I know you got to pay your bills but g@ddamn!
Someone needs to pay for this old mans death:
Man freezes to death indoors.
Man freezes to death indoors.
DixieDestroyer said:I'm not one for welfare & government handouts, but this is a hell of a way to treat a WW2 veteran (of 93 years).
LabMan said:Subliminal messages turning our young folks against extended family members have been in place for the last 40 years or so,it started as early as grade school,increased greatly in college years,and is backed up by the prostituted media,both electronic and print.
Perhaps this was a factor in the demise of this poor old man,these messages are getting stronger in this era,as we see Dads shown as boobs on T.V.everyday,with mom being in control of all family situations,many times the father figure is not shown,leading the inexperienced to believe that he is not needed.
The cultural marxists are after the grandkids now,as they offer up cartoon shows such as "fairly oddparents".
jaxvid said:Agree with the programming of kids. Sometimes it fails. The movie Thelma and Louise was on the other day and my son caught a glimpse of it at the part where Louise sticks a gun in a highway patrolmans face and gets him to cry as they disarm him and put him in the trunk. He watched it and said "Yeah, like that would happen." I asked him why he thought that and he said "c'mon Dad he's a big strong guy and thy're wimpy girls."
Kids should know the difference between real life and fantasy. As entertainment becomes more fantasy orientated I think kids become even less programmed. For example all video games that feature hand to hand combat with choices of chararcters to assume will include slim, model pretty woman, fighting against heavily muscled men---as equals. Movies parrot this theme as well, the idea that a kick or punch from a 110 lb. woman packs enough power to KO a 300 lb. super muscled guy.
It's a joke, like Superman being able to fly. An adolescent kid who knows he is twice as strong as a girl the same age is not going to fall for it. They know it's BS.
Maple Leaf said:As for anyone worrying about the poor utility company getting paid, spare us the whine and drink it yourself. The company could have continued to supply electricity to the dwelling -upon confirmation of its occupancy- and liened the bill to the property taxes or the title. Either way they would have been paid with expenses and interest. But no, in the interest of protecting cash flow they cut off the power.
If people don't pay bills the cost is passed down to other consumers. Adding it to the property is no help, most property where people don't pay bills is either rented or ends up forclosed. If the utilities are really just public companies then they should ensure that people pay for their services.
In this particular case the guy had money but no one was there to see that he paid it. The news story had some quotes from a nephew about how cruel the electric company was, how about how cruel it was for a nephew to let an aged uncle waste away without help from family?
I feel sorry for the guy but I don't want to pay (through my taxes, or utilities) the expenses that are owed by someone else. That's socialism.