I don't know, I see it both ways. Yes, the libertarian streak in me says let them take whatever they want. On the other hand, our attitudes toward illness could be seen as a sort of marker of how we want to avoid pain, any pain, all pain, regardless of the consequences. Sort of symptomatic (no pun intended) of the over all dumbing down of our country, in a way.
As far as how it effects me personally, I'm not educated enough to know whether the abundant supply, advertisement, and pushing of thousands of different meds effects my health insurance premiums, doctor's fees, or other tangential medical costs.
On a personal note, I know of several people personally who have been over-medicated to the point that the medicine made them ill, rather than well.
There is also the problem with over-prescription of antibiotics that same say are breeding stronger viruses.
Really though, I just thought the cartoon was very funny, poignant and a sign of the times.