Another pro sports race traitor,who screwed the White Race that invented sports in the first place, rightfully dies.First Red Auerbach,who opened the flood gates,allowing the NBA to become infested by black affleets,and now Lamar Hunt.First,building the AFL,as a whiny reaction to the NFL alledgedly not wanting to put teams in cities the NFL thought wouldn't work.And secondly,and most importantly (According to the media commissars - you know,marxists),because he,and Al Davis,opened the floodgates to black 'affleets' from all the black 'colleges' - Prairie View A&M,SW (Fill in the blank)A&M,SE (Blank) A&M,and other black 'schools' with stupid names like those.Yes,of course,there was a small number of them already in the NFL,but thanks to the AFL,the sport became the uncivilized,fever swamp,black racist cesspool that it is today.
Thanks Lamar,thanks for being a classic,by-the-book,Filthy Rich White Liberal Race Traitor,betraying your race to make billions of dollars.
You gained the world,but you,and the White-Created sport of Pro Football,have lost it's souls,not that you would ever believe it.You'd just brush them aside,call them racist,etc.
Another pro sports race traitor,who screwed the White Race that invented sports in the first place, rightfully dies.First Red Auerbach,who opened the flood gates,allowing the NBA to become infested by black affleets,and now Lamar Hunt.First,building the AFL,as a whiny reaction to the NFL alledgedly not wanting to put teams in cities the NFL thought wouldn't work.And secondly,and most importantly (According to the media commissars - you know,marxists),because he,and Al Davis,opened the floodgates to black 'affleets' from all the black 'colleges' - Prairie View A&M,SW (Fill in the blank)A&M,SE (Blank) A&M,and other black 'schools' with stupid names like those.Yes,of course,there was a small number of them already in the NFL,but thanks to the AFL,the sport became the uncivilized,fever swamp,black racist cesspool that it is today.
Thanks Lamar,thanks for being a classic,by-the-book,Filthy Rich White Liberal Race Traitor,betraying your race to make billions of dollars.
You gained the world,but you,and the White-Created sport of Pro Football,have lost it's souls,not that you would ever believe it.You'd just brush them aside,call them racist,etc.