"Machete" = Anti-White/Pro-Mex Propaganda


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
"Hollyweird" trots out more anti-White, anti-American sovereignty propaganda...

"Machete" Script Confirms Race War/Anti-White Script

Racist "Machete" Produced with Taxpayer Funds!


Edited by: DixieDestroyer

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
This film is absoulute garbage and should never be allowed to be made. I know about freedom of the press, etc. but this is a very dangerous subject. A ticking time bomb you could say. The fact is that the majority of illegals are not educated and can easily be incited to violence. This producer will need to be held accountable in the worst case scenario.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Alex Jones said (in a clip via the link above) it's an obvious PSYOP & probably written by the FedGov OR (director) Robert Rodriguez is a FedGov operative. It's an obvious ploy to stir up the browns & cause division & unrest in America.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Nov 26, 2004
Will 'mexploitation' movies, modeled on the 'blaxploitation' genre, become common?

The market is there. And is being met to a certain extent with 'drug gang' direct-to-DVD movies and telenovelas like 'El Cartel'.

By some measures Hispanics are a larger ticket-buying audience than blacks. Few movies have no black roles, even when logic is tested. A rationale for 'blaxploitation' was the lack of black heroic leads. No longer the case as blacks play God and President.

But other than Jennifer Lopez (whose familial line was not too long ago kicking it in Europa Blanca) where are the Hispanic leads? You don't even get Hispanic sidekicks. Iron Man's new partner couldn't have been named El Hierro and played by George Lopez in a wrestling mask? Could any Hispanic actress been worse than Halle Berry as Catwoman?

The reality is there. For the same reason Asian Muslims dominant the drug trade in Britain Mexicans are coming to dominate the drug trade in the U.S., the respective drug source countries are Afghanistan/Pakistan and Mexico. But once again, where is the evil yet charming Hispanic drug kingpin being taken down by the honest yet brutally effective Hispanic super cop?

Robbie Benson once played a Mexican gang member. To his credit he didn't wear a yarmulke during filming, but still.Edited by: Charlie


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Charlie said:
But once again, where is the evil yet charming Hispanic drug kingpin being taken down by the honest yet brutally effective Hispanic super cop?

Given the corruption in the Mexican government and law enforcement agencies they could actually make a pretty decent movie out of that concept. Sort of the lone cop battling against overwhelming odds. Yeah it's kind of cliche, but not terrible. Of course they won't because it would have to be set in Mexico which means the corrupt officials and police couldn't all be white.
Edited by: Paleocon


Mar 23, 2009
When I traveled to Mexico I noticed most of the construction workers and airport employees were Mestizos, and the better jobs were usually dominated by Spanish-looking Mexicans. Even the commercials usually featured white people.


Nov 26, 2004
'mexploitation' would require a signature image. Something which captures the essence of America's Mexicanization.

And here it is, Mariachis on the NYC subway, F train. Not on the platform like other buskers, but IN the subway cars. Are they really that obtuse, or just that obnoxious? Performing all the hits no one else wants to play and no one else wants to hear. Lucky commuters.



Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Charlie said:
'mexploitation' would require a signature image. Something which captures the essence of America's Mexicanization.

And here it is, Mariachis on the NYC subway, F train. Not on the platform like other buskers, but IN the subway cars. Are they really that obtuse, or just that obnoxious? Performing all the hits no one else wants to play and no one else wants to hear. Lucky commuters.


I've gotten the "honor" of listening to these "musicians" on my commute home a number of times. Usually 3 chubby, short mustachioed guys wearing kitschy outfits from a TexMex restaurant. The guitar is usually strung with shoelaces. Hurray diversity.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
‘Machete' producers lied about racist bloodbath

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
Prison Planet.com
Sunday, September 5, 2010

‘Machete' reached the #3 spot at the box office opening weekend. But after viewing the film, it is clear that its producers lied about the extent of the film's racial message, which includes vulgar atrocities, like the killing of a pregnant woman attempting to cross the border in the opening scene. This deception about the film's message could bring its tax incentives, worth millions in production costs, into question.

When Alex Jones expressed concern in May that a leaked script portrayed white characters as vehemently racist and wantonly murderous, or that a Latino mob is roused to take on border vigilantes in racial conflict, director Rodriguez assured Ain't It Cool News that he'd ‘had too much tequila,' those types of scenes wouldn't make it to the final edited version. Producer Elizabeth Avellan went on the attack just before the release, defending the tax incentives ‘Machete' had practically already been assured. Avellan denounced the ‘uproar over the film' as "unfounded and unnecessary," stating there was ‘no reason for a denial of incentives':

"A lot of people made up a lot of stuff in terms of what the movie is about and who the bad guy is," she said. "There were a lot of things that people misconstrued "¦ without even knowing the script and pretending they have a script."Â

Now there is no doubt. Nearly everything Jones quoted from the script was on screen in one form or anotherâ€" and its tone was clear: opposition to illegal immigration is tantamount to murder, white racism and vile Machiavellian scheming. The scenes that were excised from script only repeated the one-sided demonization of the Freedom Force vigilantes, who were to murder a young child on the border at the end, but was left behind for a different sequence altogether.

Reviewers like ‘Big Hollywood' panned the film as ‘Dull, Convoluted, Racist and Anti-American," criticizing that: "'Machete' offers no middle ground, no reasonable, non-racist position against wide open borders for those fleeing from what one character describes as the "personal hell" that is Mexico."Â

Who the illegals fight against on screen is one thing. What their words mean is altogether something else. That's the shell game Rodriguez plays and his racially divisive messaging goes way beyond the normal cinematic political posturing and button-pushing. And you will never see a more stereotypically racist portrayal of Southerners, who, in an obvious reference to the border Minute Men, are not only played for cheap laughs but portrayed as sub-human animals who hunt and murder illegals â€" kill a helpless pregnant woman and say "Welcome to America."Â

Rodriguez & crew played everyone as fools, knowing full well what the film would contain. Does Texas want to subsidize the films of Robert Rodriguez and continue to give him a platform to spew divisive racially-tinted trash oriented at Hispanics and attempting to radicalize their views? Rodriguez is the face of the Texas Film Commission's tax incentives program, and has been virtually guaranteed up to $60 millions in rebate funding for a package of films.

Blood-soaked and dripping with hate

It wasn't the extreme levels of violence or its nudity that made this film so offensive; it was the one-sided approval of Hispanic revenge killings while uniformly demonizing the actions of the white groups involved. Though the head of a a Mexican drug lord was the ultimate enemy, he was served exclusively by white politicians and radical groups.

What's more, the film was marketed towards Hispanic groups, including widespread promotion through Latin America, featuring a poster with an image of a blood-dripping machete (the symbol of peasant uprising). Now Hollywood's exports aren't just American cultural hegemony, but a weaponized-subsection of radicalized Latino culture that draws in crowds by playing to Hispanic supremacy.

‘Machete' star Danny Trejo embraced his images the ‘the first Latino superstar' in an interview with told HipHopNation.com, stating "It's an honor to be considered the first Latino superstar. Or I should say the first Latino action hero!" He continued:

"I think Hollywood is afraid to realize that the Latino audience is the largest that they've got. As long as they think that a Latino can't carry a movie, its going to stay that way. Robert Rodriguez who is innovative and brilliant, he knows what we've got. The other great thing is that he put some strong Latina ladies in the movie like Michelle Rodriguez and Jessica Alba. Lindsay Lohan also stars in the movie and she might as well be Latina (laughs)."Â

Keep in mind that Fox 20th Century films, a division of Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp empire financed ‘Machete.' Its news division pulled a story criticizing the film's violent ‘war on immigration.' At the same time mid-east warhawks at Fox News fumed over the Ground Zero mosque controversy, it has been revealed that the Imam is fianced by Rupert Murdoch and the Ford Foundation, among others. Meanwhile Fox also funds diversity filmmaking programs.

The Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation have a history of financing and subsidizing Mexican and Hispanic culture, including radicial groups like La Raza. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have not only given millions to the National Council of La Raza, but financed minority only scholarships. The Ford Foundation has also branched out into financing Hispanic and minority-oriented films, including the 2010 Sundance Institute / Ford Foundation fellowship initiative.

Why would racist, elitist eugenics groups like these finance radical minority movements? The strategy is to divide and conquer, breaking America into bands of opposing groups. While Fox's film division funds ‘Machete,' Fox News stokes heat over the Arizona immigration battle and beyond.

There's not been such an openly racist film since the early days of cinema where the pro-KKK ‘Birth of a Nation,' and films featuring Charlie Chan and other "coolies" epitomized a cruder era of filmmaking full of offensive stereotypes. Today, those depictions have been denounced. Why then would today's politically-correct culture who denounce these stereotypes accept and praise a racist filmmaker who pans to the Hispanic market?

The messages in culture, including how ethnic groups are portrayed, is clearly important to discuss in our society. Propaganda has been synonymous with films since the beginningâ€" when Soviet propagandists, like Eisenstein, and later Nazi propagandists, headed by Goebbels, used it as a weapon of cultural influence. While Rodriguez has a right to make as hateful and racist a film as he dares, the State of Texas should be hesitant to institutionalize support for his extreme views, when the Film Commission has a policy to selectively refuse funding that depicts Texas in a bad light. The film ‘Waco' was sent packing, so why should ‘Machete' have Gov. Rick Perry's blessing and budget?

In the Mexploitation film ‘Machete,' white characters who ran with the Hispanic crew felt the need to justify their presence. "I was adopted," one Anglo wanna-be gangster told Machete as he attempted to rally a Latino posse. Hispanics like Jessica Alba, who worked for the white system as an I.C.E. (Immigrations & Customs) officer, redeemed herself by betraying "the law" for "what's right."Â

Alba's conversion, which ended in her rallying a crowd of migrant workers by declaring "We didn't cross the border; the border crossed us," was inspired by Luz. Played by Michelle Rodriguez, Luz operates a taco stand as cover for her role as head of ‘The Network,' an underground organization that helps to get transport migrants across the border and situate them within the U.S. Its influence is channeled through the pervasive myth of Luz's alter-ego "She," the militant female version of the revolutionary leader Che. ‘The Network' becomes a sort of underground railroad for the plight of the immigrant, seeking refuge from the Hellhole that is their collapsing country. In the film, that effort is thwarted by the white racist Von, who torches her headquarters while his band of vigilantes called ‘Freedom Fighters' prepare for their next border raid to mow down helpless illegal aliens. Von & his boys also conspire with a crooked state Senator played by Robert DeNiro to construct an electrified border fence that literally fries trespassers instantly.

Let's Get Real: Having a Healthy Food Supply is Essential (AD)

Even the non-violent parts of the film are littered with mini-lectures about the justification for immigration or on the dignity of brown people and day laborers. And while the film had plenty of humor, its stab at border issues was, as Kurt Nimmo noted, anything but satire. It is more of a racial polemic, fueled by Rodriguez' one-sided philosophy, that declares symbolic dominance through Machete's mythical exploits and ultimate victory.

What's inflammatory?
- Opening scene where pregnant mother trying to cross the border is killed by DeNiro and border vigilantes to ‘prevent another anchor baby'
- A phony campaign ad for DeNiro's Senator McLaughlin depicts hundreds of crawling worms and cockroaches while decrying the "parasite"Â immigrant "terrorists"Â crossing the border.
- A scene in a hospital where it is declared that illegal immigrants are usually refused emergency care, but Machete is lucky that ‘The Network' is there to get him some care in this case
- ‘The Network' of Latinos was continually virtuous while the Freedom Force, a vigilante group cast with caractures of hillbilly trash, neo-nazi types and fat slobs, repeatedly use terms like "wetbacks," "cucarachas," "parasites," "beaners" and more.
- Freedom Fighter vigilantes regularly go out on adventures to snipe at illegals near the border and film their exploits
- A Catholic priest played by Cheech Marin is crucified by the character "Booth"Â who slings racist insults while nailing him to the cross
- The minutemen-like border vigilantes are liquidated by the Network, buoyed by Machete's legend within the film as much as his killcount, as well as the film's revolutionary female protagonist, played by Michelle Rodriguez, who also projects a counter-ego known as She, the female Che.
incendiary political message of the movie.

Contact Texas Governor Rick Perry:
Phone: (512) 463-9200
Alt.: (512) 463-2000
Fax: (512) 463-1849

Citizen's Opinion Hotline [for Texas callers] :
Phone: (800) 252-9600

Contact the Texas Film Commission
Phone: (512) 463-9200
Fax: (512) 463-4114


Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The previews for this "film"Â￾ currently playing on Synagogue-Vision merely contained dozens of quick "kill-shots"Â￾ with the main character softly saying "I'm your new gardener"Â￾ at the end.

How can one possibly decide to go see a film based on four words? Such is the essence of the modern film"¦seething with the pigheaded superficiality and instant gratification. Modern movies show the audience "everything"Â￾"¦accept for anything this is profound.


Jul 29, 2008
According to one report I saw, the majority of the audience for this movie over the opening weekend has been Mexicans. Seems to me like ICE needs to identify all the theaters where this movie is playing and set-up shop. It should be an easy way to round-up thousands of illegals and ship them back to where they came from. (wishful thinking on my part)


Dec 13, 2009
This POS made 11 million in it's opening weekend, so it's a flop.
I'm not sure what it cost to produce and distribute this POS but I sure hope all the tools involved lost lots and lots of money and every DWF/self hating liberal were pissed off at wasting their time and money on this anti-White and American BS propaganda!
Dec 18, 2004
The first NFL Network Top 100 players show had an ad for it, but the second program Tuesday night did not.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
11 million on opening weekend probably won't cover what they paid Robert De Niro to be in the film.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
11 million on opening weekend probably won't cover what they paid Robert De Niro to be in the film.

Yeah, that World Champion Mudskipper is somehow a billionaire cult hero. Has DeNiro ever dated a single white woman?

As for the tepid success of the "film"....so much for the "Latinos Unite"Â￾ fantasy, eh?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Movies are expensive to make and to go to these days, so any movie is destined to be a flop if only Latino's are expected to go see it.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005

SPLC calls for support for Machete, while denouncing The Passion of the Christ.
The radical Marxist fund-raising hustle known as the SPLC came out defending Machete, the movie that advocates hatred and murder against white people. It specifically depicts white law enforcement and supporters of the TEA Party and minuteman movements being murdered.

In a column syndicated by the Huffington Post, the SPLC' declares that whites who object to the movie are hateful, not the movie itself. While defending the anti-white pro-race war message in Machete, the declaration by the SPLC mocks Christians and calls "The Passion of the Christ"Â￾ a hateful movie.

Remember. This is the same SPLC that called Lord of the Rings "racist"Â￾ for not having any black cast members. However, a movie were all the white cast members are demonic villains who deserved to be ethnically cleansed from America, is a-ok!

See article from SPLC.

SPLC says this movie is just great!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Next to the juden ADL, the arch-Marxist SPLC is the biggest anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-American values outfit in the U.S.