Marquise Hill Dead

A similar tragedy happened the same day in my neck of the woods on the Sacramento river, a wide, cold, swirly river. A college student (black) was sharing an inner tube being pulled by a jet ski. They flipped and lost the inner tube. When everything settled, the black kid was gone. According to the news report, he COULDN'T SWIM! A non swimmer, and he wasn't wearing a life vest.
Evidently he sank like a rock.

I don't know what to make of such stupidity, but whatever it is, it's not funny.
white tornado said:
Some open minded person comes on this site this is the first post the read and see the posters here making fun of a guy who died they think this is a site of bigots who have nothing to do no real point except to "hate" on blacks.Im not telling anyone what to do but guys think about our sites main purpose of helping educate the general public and helping to cause change.

i totally agree with that.
white tornado said:
Some open minded person comes on this site this is the first post the read and see the posters here making fun of a guy who died they think this is a site of bigots who have nothing to do no real point except to "hate" on blacks.Im not telling anyone what to do but guys think about our sites main purpose of helping educate the general public and helping to cause change.
I agree with you, but then again...there are many dozens of posts that i know that some people would see on here, and leave the site straight away. If you really want to promote the right message, i think the site needs to be cleaned up a little.
It just feels wrong to speak badly of the dead. Maybe its bad karma or something. When it comes to someone who is dead, if I don't have something nice to say I just don't say anything.
Whiteafflete 15,in this time of tragedy I feel really good that I was able to make you laugh,you know put a little sunshine in your life as you mourn.As far as beating me in a race,well I don't know.Do you think you can beat me because I'm white? I'd love to run against you or White Lightning or anyone from this site kind of have a Castefootball track meet.
white tornado said:
Some open minded person comes on this site this is the first post the read and see the posters here making fun of a guy who died they think this is a site of bigots who have nothing to do no real point except to "hate" on blacks.Im not telling anyone what to do but guys think about our sites main purpose of helping educate the general public and helping to cause change.
white tornado said:
Some open minded person comes on this site this is the first post the read and see the posters here making fun of a guy who died they think this is a site of bigots who have nothing to do no real point except to "hate" on blacks.Im not telling anyone what to do but guys think about our sites main purpose of helping educate the general public and helping to cause change.
Not only that but it is also a quick way to get your site labeled as a "hate" site. I know there are posters here who could care less what other people think but isn't the goal of caste football to "see that white athletes are respected for their abilities, and that they receive the same opportunities to succeed as non-white athletes?" Just my opinion.
Menelik said:
white tornado said:
Some open minded person comes on this site this is the first post the read and see the posters here making fun of a guy who died they think this is a site of bigots who have nothing to do no real point except to "hate" on blacks.Im not telling anyone what to do but guys think about our sites main purpose of helping educate the general public and helping to cause change.
Not only that but it is also a quick way to get your site labeled as a "hate" site.

You know what? I just read through this entire thread.The jokes made are all very mild and tame and some very good points were made. You fellows should search the internet and check out some of the sites dealing with racial issues. You would be in for a rude awakening. This site is very laid back in comparison. Don knows how to tweak things if he thinks we need some correction.

Bringing up the term - Hate Site - is ridiculous. But of course, in this day and age any dissent from the status quo will not to be tolerated. If our claims cannot be disproved, we will be called haters in an effort to shut us up/!
Menelik said:
Not only that but it is also a quick way to get your site labeled as a "hate" site. I know there are posters here who could care less what other people think but isn't the goal of caste football to "see that white athletes are respected for their abilities, and that they receive the same opportunities to succeed as non-white athletes?" Just my opinion.

Considering that in your first incarnation here you never had anything positive to say about white athletes in over one hundred posts, nor have yousince your mysterious reappearance, I'd say your opinion doesn't carry a whole lot of weight.

What would the "anti-haters" do if they read this thread?: [url] mp;PN=4[/url]

Probably all faint, if not have strokes and cardiac arrests.

This is a pro-white site. Sure it's terrible this unknown player died, but do all of us have to solemnly pay our respects, just as some thought everyone had to praise Tiki Barber when he retired? Black athletes, old and not so old, die all the time. Should we have a politically correct thread for each of them?

I much prefer a sense of humor, even if a bit irreverent and tasteless at times, to ahumorless place The Caste System deserves contempt and lots and lots of mocking and sarcasm, not conformity to its boundariesFor some reason some people here are starting to remind me of the thought police. Let's relax. If you have constructive criticism you wish to convey, go the pm route.
I forgot about that thread! It was hilarious: (a snippet)

Sheila: Kyle, tonight our Beloved Caste System MInister of Propaganda, Richard Lapchik, has ordered strong new rules regarding who may utilize the Internet after Denver police reported that a Boise State cap was covering Williams' prominent rooster Afro and that sticking out of his mouth was a Travis Jervey rookie card. Scrawled in blood on Williams' stomach were the slogans "Free Dustin Fox" and "Derek Abney Has Game." "This could only be the work of the vile Caste Football Gang," announced Lapchik. "In order to preserve freedom and protect democracy in the National Football League, I'm ordering that henceforth only the major networks and Geraldo Rivera can disseminate news and opinions on the Internet. Either you are with the Caste System or you are against it."

Kyle: Thank you, Sheila. And now back to our regularly scheduled program, "Tiger Woods for President of the Solar System in 2016."
There are a few names in this thread missing from the Knoxville Murders thread. No need to show any respect to the white kids charred and murdered, just the drunk and drowned black athletes I guess. Hey, at least he played in the NFL, right? Edited by: White Shogun
Hill has not died in vain. If I ever go jetskiing, I will make a point to wear a life jacket. Even though, I made it a point to have learned how to swim in the past.
White Shogun said:
There are a few names in this thread missing from the Knoxville Murders thread. No need to show any respect to the white kids charred and murdered, just the drunk and drowned black athletes I guess. Hey, at least he played in the NFL, right?

Good point.Edited by: KG2422
White Shogun said:
There are a few names in this thread missing from the Knoxville Murders thread. No need to show any respect to the white kids charred and murdered, just the drunk and drowned black athletes I guess. Hey, at least he played in the NFL, right?

Okay, officer Shogun. I had a feeling I was being followed.
screamingeagle said:
Hill has not died in vain. If I ever go jetskiing, I will make a point to wear a life jacket. Even though, I made it a point to have learned how to swim in the past.

Even for those of us who are excellent swimmers, riding a jet-ski without a proper life jacket is risky. Too common are the accidents that throw the rider; anyone who skis or jet-skis knows that water can feel a little more "solid" than "liquid" upon impact. Just the possibility that the jet-ski can break down in the middle of the lake should make a rider want to have at least a light vest.

As for Marqius Hill, he was a very large lad. Heavy muscle build -- typical of NFL defensive linemen -- works against swimming for distance (without a floatation device). Blacks tend to have dense bones by comparison to whites and Asians, which is why there are so few high-level black swimmers and divers. Hill probably grew up froliking in shallow water, and maybe even knew how to swim short distances. Ignorance of distance swimming may have cost him his life. I wonder why the Athletic Depts at all the major universities don't educate ALL their athletes on body types and athletic endeavors. At least, water safety.
Deus Vult said:
As for Marqius Hill, he was a very large lad. Heavy muscle build -- typical of NFL defensive linemen -- works against swimming for distance (without a floatation device).

Hill probably grew up froliking in shallow water...
