#lastflingbeforethering: Bachelorette party in Banff, AB, Canada

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Spent the day in Banff, AB today. Banff is a resort town about 1 hour drive West of Calgary (city of 1 million people). It's a popular weekend/holiday/wedding/party destination.

As I'm parking my car in the town this afternoon an SUV pulls up next to me with all kinds of writing on the windows with chalk. It says "Bachelorette party", "Time to get drunk", and "#lastflingbeforethering".

I exit my vehicle and head towards a pub. The women from the SUV (all White of course) also happen to show up inside the same pub as me.

These prostitutes, oh sorry, I meant women (who are wearing practically nothing by the way) proceed to get absolutely hammered drunk on shots (porn stars and B-52's) and the Bride to be and her friends are keenly looking for a "final ****" before getting married. These girls were trashed, and flirting all over the pub. Soon to be wives, mothers, and likely divorcees I'll wager. Looking for the final fling before the ring. Most of all these girls were messy.

This is the reality of 90% of modern White women today. I wonder what kind of chumps would actually marry women like this? I mean they're literally advertising that they're cheating before they get married.

There's nothing wrong about being a prostitute but there is something wrong with trying to put forth an image of being a wife while engaging in this sort of behaviour.
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