
jaxvid said:
chris371 said:
Youre right, a death by a drunken driver isnt anywhere near as harmful as a death caused by an weed intoxicated driver. Weed deaths are so much more dangerous, as they cause death, as opposed to drink driving deaths. Therefore it is entirely logical to ban one recreational drug but not the other.

I think you missed my f'in point entirely.

In maybe the only positive development, which some here may disagree, marijuana has been re-legalized for recreational use in Colorado and Washington. I hope this is an early step to ending the ridiculous "War on Drugs". Also, this may help slow down the ever growing police state which thrives on throwing pot users in jail and kicking in people's doors to "raid" small ounces of weed.
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In maybe the only positive development, which some here may disagree, marijuana has be re-legalized for recreational use in Colorado and Washington. I hope this is an early step to ending the ridiculous "War on Drugs". Also, this may help slow down the ever growing police state which thrives on throwing pot users in jail and kicking in people's doors to "raid" small ounces of weed.

I agree that it is a positive development, but it's not going to end any of their wars without end, like their phony "war on drugs", and no doubt they'll have their Supreme Court and Justice Dept. nullify this as they always do with all the Propositions that they let the canon fodder pretend to vote on, if the vote doesn't come out the way they want it to.
It also passed in Oregon which now allows UNLIMITED amounts in personal possession and an UNLIMITED amount of personal cultivation. It's a victory of State's Rights over an overreaching and unconstitutional Federal regulation. A victory for the 10th Amendment of our Bill of Rights and a blueprint to follow for other causes of self-determination.
I agree that it is a states rights issue and that the "war on drugs" and the massively profitable prison system will take a small hit from this, but other than that we'll just have two already-blue states with a further brain-addled easily-controlled population due to the remarkable mind-altering qualities of THC.
A docile White population with lowered I.Q. and zero ambition is just what the kosher powers that be want. Add "baked" negroes and may-hee-cans crashing cars and committing crimes because of marijuana induced paranoia and it's pretty hard to spin this as a victory for "freedom."

That's the inherent failure of libertarianism: the assumption that everyone in society is a responsible adult. It might work in a White Nation, but to pretend we can cure the diversity dysfunction by removing laws is madness.
A docile White population with lowered I.Q. and zero ambition is just what the kosher powers that be want. Add "baked" negroes and may-hee-cans crashing cars and committing crimes because of marijuana induced paranoia and it's pretty hard to spin this as a victory for "freedom."
If this was true, then why don't they legalize it across the board? Why does the federal government always step in, violating the constitution, to squash any states that pass legalizing measures?

Let's face it, they don't need marijuana to dumb down American Whites. They already fluoridate our water, poison our foods, spray chemtrails in our airs and indoctrinate us from age 5 up to 25 in their Marxist "educational" institutions. They promote alcohol on TV, in magazines & on billboards 24/7. They push psychotropic prescription drugs that alter our moods, behavior and perceptions. They put normal, energetic boys on Ritalin or Adderall for "attention deficit disorder". They zombify us through sports, Hollywood, facebook, pornography and television.

Drugs, including marijuana, are already easily accessible in America, which so happens to consume more drugs than any other nation in the world. All criminalizing pot does is feed the ever-growing prison system, which benefits from basically slave labor (I won't even get into the criminal banks that launder the illegal drug money). You know negroes are impulsive as well as prone to violence and bad decision making. They will end up in jail for violent crimes even if marijuana is legal. It's Whites, with no criminal record, that get thrown into jail for the "victimless crime" of smoking or possessing marijuana.

Lastly, I don't think anyone on CF trusts government. So why would you let them dictate what you choose to put into your body?
If this was true, then why don't they legalize it across the board? Why does the federal government always step in, violating the constitution, to squash any states that pass legalizing measures?

Let's face it, they don't need marijuana to dumb down American Whites. They already fluoridate our water, poison our foods, spray chemtrails in our airs and indoctrinate us from age 5 up to 25 in their Marxist "educational" institutions. They promote alcohol on TV, in magazines & on billboards 24/7. They push psychotropic prescription drugs that alter our moods, behavior and perceptions. They put normal, energetic boys on Ritalin or Adderall for "attention deficit disorder". They zombify us through sports, Hollywood, facebook, pornography and television.

Drugs, including marijuana, are already easily accessible in America, which so happens to consume more drugs than any other nation in the world. All criminalizing pot does is feed the ever-growing prison system, which benefits from basically slave labor (I won't even get into the criminal banks that launder the illegal drug money). You know negroes are impulsive as well as prone to violence and bad decision making. They will end up in jail for violent crimes even if marijuana is legal. It's Whites, with no criminal record, that get thrown into jail for the "victimless crime" of smoking or possessing marijuana.

Lastly, I don't think anyone on CF trusts government. So why would you let them dictate what you choose to put into your body?

I agree. It would be one thing if we had a homogeneous society, but we don't. Marijuana is just one more ready-made, easy excuse for the ever-growing law enforcement/prison complex to arrest more Whites. There are a lot of White guys who dealt a little weed (or who merely possessed some for their personal use) who are doing hard time in maximum security prisons, which in most cases is horribly unjust.
Mainly because I don't want some "baked" moron putting a car into my body. Or putting a bullet into my body, for that matter.

hilarious, espescially about the part where blacks commit crimes because of weed, they commit crimes regardless and marijuana induced paranoia isn't going to make someone do something seriously crazy. You know what doese cause real paranoia that blacks use? crack, and they get crazy paranoid after using for a while, like constantly poking their heads to look through the curtains because they thinking someones out to get them, who knows what it will cause them to do. Serious dealers are dealing crack/cocaine and heroin. Weed is bulky and not as profitable, can't cut it so it doesn't go through 20 different middle men that all put crap in it to make it larger for more profit, plus you can grow it at home. Well you can create synthetic heroin but need a very knowledable chemist to do it, they make a fentanyl derivative (which is way more potent than actual heroin) and then just put a ton of more cut in it, the problem is making sure its all evenly distributed, in Chicago a while back a batch wasn't and people were getting bags of heroin with large amounts of some version of fentanyl and overdosing. Then I imagine there were those who got the bags that were just full of filler and were pissed off that they didn't get the deadeliest batch. In New York city the needle exchange has a poster up of which brands of dope are killing people and thats what junkies go seek out, because they know its the strongest, ridiculous (IN NYC the dope comes in one of those goodies type packages and they have different stamps on them to identify, even a dimebag), over here they put it in foil or "furl" Those chemists, were hired by some serious gangsters, not some low level college drop out who might be growing some plants.

I mean are people seriously still arguing about this debate? weed is everywhere, its like cigarettes. Presciption pills flooding the streets are a much more serious problem, drugs like oxycodone (oxycontin, roxicodone, percocet), hydrocodone (lortab, vicoden), oxymorphone (opana), hydromoprhone (dilaudid), demerol, methadone, fentanyl patches (fentanyl is 40 times stronger than heroin), all of these drugs are no different than heroin when abused, oh yeah of course codiene which is weak but its what is what blacks call the "sizzurp", but there is a stronger form that has hydrocodone instead

They are combined with stuff like clonozepam (Klonopin), alprozolam (xanax), diazepam(valium), a ton more but those are the most common, all benzos which are prescribed for anxiety, works on Gaba in your brain, similar to alchohol.

Also, a pill that used be more prescribed but harder to find is soma combine soma with the other two and it was called the holy trinity.

Still Benzos and Opioids are freqently taken together, and there are tons of quack doctors that take cash only handing out prescriptions for these like candy, just have the cash and the mri, I knew a lady who used an mri from 11 years back.

I know about this because of my back pain and had to switch doctors because I wanted a doctor not a drug dealer. If you can't find a doctor there are tons of people selling these on the street. I knew a street in Atlanta, by the free hospital with people selling pretty much all of these pills.

In the city I live in you can find some douche bag at the local buffalo wild wings to get them, in the inner city tons of old people that are on welfare selling theirs in the morning at places like burger king and mcdonalds (old black people need crack money too,"the govment don't gives enuff money fo me gots to sell these pills these white doctors want me to be taken, i knows what makes my back pain better".

These drugs can mess you up much worse than weed, although alot of people do smoke weed on top of it, but they do get piss tested at some of those pill clinics (crack/cocaine stays in your system for 3 days opposed to like a month for weed) so the ones that go don't risk it, just take what they are prescribed, but they usually take them in 10 days and go to the street and buy more to last the month.

There has been a time when I took too much due to severe pain and made the stupid choice of driving (one time thing, if its questionable have my wife drive) and was swerving all over the road and pulled over, failed all the tests tell the cop, well I just got prescribed this medicine I dont know, I haven't had a drink and don't do drugs (meaning illegal drugs). He looked at it and said "well you go home, maybe you shouldn't drive on those until your body gets used to it."

And thats what everyone else does and it doesn't matter if the drugs are schedule 4,3 or 2 because they have bottles with their names on them that they can put them in, the police aren't going to check to see if the imprint and pill description match what is in small print on the bottle, they just verify if its the same drug, if that. Plus some of the pills are so small you can just eat them if you get pulled over, takes a lot to overdose on benzos alone, with opioids different story, thats okay, just call 911 shortly after before they have time to digest, if you didn't puke it up and they will ride out and give you a shot of narcan and revive you from the dead.

and you guys arguing about weed, come on man, as far as the other stuff, don't konw what to do, a lot of money being made, greed is everything.
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I don't use marijuana myself but hemp/marijuana is an enormously beneficial plant with many wonderful properties. Of course you can overdo and abuse it as you can with most things.

The feds get pissed off about states trying to legalize it because it interferes with their international narco racket, the main reason they invaded Afghanistan by the way, since the Taliban shut down opium production.
I think one reason for marijuana's continued criminalization is hemp in general. Hemp has a lot of industrial properties that if made legal could potentially effect several industries. It'd also compete with another wonder crop (soy) that has a lot of sway nowadays.
I agree. It would be one thing if we had a homogeneous society, but we don't. Marijuana is just one more ready-made, easy excuse for the ever-growing law enforcement/prison complex to arrest more Whites. There are a lot of White guys who dealt a little weed (or who merely possessed some for their personal use) who are doing hard time in maximum security prisons, which in most cases is horribly unjust.

Too true.
Hemp, which used to be grown commercially (it was one of the main crops in Missouri in the 1800's) to be used in textiles is a low THC variant of the cannibus sativa plant family. The amount of THC in hemp is extremely low, you would have to smoke a bushel of it to get stoned. It's mostly grown in China, as the FedGov regards it (growing it, anyway) the same as a marijuana plant.
Hemp, which used to be grown commercially (it was one of the main crops in Missouri in the 1800's) to be used in textiles is a low THC variant of the cannibus sativa plant family. The amount of THC in hemp is extremely low, you would have to smoke a bushel of it to get stoned. It's mostly grown in China, as the FedGov regards it (growing it, anyway) the same as a marijuana plant.
They also have a version of the poppy plant that produces morphine similar to this. I think off the island of Tasmania? they grow tons of these plants that have low amounts of morphine, very small.

However, like all poppy plants that produce morphine it produces thebaine which has no narcotic effects on its on but with tons of knowledge in chemistry you can convert it into the pain pills that we have today, many that I mentioned like hydrocodone, oxycodone etc.

Only demerol, methadone and fenatnyl are opioids that do not require the plant and are made of chemicals. Methadone and demerol created by the nazis after their ships with morphine were sunk. I know it was for troops but supposedly Hitler was addicted to morphine and amphetamine shots which he got every morning but can't always believe what you read concerning the Nazis. Ive read that he was constipated alot and morphine would cause this.

Demerol is pretty weak, while fentanyl and methadone are pretty strong, especially fentanyl and its drugs similar in structure, such as carfentanyl, one kilogram of this would equal 40 metric tons of pure heroin (which is diacetylemorphine, basically morphine that crosses the blood brain barrier twice as fast providing more of a ruch). During the Moscow theater crisis where they gassed the people, some form of fentanyl was used, that has to be some potent stuff to be able to gas and have people od. Some were saved due to doctors giving them nalaxone, which is the opposite for mu agonists like opioids, and reverses its effects. Some people survived this, maybe they were a few junkies with huge tolerances and thinking "man i feel great". One of the most powerful opioids out there is the substance that many of you have taken, its in immodium, its an opioid, but the chemical structure doesn't allow it to cross the blood brain barrier and it only works on your gi tract, however, there have been reports that a rare 1 to 2 percent of the population are able to get high off of this, every brain is different and I guess some of it crosses over the bbb.

My main point is that all of these plants have some sort of use
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Been a long time since this thread has been visited. Since the last post in 2012 pot use has grown astronomically in the US and Canada with significant legalization. I came across this article on Ann Coulter's blog that deals with the much pooh-poohed subject of "reefer madness". It's from April of this year but I didn't notice it previously. Quite eye-opening:


April 3, 2019

I think I'll direct a series of low-budget movies with names like "Tobacco Madness," "Gun Madness" and "White Male Madness." The plots will be exactly the same with, alternately, cigarettes, guns or whiteness causing high school students to go insane, causing mayhem and murder.

In addition to launching my campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, my films will be so silly that, in the future, they will anathematize any untoward remarks about smokers, gun-owners or white men. (Making certain arguments entirely off-limits is terrific for generating fact-based solutions!)

A "No Smoking" sign in a hospital room? What is this? "Tobacco Madness"?

That's what the 1930s propaganda film "Reefer Madness" has done to the discussion of marijuana in the United States, as is evident from the eye-opening new book, Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence
, by longtime New York Times reporter Alex Berenson. (Don't worry -- he covered the pharmaceutical industry, not politics.)

The evidence that pot, and pot alone, triples your chances of developing a psychosis is overwhelming. Berenson cites hundreds of studies showing a direct link between cannabis use and psychoses like schizophrenia.

For every objection, he's got another batch of studies, including his own groundbreaking research.

Aren't these just schizophrenics-in-waiting who were self-medicating with pot? No, people with zero personal or family history of any type of mental illness show a statistically significant increase in psychosis diagnoses after using cannabis.

Don't the studies involve a lot of "confirmation bias," with scientists looking for psychosis in potheads? Totally false. A huge number of the studies linking pot and schizophrenia began with scientists looking at something else entirely and being floored by the marijuana results showing up in the data.

Isn't this because most pot-smokers are young men in their late teens to late 20s -- the danger zone for schizophrenia? To the contrary, Berenson shows that new psychosis diagnoses among adults in marijuana-friendly states like Colorado have shot up right along with pot legalization. One Dutch study of 4,000 previously healthy adults found that marijuana use nearly tripled the risk of developing psychotic symptoms within three years.

If any other substance tripled the odds of losing your mind, I think the public would know about it. But in America, reporters -- even scientists -- are more worried about sounding cool. What? Do you believe in "Reefer Madness"?

There's also the problem that the Worst Generation smoked a lot of pot when they were idealistically rioting on college campuses in the 1970s and consider it harmless. It didn't hurt them, did it?

But, as Berenson says, the difference in the pot being consumed today and that smoked by earlier generations is the equivalent of comparing a martini to "near beer." In the 1970s, most pot contained less than 2 percent THC -– the chemical that gets you high. "Today's users wouldn't even recognize that drug as marijuana," says Berenson. The legal pot sold today is usually at least 25 percent THC. Cannabis "wax" and "shatter" can be almost pure THC.

The United Kingdom's scientific community has been screaming from the rooftops about the link between cannabis and psychosis for decades. As a consequence, marijuana use and support for legalization have collapsed. From the early 2000s to today, cannabis use in the U.K. has been cut by a third.

In that same time period, marijuana consumption in the U.S. and Canada skyrocketed. By now, American adults use cannabis in a month at a rate higher than British adults do in a year.

With the surge in cannabis consumption has come a surge in overdose deaths and psychosis.

In 2006 America -- just as the latest rise in pot consumption began -- there were about 30,000 emergency room diagnoses of psychosis with marijuana use disorder alone. By 2014, that number had tripled, with almost 90,000 emergency room visits for cannabis-induced psychosis.

Only a few of the emergency room patients with marijuana dependence showed any other drug in their systems. And the cannabis-related psychoses were more severe than the others, resulting in hospitalization twice as often as psychosis alone.

Here's my trailblazing study explaining the wide gulf in marijuana use in this country compared to the U.K.: British scientists and journalists weren't embarrassed by the hyperbolic nonsense of "Reefer Madness," so they could tell the truth.

While in Britain scads of scientific studies are published with titles like "What Is the Mechanism Whereby Cannabis Use Increases Risk of Psychosis?" and "The Acute Effects of Synthetic Intravenous Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Psychosis, Mood, and Cognitive Functioning," the American media produces only happy talk about pot. You don't want to sound uncool, do you?

Recently, this tabloid-bait study appeared all over -- in Cosmo, Women's Wear Daily and other important scientific journals: "Marijuana really DOES give women better orgasms."

On closer examination, the alleged "study" consists exclusively of the self-reports of potheads. Yes, cannabis-consuming patients at a single OB/GYN clinic were asked if they had better orgasms after smoking pot. In a shock for the ages, the pothead patients said, Yes, better!

A more accurate title for the so-called "study" would be: POTHEADS LIKE POT!

I thought the American media's universal, exhaustive, flood-the-zone lying about immigration could never be matched for any other subject. Read Alex Berenson's Tell Your Children
and you'll see how wrong I was -- and you are, too.
Been a long time since this thread has been visited. Since the last post in 2012 pot use has grown astronomically in the US and Canada with significant legalization. I came across this article on Ann Coulter's blog that deals with the much pooh-poohed subject of "reefer madness". It's from April of this year but I didn't notice it previously. Quite eye-opening:


April 3, 2019

I think I'll direct a series of low-budget movies with names like "Tobacco Madness," "Gun Madness" and "White Male Madness." The plots will be exactly the same with, alternately, cigarettes, guns or whiteness causing high school students to go insane, causing mayhem and murder.

In addition to launching my campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, my films will be so silly that, in the future, they will anathematize any untoward remarks about smokers, gun-owners or white men. (Making certain arguments entirely off-limits is terrific for generating fact-based solutions!)

A "No Smoking" sign in a hospital room? What is this? "Tobacco Madness"?

That's what the 1930s propaganda film "Reefer Madness" has done to the discussion of marijuana in the United States, as is evident from the eye-opening new book, Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence
, by longtime New York Times reporter Alex Berenson. (Don't worry -- he covered the pharmaceutical industry, not politics.)

The evidence that pot, and pot alone, triples your chances of developing a psychosis is overwhelming. Berenson cites hundreds of studies showing a direct link between cannabis use and psychoses like schizophrenia.

For every objection, he's got another batch of studies, including his own groundbreaking research.

Aren't these just schizophrenics-in-waiting who were self-medicating with pot? No, people with zero personal or family history of any type of mental illness show a statistically significant increase in psychosis diagnoses after using cannabis.

Don't the studies involve a lot of "confirmation bias," with scientists looking for psychosis in potheads? Totally false. A huge number of the studies linking pot and schizophrenia began with scientists looking at something else entirely and being floored by the marijuana results showing up in the data.

Isn't this because most pot-smokers are young men in their late teens to late 20s -- the danger zone for schizophrenia? To the contrary, Berenson shows that new psychosis diagnoses among adults in marijuana-friendly states like Colorado have shot up right along with pot legalization. One Dutch study of 4,000 previously healthy adults found that marijuana use nearly tripled the risk of developing psychotic symptoms within three years.

If any other substance tripled the odds of losing your mind, I think the public would know about it. But in America, reporters -- even scientists -- are more worried about sounding cool. What? Do you believe in "Reefer Madness"?

There's also the problem that the Worst Generation smoked a lot of pot when they were idealistically rioting on college campuses in the 1970s and consider it harmless. It didn't hurt them, did it?

But, as Berenson says, the difference in the pot being consumed today and that smoked by earlier generations is the equivalent of comparing a martini to "near beer." In the 1970s, most pot contained less than 2 percent THC -– the chemical that gets you high. "Today's users wouldn't even recognize that drug as marijuana," says Berenson. The legal pot sold today is usually at least 25 percent THC. Cannabis "wax" and "shatter" can be almost pure THC.

The United Kingdom's scientific community has been screaming from the rooftops about the link between cannabis and psychosis for decades. As a consequence, marijuana use and support for legalization have collapsed. From the early 2000s to today, cannabis use in the U.K. has been cut by a third.

In that same time period, marijuana consumption in the U.S. and Canada skyrocketed. By now, American adults use cannabis in a month at a rate higher than British adults do in a year.

With the surge in cannabis consumption has come a surge in overdose deaths and psychosis.

In 2006 America -- just as the latest rise in pot consumption began -- there were about 30,000 emergency room diagnoses of psychosis with marijuana use disorder alone. By 2014, that number had tripled, with almost 90,000 emergency room visits for cannabis-induced psychosis.

Only a few of the emergency room patients with marijuana dependence showed any other drug in their systems. And the cannabis-related psychoses were more severe than the others, resulting in hospitalization twice as often as psychosis alone.

Here's my trailblazing study explaining the wide gulf in marijuana use in this country compared to the U.K.: British scientists and journalists weren't embarrassed by the hyperbolic nonsense of "Reefer Madness," so they could tell the truth.

While in Britain scads of scientific studies are published with titles like "What Is the Mechanism Whereby Cannabis Use Increases Risk of Psychosis?" and "The Acute Effects of Synthetic Intravenous Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Psychosis, Mood, and Cognitive Functioning," the American media produces only happy talk about pot. You don't want to sound uncool, do you?

Recently, this tabloid-bait study appeared all over -- in Cosmo, Women's Wear Daily and other important scientific journals: "Marijuana really DOES give women better orgasms."

On closer examination, the alleged "study" consists exclusively of the self-reports of potheads. Yes, cannabis-consuming patients at a single OB/GYN clinic were asked if they had better orgasms after smoking pot. In a shock for the ages, the pothead patients said, Yes, better!

A more accurate title for the so-called "study" would be: POTHEADS LIKE POT!

I thought the American media's universal, exhaustive, flood-the-zone lying about immigration could never be matched for any other subject. Read Alex Berenson's Tell Your Children
and you'll see how wrong I was -- and you are, too.

Great to see you mention Tell Your Kids the Truth. Its on my list of books to read and was very well reviewed in lots of left wing publications such as Mother Jones.
Alcohol is way worse. Its not even close. It always blows me away how some guy with a fat beer belly who couldnt bust a grape will talk bad about a pothead. As if because beer is legal hes got some kind of moral highground. Drunk idiots ruin the lives of everyone around them. At the same time they call potheads hippies. Its insanity.
I don't think alcohol is worse for society.
It's my belief based on observations of the millennial generation that pot has played a major part in the "failure to launch" phenomenon. Yes, there are loads of structural issues in our modern society that are widening the young male hierarchy. But let's face it, pot makes it easier for those who enter adulthood towards the bottom of that hierarchy to skip out on trying in their 20s. Most people would go insane with a life of delivering pizzas 25 hours per week, being constantly broke, and getting laid every couple months from some random fat chick. But pot seems to make that life livable for a significant portion of the young male population. Without the crutch of pot they may be driven to try harder.
Yes, well adjusted people use pot in the correct way. Unfortunately we live in an imperfect world where lots of people aren't well adjusted.
The difference with alcohol is that there's a natural built in limit for all but the worse addicts. The vast majority of people can't go through each and every day completely drunk. So you have some sober time where you need to figure out something to do with yourself. Almost anyone can go through their entire life stoned if they so choose. I've known dozens of people who have made this choice in the 20s, and it's a disaster for their lives. I've only met a handful of people in my generation who became such bad alcoholics that they drink from sunup to sundown each day.
The problem with that logic is that prohibition doesnt work. Weed was completely illegal in my youth and still readily available. It was actually more difficult to obtain alcohol than weed.

Very good point here though : "The difference with alcohol is that there's a naturalbuilt in limit for all but the worse addicts. The vastmajority of people can't go through each and every day completelydrunk. So you have some sobertime where you need to figure out something to do withyourself."
I was a daily user of it for 11 years along with steady alcohol and an array of other "party lifestyle" substances (some dangerous, some not as much but self-abuse nonetheless) occasionally. The alcohol use became so heavy, daily use almost cost me my life in the latter part of those years. It was a bad and dark time of my life. Simply put, I lived "functionally" wasted almost every day for those 11 years from age 14 to 25 until when I became a Christian and was "freed" for lack of a better word. I've been totally clean from each and every one of those things ever since. God was very, very merciful to me and I have never gone back at all despite some very dark and depressing days since and even recently.

The "user days" I experienced were the life and fast times of the late 70's to the late 80's, a time when partying was prominent and prevalent. However, as stated and cited above the weed nowadays is so potent, so toxic and so dangerous it's a totally different drug from my understanding. Add the fact that these stoners have ZERO biblical basis for life and living for any real purpose and they're toast. Period. These people using it even occasionally are likely setting themselves up for a fall or at the very least to be total pawns for consistent apathy and dupes for the PTB who want compliant, drugged-down, complacent, totally obedient "useful idiots" as is the goal of Communist Jew bastards; made-to-order fools for the crap and nonsense these stoned, metrosexual morons are just perfectly set up for. It's all in the plans of those who hate us. It's obvious to anyone not walking around in a stupor whether stoned or not...
The problem with that logic is that prohibition doesnt work. Weed was completely illegal in my youth and still readily available. It was actually more difficult to obtain alcohol than weed.

Very good point here though : "The difference with alcohol is that there's a naturalbuilt in limit for all but the worse addicts. The vastmajority of people can't go through each and every day completelydrunk. So you have some sobertime where you need to figure out something to do withyourself."
Prohibition does work to decrease certain activities assuming the police are active in prosecuting the crime. Do you think prostitution would happen more if there were legal brothels in every town? Would there be more or less driving at unsafe speeds if we eliminated speed limits on interstates? Do you know the info on how legalization in certain states has changed consumption patterns? I think I remember reading that it didn't really increase the % of people using, but it increased the amount consumed by each user. Of course we won't know the full effects until a generation grows up under the current laws.

I personally don't want to ruin lives over weed, but I think it should be illegal and it's possession should be prosecuted. I'd classify possession as a misdemeanor with a hefty fine (say $500) and community service for repeat offenders.
I don't smoke pot. If people want to use it in their own homes, that's fine, but it should be illegal in public places.

I think it is somewhat harmful, but it's certainly no worse than alcohol.
I was a daily user of it for 11 years along with steady alcohol and an array of other "party lifestyle" substances (some dangerous, some not as much but self-abuse nonetheless) occasionally. The alcohol use became so heavy, daily use almost cost me my life in the latter part of those years. It was a bad and dark time of my life. Simply put, I lived "functionally" wasted almost every day for those 11 years from age 14 to 25 until when I became a Christian and was "freed" for lack of a better word. I've been totally clean from each and every one of those things ever since. God was very, very merciful to me and I have never gone back at all despite some very dark and depressing days since and even recently.

The "user days" I experienced were the life and fast times of the late 70's to the late 80's, a time when partying was prominent and prevalent. However, as stated and cited above the weed nowadays is so potent, so toxic and so dangerous it's a totally different drug from my understanding. Add the fact that these stoners have ZERO biblical basis for life and living for any real purpose and they're toast. Period. These people using it even occasionally are likely setting themselves up for a fall or at the very least to be total pawns for consistent apathy and dupes for the PTB who want compliant, drugged-down, complacent, totally obedient "useful idiots" as is the goal of Communist Jew bastards; made-to-order fools for the crap and nonsense these stoned, metrosexual morons are just perfectly set up for. It's all in the plans of those who hate us. It's obvious to anyone not walking around in a stupor whether stoned or not...
Hey BFU, you totally nailed it on this post, speaking from your experience. Praise God for lifting you up.

My oldest son started smoking “recreationally” a couple of years back. Not every day, but enough. Once he got serious about his schooling, he realized that pot “made him dumb”, his words. That is the real danger of the modern high-potency strains that are sold nowadays. It’s not like the stuff you or I had access to as young’uns.
Hey BFU, you totally nailed it on this post, speaking from your experience. Praise God for lifting you up.

My oldest son started smoking “recreationally” a couple of years back. Not every day, but enough. Once he got serious about his schooling, he realized that pot “made him dumb”, his words. That is the real danger of the modern high-potency strains that are sold nowadays. It’s not like the stuff you or I had access to as young’uns.
Yes what botanists have done to marijuana is a similar to what the original cocoa leaf is to cocaine. Amerindians have chewed cocoa leafs in the Andes for a few thousand years, yet after it was chemically altered by scientists the drug is extremely addictive and poison to the human system.

The new strains of marijuana should only be used for medicinal use only and maybe on a long weekend to bake out occasionally or you can become a total non productive future welfare recipient. I have seen this with friends from my school days, who can't even hold down a menial job and the few bucks that they can find are willingly forked over to their dealer.

PS, from what I have read of shatter that maybe as bad as hard narcotics as the users can get paranoid and get bad trips from it.
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