Let the propaganda orgasm begin!


Jul 27, 2005
United States
You don't have to strain to hear the screams of insufferable, self-righteousness, coming from every self-loathing White, jewish and black racist( Is there any black sportswriters thataren't racist?....yeah,I know,We all do.But I digress.... )sportswriters, all of them in showbiz, academe, newsmen, "intellectuals", and so on, in a satanic, racist orgy of anti-White-ism, because not one( Evil enough ),but two black head "coaches" are "coaching" both SB teams, and it is a cause for total,ANTI-WHITE CELEBRATION!!!! "PRAISE THE BLACK MAN!DOWN WITH WHITEY!" is the screechy, anything-but-subtle message of these racist leeches, and you must go along with their mindset,or else you're automatically slandered as hating blacks( Yes,We do....and? )

Brace yourselves good and hard, because the next two weeks,it will be THE #1 story, easily, more than any stories on Peyton Manning. It will be a Chinese Water Torture of insufferable propaganda, that only the press delivers, in relentless, elephantine amounts, to attempt to hammer Whites, psychologically and emotionally, until the weaker ones finally fall apart and give in, like Winston Smith, and love Big Bruh-thuh.
Edited by: Weltner
Outstanding point Weltner. Ya just know the "Mainstream Media" (aka - MSM) is going to wear this feelgood story into the ground. It's similar to how they tried to lionize that grifter, YOretta Scott King, during last year's Superbowl. Between all the @$$kissin' of King, and the rap=crap/hip hop culture targeted advertisements, last year's Superbowl wasn't very pleasant to watch (in between the game playing). The Globalists who control the government/media complex just love pushing their socialist PC crapola throught the MSM.Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Art Shell was the first black coach in the SB. His raiders lost in 1990. With two black coaches, we are garrenteed a Black winner.

For the first time in my life, I am wondering if the NFL rigs games. How else can you explain this lineup.
The Bears are the number 1 seed in the NFC while the Colts are the number 3 seed with the best QB in our generation. It's not far fetched that they would meet each other in the Super Bowl. I see nothing to suggest any fixing of games.
screamingeagle said:
Art Shell was the first black coach in the SB. His raiders lost in 1990. With two black coaches, we are garrenteed a Black winner.

For the first time in my life, I am wondering if the NFL rigs games. How else can you explain this lineup.

The Raiders never reached the Super bow with Shell. They reached the AFC championship game in which they were destroyed by the Bills
People who are half African and half European are a hell of alot darker than Tony Dungy. I guess the old one drop rule is still very much alive. Go Colts.
Grammar is a very desired part of any post, which is why I can't read the first one.
Is grammar what you focus on when you don't have an argument? Maybe
you don't read so well because of your fondness for a certain solo activity.
I'll read a post with poor grammar, but the plethora of commas and poor spacing in the post that started this thread did detract from the overall message.

I dislike 'grammar police' as much as the next person, but the truth is poor spelling and grammar can influence the reader negatively, even if the main idea of your post is cogent and other wise well thought out.
My mistake. I was quoting from the Chicago Tribune. I should have double checked. The Tribune also electe Dewey in 1948.
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