Lay Off The Garlic There Men


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Health Benefits of Garlic
Beware! It’s the Opposite of What you Might Think –
Garlic Desynchronises your Brainwaves!

The Body Electric
By Bob Beck

Source: From a lecture by Dr. Robert C Beck, DSc, given at the Whole Life Expo, Seattle, WA, USA, in March 1996. printed by Nexus Magazine

The reason garlic is so toxic, the sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates the blood-brain barrier, just like DMSO, and is a specific poison for higher-life forms and brain cells. We discovered this, much to our horror, when I (Bob Beck, DSc) was the world’s largest manufacturer of ethical EEG feedback equipment.

We’d have people come back from lunch that looked clinically dead on an encephalograph, which we used to calibrate their progress. “Well, what happened?” “Well, I went to an Italian restaurant and there was some garlic in my salad dressing!” So we had them sign things that they wouldn’t touch garlic before classes or we were wasting their time, their money and my time.

I guess some of you who are pilots or have been in flight tests…I was in flight test engineering in Doc Hallan’s group in the 1950’s. The flight surgeon would come around every month and remind all of us: “Don’t you dare touch any garlic 72 hours before you fly one of our airplanes, because it’ll double or triple your reaction time. You’re three times slower than you would be if you’d not had a few drops of garlic.”

Well, we didn’t know why for 20 years later, until I owned the Alpha-Metrics Corporation. We were building biofeed-back equipment and found out that garlic usually desynchronises your brain waves.

So I funded a study at Stanford and, sure enough, they found that it’s a poison. You can rub a clove of garlic on your foot – a you can smell it shortly later on your wrists. So it penetrates the body. This is why DMSO smells a lot like garlic: that sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates all the barriers including the corpus callosum in the brain.

Any of you who are organic gardeners know that if you don’t want to use DDT, garlic will kill anything in the way of insects.

Now, most people have heard most of their lives garlic is good for you, and we put those people in the same class of ignorance as the mothers who at the turn of the century would buy morphine sulphate in the drugstore and give it to their babies to put’em to sleep.

If you have any patients who have low-grade headaches or attention deficit disorder, they can’t quite focus on the computer in the after-noon, just do an experiment – you owe it to yourselves. Take these people off garlic and see how much better they get, very very shortly. And then let them eat a little garlic after about three weeks. They’ll say “My God, I had no idea that this was the cause of our problems.” And this includes the de-skunked garlic’s, Kyolic, some of the other products.

Thanks for posting that, brother Ambrose. I am also anti garlic. As far as I know all animals except stupid humans shun the garlic bulb even down to insects. It is used as an insect and animal repellent. It's poison.
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And this one is about the article you posted

That last one includes quite a few studies
Garlic is great for you

"That last one", written in 2010, is by a fellow, a Mr Harryman, who describes himself thus:

"a writer/editor, fitness trainer, integral coach, and a graduate counseling psychology student. I blog at Integral Options Cafe and The Masculine Heart. I am an occasional contributor to Elephant Journal."

He starts off by saying this:

"I did a Google Scholar search for “sulphone hydroxyl ion,” which is the constituent the author [referring to the article Ambrose posted] said causes brain toxicity. Nothing came up – I mean, like, zero. That’s rare for anything that actually exists in the world. "

Not true. Do your own google search for “sulphone hydroxyl ion" and see for yourself.
Thanks for posting that, brother Ambrose. I am also anti garlic. As far as I know all animals except stupid humans shun the garlic bulb even down to insects. It is used as an insect and animal repellent. It's poison.

yet the majority of Heath professionals and nutritionists say garlic is a superfood. It’s a part of the diet of the people that live the longest in the world too.
yet the majority of Heath professionals and nutritionists say garlic is a superfood. It’s a part of the diet of the people that live the longest in the world too.

Was I wrong about that? I'm open minded. Japanese people are the longest lived people in the world. Their cuisine does include garlic but not very much.

Another problem with garlic is the kind imported from China which, even amongst dangerously contaminated Chinese foods (and I love Asian food!) is notorious.

I don't think I'm that impressed with the advice of health professionals and nutritionists. The majority of them also say get your daily Fauci-Gates-FJ Biden Covidscam booster shots.

But why would animals shun it? Animals have much more common sense than humans.
Lol, animals have more common sense than humans? Dude that’s ridiculous. I just watched my dog eat the sheeaat of other dogs then lick her own bunghole. No, humans are the superior species.
Was I wrong about that? I'm open minded. Japanese people are the longest lived people in the world. Their cuisine does include garlic but not very much.

Another problem with garlic is the kind imported from China which, even amongst dangerously contaminated Chinese foods (and I love Asian food!) is notorious.

I don't think I'm that impressed with the advice of health professionals and nutritionists. The majority of them also say get your daily Fauci-Gates-FJ Biden Covidscam booster shots.

But why would animals shun it? Animals have much more common sense than humans.

Plenty of health professionals disagree with Fauci...
Garlic is definitely eaten in Japan and the reasons it wasn’t in the past weren’t associated with physical health in Japanese cuisine

Was I wrong about that? I'm open minded. Japanese people are the longest lived people in the world. Their cuisine does include garlic but not very much.

Another problem with garlic is the kind imported from China which, even amongst dangerously contaminated Chinese foods (and I love Asian food!) is notorious.

I don't think I'm that impressed with the advice of health professionals and nutritionists. The majority of them also say get your daily Fauci-Gates-FJ Biden Covidscam booster shots.

But why would animals shun it? Animals have much more common sense than humans.
I love Garlic. Put that **** on everything.

Do my best to avoid Soy though.
Lol, animals have more common sense than humans? Dude that’s ridiculous. I just watched my dog eat the sheeaat of other dogs then lick her own bunghole. No, humans are the superior species.

I love dogs but I'm afraid that a lot of their wild wolf common sense has been bred out of them, especially with food. They are also idiots with traffic, but i'll give them half a pass with that because they didn't evolve with cars going 70 MPH...but they could have learned by now, no? Domestication. You don't see many wild canines getting hit by cars or killing themselves by eating goofy things or overeating.
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I love Garlic. Put that **** on everything.

Do my best to avoid Soy though.

But the aforementioned Japanese eat tons of soy, esp. in the form of tofu, but many other ways as well. It may be the way it's grown in the US that causes it to have some harmful qualities, but then I think Asian-Americans are amongst the longest lived people here too.
Don't use garlic imported from China, like those big cheap pre-peeled bags of garlic cloves u see.

Solid advice there. Garlic I have now my buddy grew in his garden. Planning on doing same for my yard this spring.
Solid advice there. Garlic I have now my buddy grew in his garden. Planning on doing same for my yard this spring.

Good for you! Unfortunately that little bit of advice comes from experience. Can't undo it either.
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