Mass "Insourcing" Problem


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
At the IT shop I work at about 85-90% of the Developers, 60% of the QA Analysts are Indian (here on an H-1B visa). As an American Nationalist, I take issue with the huge (& growing) number of H-1B visas our traitorous government issues/allows. While The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is responsible for ensuring that foreign workers do not displace American workers, they obviously turn a blind eye to the plight of the American workers they are supposed to protect. Wage depression is a key concern of this mass insourcing, so it sickens me to hear a Globalist Elite scumbag like Bill "Eugenics" Gates press for even more H-1B visas (as Microsoft was #3 in H-1B rankings for 2006). Gates and his ilk are the ones who gain the most from don't think they give a rip about the American middle class. For any deceived Neocons who think this insourcing just a part of wonderful capitalism...remember that it's only the Corporate VP, senior executive level who truly reap the financial benefits from outsourcing and insourcing (of our American jobs). Insourcing (like outsourcing) has been absolutely devastating for the American middle class.

P.S. - Checkout the video below to see how egregiously abusive of H-1B these corporate vermin are....


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
That video is very informative. Mr Lebowitz is basically just a trafficker.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Once again, Globalist Elite scumbag Bill Gates steps up his pro H-1B visa rhetoric, and calls for more insourcing (i.e. - foreigners (mostly Indians) taking American jobs by the thousands). Meanwhile, our economy is on the brink, a massive depression is just around the corner, and skyrocketing (U.S.) unemployment rates will probably soon take place. We continued to be sold out by the Elite and the Corporations, greedy politicans & "mainstream" media they control!

Tight US immigration forces outsourcing: Bill Gates

Mar 12 10:34 AM US/Eastern

US high-tech companies are being forced to outsource more jobs overseas because of outdated restrictions on immigration, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates told Congress Wednesday.
Gates, echoing a longstanding complaint from the technology sector, told a congressional panel that the US immigration system "makes attracting and retaining high-skilled immigrants exceptionally challenging for US firms."

"Congress's failure to pass high-skilled immigration reform has exacerbated an already grave situation," Gates said in remarks prepared for delivery to a hearing of the House of Representatives Science and Technology Committee.

"As a result, many US firms, including Microsoft, have been forced to locate staff in countries that welcome skilled foreign workers to do work that could otherwise have been done in the United States, if it were not for our counterproductive immigration policies."

Gates said the limits on so-called H-1B visas aimed at highly skilled professionals are far too low for the rapidly growing tech sector.

He said the current cap of 65,000 H-1B visas "is arbitrarily set and bears no relation to the US economy's demand for skilled professionals."

The Microsoft founder noted that all the 65,000 visas for the current fiscal year were snapped up in one day last April and that employers are now waiting to apply for visas for fiscal 2009, starting in October.

"Last year, for example, Microsoft was unable to obtain H-1B visas for one-third of the highly qualified foreign-born job candidates that we wanted to hire," Gates said.

"If we increase the number of H-1B visas that are available to US companies, employment of US nationals would likely grow as well. For instance, Microsoft has found that for every H-1B hire we make, we add on average four additional employees to support them in various capacities."

Gates also said the United States needs to improve science and math education to train a new generation of tech leaders, reversing a move away from these fields.

"If we don't reverse these trends, our competitive advantage will continue to erode. Our ability to create new high-paying jobs will suffer," Gates said.

***Reference article..

Gates Pushes For More ("Legalized") Invaders Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Oct 24, 2005
gates has admitted that for every H1b he hires he has to hire four americans. I presume the americans do all the work at low wages.