
People are more addicted than ever. Nicotine, Caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, electronic devices. My buddy at work has a monster energy drink every single morning without fail. He also chews nicotine gum throughout the day, probably 15-20 pieces total. It’s absolutely insane how addicted most people are. I had a horrible caffeine habit for 10 years. I was drinking coffee in the evenings even! I can’t believe how much more clarity I have now that I’m off it. I have a ton more energy throughout the day and sleep soundly at night. These vices also serve very important financial purposes to the (((masters))). People often complain about their cable bill (rightfully so), but don’t bat an eye at spending 5-20$ per day on an unnecessary habit.
Yes, ordering a fast food lunch with a doughnut and a coffee can "only" be 10US a day but multiply that by 20 and it adds up, corporations want this from zombie workers to boost their earnings. The new smartphones have accelerated the zombie spending on this and other consumer spending that is totally wasteful. I remember reading some people are so bad they have to keep a storage unit for the excess junk they have from buying.
I don't smoke pot. If people want to use it in their own homes, that's fine, but it should be illegal in public places.

I think it is somewhat harmful, but it's certainly no worse than alcohol.
I'd recommend you read the book Tell Your Kids the Truth referenced above before deciding if weed is no worse than alcohol.
It may be a cause of everything from school shootings to our confused sexuality.
It turns out there's good evidence that Reefer Madness is real.
American Freedom News