Latinization of Pittsburgh Pirates


Aug 6, 2006
The Pittsburgh Pirates continue their attempts to latinize the team at the all important position of catcher.Along with Humberto Cota,and Ronnie Paulino,Carlos Maldonato has been added to the roster.

Neil Walker,the fine catching prospect from Pittsburgh may want to subscribe to Caste Football!

Shane Youman,whose father is from Nigeria,was the battery mate of Maldonato this past Sunday against the Reds
If Neil Walker is a good prospect, he should be given a chance to catch. Simple as that. The Pittsburgh front office sounds stupid. Pittsburgh is a lousy team, they should play the best at the position, period. I wonder how the fans feel?
It is not just the catching. We started with virtually an all white team this year and now we are down to 3 position players. And on the Pirate board that I post on they are still saying the Pirates don't get enough Latin or black players. It is pathetic.We just brought up a Shane Youman to be a starter. With his lack of talent a white player would not even be looked at but they are going to give this guy a few more starts. It won't be long till Bay is the only white starter. Fans are calling for the trade of Jack Wilson, one of the best shortstops in the game, because as one poster put it white guys don't make good shortstops. He felt we had to get a Hispanic for the position.
Oh yeah and Neil Walker is considered our best athlete in the system and they use that excuse to say we should have him move to another position.
The strength of any baseball team has always been "up the middle",meaning the positions of pitcher,catcher,AKA the battery.the middle infielders,shortstop and second base,and the center fielder.

It will be interesting to see if Jack Wilson is moved,and if so who will play shortstop.In center field Chris Duffy has improved his approach to hitting along with his almost flawless fielding and solid base running,he is a joy to watch.

A check of starting centerfielders on all major league rosters is quite telling,and begs to ask,"how long will Duffy last at this gem of a position"?
Drafting local kid Neil Walker was one of the few smart things the Pirates have done during the long, dark McClatchey era of ineptitude and profiteering. Every three years or so the Pirates develop the beginning of a possible winning nucleus only to sell them off before they hit free agency and make the money they are entitled to under baseball's present financial structure. The rest of the players are low-cost veterans brought in well after their prime years are over.

McClatchey and his ultra-secretive, reclusive, Howard Hughes like partner Nutting will not sign first and second tier free agents. Instead of trying to field a winning team, they milk the system by combining washed-up vets signed on the cheap with young, underpaid talent, periodically purging all of them and "rebuilding" through the same guaranteed to lose formula. But it makes them a lot of money due to the modest amount of revenue sharing that now exists in MLB in the form of a "tax" on teams like the Yankees whose payroll goes over a certain point; and from the substantial revenues the Pittsburgh fans bring in by turning out nearly two million strong each season to support a low-budget franchise that has had 14 straight losing teams with no end in sight.
Damn. The Pittsburgh fans are being screwed. Why don't they just give the GM and the owner a piece of their mind? This is no way to run any type of business. If they were a business outside of sports, employees would be calling for their heads
Of course, being a sports franchise, this will never happen. Idiots.
The Pirates are just the leading example at present, of what is already happening in every MLB organization. Look in any baseball book or list of minor league prospects, and you will find 50% or more of the surnames are of Hispanic origin. And of course there are the guys whose names hide the fact, like Mike Lowell, etc.
The insidious drive to take the white player out of every sport, continues. I can only wonder how they'll go about doing it in hockey.
Even while Chris Duffy is being lauded and applauded for getting his act together and playing winning baseball, all the time we are continually being told that our real centerfielder will be up in 2008, Andrew McCutcheion, and guess what his race is.
Skipperron,A very good point.I am aware of this guy in the minors,and have seen all of this before,remember Tike Redmon,Emile Brown,and quite a few pretenders that they stuck out there hoping that the ball would not find them,but they could say that a non white could play that showcase position.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to see our own people perform,other races gloat about their stars,the interesting point is,if it is a bobblehead night they could put nine Martians on the field and draw a crowd of 30,000!

quick look around the majors at center field:
Burts said:
The insidious drive to take the white player out of every sport, continues. I can only wonder how they'll go about doing it in hockey.

Their solution for hockey is to marginalize it as much as possible. Coverage of the NHL compared to the NBA -- two leagues that draw equally well and have equivalent fan bases in the cities with franchises --was far less last season than ever before.

Just one example of the NHL's "new" status: During the national telecast last Thursday of the Steelers-Dolphins game, NBC put up a graphic showing the head coaches with the longest continuous tenure with one team in each sport, relevant during this game because of Bill Cowher's long stay with the Steelers. Previously that statistic had always been presented with the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL. This time however, the graphic excluded the NHL and the title at the top said something like "Longest Tenure for America's Three Professional Sports Leagues."

The NHL is too white for the corporate media (the enablers of the Caste System), so it is now officially just one of many "minor" sports leagues.
I have noticed that a Latin pitcher will be showcased on Friday night games,and most of the weekend games,when the viewing audience will be at it's peak!

An extra innings t.v. package confirms this,and also confirms that every chance the Fox broadcasters get they will say the name of a non-white player,even if he is not involved,those names "must"be kept in our sub-conscious,and firmly implanted in the minds of young fans of tomorrow!

The fine line-up of the Minnesota Twins White players,are mentioned very little,in my opinion,but not enough can be said about Liriano,Santana,and other Latin players "who make this team go" ! Ex-Pittsburgh Pirate pitcher Bert Blyleven,who is now a Twins broadcaster,was suspended for two games for cussing,caught by an open mike,and made to apologize and grovel at the start of a live broadcast!
You can't deny Santana is one of the best pitchers in all of baseball right now. He has not lost a game since the all-star break!
One of the Sept. callups for the Pirates is Carlos Maldonado a catcher who happens to be 27 years old. When a white player is that age they ALWAYS say he is not a prospect because he is too old and does not get the callup. Maldanado hit .287 with 6 homers and 40 something rbi's. He was named the MVP of Indy, the Pirates AAA team. Not exactly good stats for an MVP or a callup. When asked why he was recalled the press was told it was because he spent all season getting in shape and losing 25-30 pounds. He was rewarded for doing what he was asked. Now I know that is unusual in todays society but when did losing weight get you a call up and production got you nothing. We had several players perform good enough for recalls from Indy or Altoona, but nothing. The only actual callups were Maldanado, shane Youman and Juan Perez. The only other players coming up came up as replacements for players on the DL. Guess what race those 3 are.
Don Wassall said:
The NHL is too white for the corporate media (the enablers of the Caste System), so it is now officially just one of many "minor" sports leagues. 

That's what makes the ESPN coverage of Nascar so strange. I don't watch a lot of ESPN, but when I do, I notice a lot of Nascar coverage. I wonder why that is. Maybe Americans' love of cars outweighs their loathing of white athletes...?
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