"Hate speech". Well the cat's out of the bag. Jervey is left-wing nutbag.
The greater threat, though, is that the word might get out about what's
going on. As long as it's contained to an obscure web site, its okay, but if
more peaole learn about it, especially white athletes, well, it might not just
be fun and games anymore.
I don't see what the difference is between contacting athletes and writing
your congressman. Any return correspondence should be confidential
unless the other party agrees to have it broadcast. Same with any private
The greater threat, though, is that the word might get out about what's
going on. As long as it's contained to an obscure web site, its okay, but if
more peaole learn about it, especially white athletes, well, it might not just
be fun and games anymore.
I don't see what the difference is between contacting athletes and writing
your congressman. Any return correspondence should be confidential
unless the other party agrees to have it broadcast. Same with any private