Manny Ramirez involved in clubhouse scrap


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the latest episode of "That's Just Manny Being Manny!"

In this edition, witness Manny Ramirez's latest controversy as a report in the Providence Journal says he pushed Boston's traveling secretary, Jack McCormick, to the ground after a dispute over his request for 16 tickets in Houston.

Key plot points include the situation escalating with Manny's quick temper ("Just do your job!" he reportedly said), the two being separated by the ever-present "onlookers" and the closed-door apology from Ramirez to McCormick, a mea culpa the Red Sox hope will solve everything until the next installment of TJMBM.

Post-show discussion opportunities include, "Other than a difference of 505 career homers, how was this attack different from Shawn Chacon's tussle with Ed Wade?" and "Just what would it take for a future Hall of Famer to get bounced from his team?"

It's just Manny being Manny is the constant refrain up there. I never heard the phrase "it's just Bill being Bill" when Romanowski spit on one player and broke the nose of another. I guess we just expect more of white athletes.
That's TMB. Typical Manny behavior. We created new Internet slang for him
Ramirez, who followed Shawn Chacon's example of physically assaulting a much older white team executive, hasn't been punished by the Red Sox, or even publicly rebuked for knocking the club's 64-year-old traveling secretary to the ground. A white player assaulting an older black or hispanic employee? Instant, permanentnational demonization.

I would like to think that some of the white players on the Red Sox would have a "talk" with Ramirez, and maybe more, but that's wishful thinking. Remember when a group of naked black Patriots taunted a white female reporter in the New England locker room some years back? The white players sat there and did nothing.
The New England story was put to rest as quickly as possible,as always,imagine the furor if the races involved were reversed,also,most of the White players,because of political correctness would not come to this reporters aid.

Also,seeing the many tattoed,jive talking White players in the NFL these days,it's possible they were enjoying the outrage.
The latest chapter of "Hispanic Boys Gone Wild":
<DIV ="tr_item-content">
<H3>Hernandez-Reyes exchange words</H3>
<H5>Posted: Friday July 04, 2008 10:32AM ET</H5>
Jose Reyes and Keith Hernandez had to be separated on the Mets New York Mets ' charter plane Sunday night after a tense confrontation over Hernandez's critical comments about the All-Star shortstop. A team source described the situation aboard the plane as "very heated." One player told The Post that he thought Reyes and the popular former Met - now an analyst for the club's SNY TV network - were close to exchanging punches until others stepped in.
<DIV ="tr_item-extras">Edited by: Don Wassall
He pushed him over ticket prices or something like that
. As if $20,000,000 a year isn't enough to afford tickets for his friends, even if he had to buy them from a scalper. On top of that, he's only batting .280! What a waste!
Where will Manny Ramirez end up next season? Would the RedSox seriously consider bringing him back on another long-term contract?

There are two locations that quickly come to mind as destinations for nappy-headed Manny in 2009: Detroit and Washington.
Ramirezwas called upon to pinch hit tonight in a key situation late in the game against the Yankees. Three pitches, three consecutive called strikes. That's what you call great effort and really earning your paycheck. Of course Joe Morgan
excused him, saying that Ramirez never swung because he was expecting Mariano Rivera to follow his traditional "pattern" of pitches against him.

Doesn't it seem to you that the hispanics are starting to come apart like the blacks? I think it's really interesting that blacks and hispanics only seem to be able to maintain themselves for a short period of time and then they've run their course. Maybe, in not too long a period of time the hispanics will go the same way the blacks have in the majors.

Tom Iron...
Tom, this baseball season so farhas been almost like Caste Football supporters scripted it -- white players dominating including a very large group of emerging young stars, along with many declining hispanic players and now a revolting trend of hispanics assaulting older white executives.

Pretty amazing, but baseball, like football and basketball and sports in general, is dedicated to a "diversity" (non-white) agenda, as that is the agenda of the society as a whole, and it has the power of an unshakeable state religion at the moment. However, diversity and multiculturalism are as unworkable as was communism, and the former communist countries seemingly were in the same position -- tenaciously clingingto a failed system in an ever more stubborn way -- until it eventually crumbled almost overnight. Hopefully "diversity" and "multiculturalism" will have the same fate in the United States, and soon.
I just watched the first inning of the Red Sox-Yankees game. Manny Ramirez was on second, the batter singled the third base coach gave Ramirez the hold up sign but Ramirez kept going anyway and scored. The first player to greet Ramirez as he trotted to the dugout after ignoring the coach was manager Terry Francona, who cheerfully exchanged clenched fists with him. The announcers chuckled, saying as long as he hits 30 home runs and knocks in 100 he can do whatever he wants. The Boston fans all cheer wildly for him even as he has added physically assaulting an elderly team executive to his long resume of selfishness and boorish behavior. It's identical to the way a-hole black players arecoddled in football by their coaches and the media and loved by the drunk white fans.
Ramirez is wearing out his welcome.

[url];_ylt=AiCGlemGA6BKlw8vjkyyMH c5nYcB?slug=ap-redsox-ramirez&amp;prov=ap&amp;type=lgns [/url]

BOSTON (AP)â€â€￾Manny Ramirez is "tired" of the Boston Red Sox and would agree to a trade that would make both him and the team happy.

But he doesn't think it will happen and Boston, battling for a playoff spot, needs the production of its cleanup hitter despite its oft-contentious relationship with him.

Four days before the non-waiver trading deadline, Ramirez said Sunday, "I'm tired of them. They're tired of me." (snip)
The little jerk Yahoo sports writer, Jeff Passan, reports:

"Manny went off Sunday in the manner in which only Manny can, a winning combination of stupidity, absurdity and petulance, and amid one particular tirade to ESPN Deportes, in which he said he doesnÂÂ￾ft care where he plays, uttered this gem: ÂÂ￾gI can even play in Iraq if need be.ÂÂ￾h"

Yes, Manny, please do us all a favor and take a one-way plane ride to Iraq.

Considering that Manny turned AT LEAST 36 in May, why would any team be in a hurry to pony up more than $20 million for this bozo in 2009? The RedSox should decline to pick up his option and let him go DH somewhere else next season.

Iraq would be a suitable place, preferably not on a baseball field, but in a minefield.
Ramirez goes to the Dodgers in a three-team trade that brings Jason Bay to the Red Sox. Bay is a fine five-tool player and should thrive in Boston. The Pirates, per usual, will probably end up with the short end of the stick in the deal.

I'm really liking the Red Sox now, they dealt an a-hole for a solid white player, making them even less Caste than before.
I have wanted to be a Red Sox fan for a couple of years now but the Manny/Ortiz factor prevented it. Glad he is gone now and hope JD Drew(always been a fan of his), Bay and Youkilis along with Ortiz of course go deep into the playoffs. Ortiz is likeable. The Yankees made a nice trade for Pudge yesterday and so that race is getting real interesting and I think Tampa Bay will fade and wilt under the pressure. That's the conventional wisdom anyway. We will see.
rob3873 said:
The Red Sos still need pitching.

They need a "x" too. Just kidding. We all sometimes forget the spellcheck before we post, so laughing with you and not at you.
Jason Bay in Boston is awesome! I feel sorry for the large Pirate contingent here as the Bucs continue to plunge into non-white non-competitiveness.
A commentator on ESPN last night was talking about Bay and said he had better numbers this year than Manny. Sounds like they made a nice trade and got rid of a cancer in the clubhouse.
I saw a picture of Joe Torre welcoming Manny to the Dodgers. I know that must all be PR. I know that on the inside, Torre must be cringing that he's got such a bum on his team.

Tom Iron...
Maybe its just me but this Manny guy looks like a heart attack waiting to explode. I think another cheese burger might do the trick.
great news! Boston gets rid of a jerk, and acquires a classy player with great numbers! Hope this leads to a rise in white consciousness in the Boston area. Their best players are white--no question.

Saw a good sign in beantown: "too Manny issues".
Agree with tom iron and dw...could be facing a hispanic implosion. hope so.

typical espn Passan: "winning combination"????

we should definitely raise this issue of a double standard of conduct for hispanics/blacks and whites...write/talk to the sportswriters/talkshows...we have to raise consciousness...There must be *some* sportswriters who have thought about this...time for them to just say if Manny Ramirez was white, he would have been dropped in his second year with the sox.

speaking of dropping whites...does anyone else feel that Richie Sexson was abandoned to quickly by the M's?
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