boling Cards from high school. I have around 8 of them. Hoping they may be worth some big money someday decades from now if he does what I think he will. For any Boling Fans I also advise you to go buy the
June 17th, 2019 Sports Illustrated Magazine. You can still find places online to buy them. It has pics of Matthew Boling and about 3 or 4 pages talking about him and what he did running the fastest all conditions high school 100 meters time ever!
It's a great collectors items for those that are interested. You won't be dissapointed.
We are about an hour away from the 2022 US Track & Field National Championship Mens 200 Meters Semifinals. The US has 8 of the 10 fastest 200 meters sprinters time wise in the whole world right now. To make the
top 3 to make the team has never been more difficult. Matthew Boling says he is ready but he will need to run massive personal bests to have any chance of even making the final. Let's see what happens.
Good to Matthew Boling! :)

Matthew Boling is into the 200 meters finals. He will not have a good lane but he qualified without having to go all out. Good to see as now he can let it rip in the 200 meters finals and try for a new p.b. and possibly shock the world. To
make the top 3 will take a time at minimum in the 19.80's but very posssibly in the 19.70's. Good luck Matthew!

Heat 1
Wind: 1.2 m/s
1 (1)
Noah Lyles
19.81 Q
2 (6)
Fred Kerley
20.09 Q
3 (7)
Matthew Boling
20.14 Q
4 (8)
Javonte' Harding
North Carolina A&T
20.23 q
5 (11)
Brandon Carnes
6 (12)
Cravont Charleston
7 (15)
Kendal Williams
Christian Coleman

2022 US Track & Field Outdoor Championships

Mens 200 meters Finals

Wind: -0.3 m/s

1 Noah Lyles

2 Erriyon Knighton

3 Fred Kerley

4 Kenny Bednarek

5 Josephus Lyles

6 Matthew Boling

7 Kyree King

Javonte' Harding
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Even with all that has happened this kid is a joy to listen to and TRUST ME he will be back. Like he says in this interveiw he ran 20.1's Range for 3 races in a row at the end of a long season. He is learning valuable experience
of running rounds which any sprinter has to conquer if he is ever going to win Olympic and World Championship Medals someday. I know we have alot of doubters but I'm not one of them. Every sprinter is different. Just because
he isn't there yet doesn't mean that he can't get there. Boling will run many wind legal sub 10's and sub 20's next season. They key is to time his peak more tor the NCAA National Champs and the US Champs. That's more imporant thatn winning
the SEC Championship. Timing your peak is the difference between making the podium or going back home. In his peak condition Boling could have battled for the top 3 possbibly but he wasn't ready yet and past his peak condition. The
times will come when he puts all the phases of the race togther physically and mentally. Along with relaxing at speed all the time and timing his peak fitness for when it matters the most. :)

Nice video and he seems like a good kid. He should be good for years to come!
Here is a good interview with Matthew Boling where talks about life on and off the track.

For all the haters of Matthew Boling.

He had the fastest indoor 200 meters time in the world in 2022.

He had the 5th longest long jump in the world for 2022.

He went sub 10 and sub 20 wind legal. The Best is Yet to Come brothers!
In 2023 he will light up the track from sea to shining sea! Expect BIG THINGS!

For all the haters of Matthew Boling.

He had the fastest indoor 200 meters time in the world in 2022.

He had the 5th longest long jump in the world for 2022.

He went sub 10 and sub 20 wind legal. The Best is Yet to Come brothers!
In 2023 he will light up the track from sea to shining sea! Expect BIG THINGS!

WL I don't think anyone here on this board hates Boling. If anything they want very much for him to do extremely well. I want the kid to turn the corner as much as anyone. I do however think there are many out there(mostly Blacks/cucks) who do hate him because he shakes the myth(we know it's BS) of black athletic supremacy Just as any fast white guy does. Imagine how absolutely fragile the Black Athletic Supremist's mindsets are. Steiner blows the doors off of some of the worlds fastest negroes and there is no backlash....Boling does the same to the men and he is hated...

Part of me wants him to turn pro and the other part of me wants him to graduate with a University degree which will help him attain employment in the future if he needs it.

When watching him sprint I get the strong suspicion that when he finally "gets it" the possibility of a sub 9.80 and sub 19.70 are very real.

Across the USA I truly hope many young white boys are seeing him and saying that can be me also.

A side note in my youth days of sprinting I never lost to a negro in a race and only once as a Masters aged sprinter. I have never believed the Blacks are faster than whites BS.
Here is a new one hour interview with Matthew Boling. To say I'm pumped for next season is an understatement. I can't wait
to see what he can do as he continues to learn to relax and let his natural speed just come out of him!

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Given his level of running success I doubt very much he needs a degree to do well financially after college.
He is an intelligent athletic young man and if professional track wouldn’t work out for him I’m sure he will do just fine.
I have no clue what sprinters earn but I can’t imagine this guy starving even if it doesn’t work out.
Some firm would gladly snatch him up - his future is bright regardless of path he chooses.
I'm so excited for the 2023 Track Season to start in just about 2 months time. Here is another recap of Bolings Success in 2022
both indoors and outdoors. The kid ran 44 races and had nothing left. They need to limit his races to about 35 in my opinion
and focus more on outdoors where the fame and fortune really are. I predicted his wind legal sub 10 and sub 20's last year and
I feel he will get faster this year. He needs to get mulitple sub 10's and 20's but he needs to time his peak for late May,, June and July.

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