I am from Chicago. In our local news media, the White Sox are being pushed as an "Hispanic" team. They have six players from Santo Domingo and two from Cuba. With the Japanese 2b man and the trainer from the Netherlands, the WS have been called team diversity. They think that this will bring in the fans.
All it will do is drive up the price of Cubs tickets for next year.
One story in the paper talked about how all the Spanish players have lockers together and play loud salsa music.
Adding to the problem is manager Ozzie Guelen. (SP) He is from Veneula. He likes the Anti-American leader of that country, Hugo Chavez. (In fairness, Ozzies' mother hates Chavez)
When a white player performs heroically, Ozzie gives slight praise. When an Hispanic is heroic, he praises him on and on. This is a rare event, for the whites usually start and win the games.
That is all for now. The Cubs are the most popular team in Chicago because they are the "White" team. I will tell you more about this later if you are interested.