Kristoffer Hari

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
This kid is incredible. He just ran a wind legal 10.43 at only 15 years of age. He is very close to a world record for his age group in the 100 meters and he has already broken multiple national records. By far the fastest 15 year old European ever and hopefully soon to be the fastest 15 year old in the world. It's time he gets his own thread. Here is a video of his latest race. Look at the margin of victory! Amazing.


Jan 11, 2010
It's no fluke, either. KH is very consistent, ran 10.43 in the prelims, 10.46 in the finals. Earlier in his first 100m of the season, he ran 10.53 into a stiff -1.0 headwind. Oh, and he's already sub 21 in the 200 (he just ran 20.96). This is one crazy fast 15 yr old. My only concern is that he's so chiseled for his age, he may not have as much room for further development as a guy like Simon S (Germany).

I'd love to see him go head to head with Britain's Ryan Gorman.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Kristoffer Hari is only 7/100th of a second away from the world junior record for 15 year olds! If that doesn't show this kid has talent, I don't know what would. Also as trackster touched on, he is already sub 21 seconds in the deuce which shows great speed endurance and that is only about the third 200 meters race he has ever run. I can see this kid breaking Darrel Browns Record. Kristoffer doesn't hit 16 until around Christmas so he has a lot of time to get his times down just a little more. This kid is fun to watch!:becky:


May 16, 2012
New Pb

Kristoffer Hari is only 7/100th of a second away from the world junior record for 15 year olds! If that doesn't show this kid has talent, I don't know what would. Also as trackster touched on, he is already sub 21 seconds in the deuce which shows great speed endurance and that is only about the third 200 meters race he has ever run. I can see this kid breaking Darrel Browns Record. Kristoffer doesn't hit 16 until around Christmas so he has a lot of time to get his times down just a little more. This kid is fun to watch!:becky:

Kristoffer ran 10,37 at Schweinfurt (germany)

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Where did you see this result? Incredible news but sad at the same time. K. Hari is now only 1/100 of a second from tieing the All Time World Junior 100 Meters Record for 15 Year olds! That has to hurt to come so close. He should still be able to break it hopefully in his next few races. To put this into perspective, he is gonna be the fastest 15 year old kid in the history of the world. WOW!!! Yet he is almost totally being ignorred here at this board. What is wrong with you guys? Show this Dannish Kid some love. :becky:

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Here is the latest race from yesterday where he ran 10.37! What's weird is clock said 10.32 when he finished and they rounded it up .05 and that is strange. With electronic timing they usually adjust the time slightly by .01 up or down but this made his time 5/100th slower. Very strange but even at 10.37 his race was historic and he did it in Germany at his first big test in another country. This kid is a phenom!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Come on guys. This messge is to all of the members of the track board. I don't understand how almost no one here is excited about what this kid is doing. He is breaking record after record every time he steps on the track. Othen than myself, trackster and lactaking, he is being totally ignorred and there are many huge fans of athletics here. This is history in the making folks. Just like what Mary Saint is doing in the middle distances in America. Take notice guys.

Let's get some discussion going about this teenage phenom. He's 15 and already running 10.30's in his sleep. Holy cow is that insane. Even Lemaitre couldn't do that at fifteen years of age. He didn't run a 10.26 until he was 18 so let's give some support to Kristoffer Hari!:rockon:


Feb 14, 2012
Come on guys. This messge is to all of the members of the track board. I don't understand how almost no one here is excited about what this kid is doing. He is breaking record after record every time he steps on the track. Othen than myself, trackster and lactaking, he is being totally ignorred and there are many huge fans of athletics here. This is history in the making folks. Just like what Mary Saint is doing in the middle distances in America. Take notice guys.

Let's get some discussion going about this teenage phenom. He's 15 and already running 10.30's in his sleep. Holy cow is that insane. Even Lemaitre couldn't do that at fifteen years of age. He didn't run a 10.26 until he was 18 so let's give some support to Kristoffer Hari!:rockon:

Nice run..and needs support. But My opinion is, compared to Lemaitre, Hari looks very well muscled and technical in his run at a young age. He will improve, but much less.
Lemaitre was always gawky, bad technique, hardly any muscle when he came to the stage and ran the 10.2. Time will tell if Hari is the real deal...but coincidence, both named Christopher in their respective language?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Take a look at this race and his margin of victory. It's amazing how much better he is than the rest of the world for the 15 year old age group. Never in my life have I seen such large margins of wins. Forget not it the camera, the other competitors are almost not on the same straightaway. Incredible talent. His competition will improve very fast over the next several years. Can Kristoffer Hari continue to improve is what will remain to be seen. I know one thing. He is very fun to watch. Can't miss video every time he steps on the track.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
A few posters here have said that they thought he had worked out quite a bit or lived in the weight room. According to this article from a couple of weeks ago, he has not touched weights at all. All of his workouts consist of body weight exercises, running, or plyometrics. This is even more exciting. This kid has his head on straight and is driven to be a star. The world will know his name in the coming years. One of the things I like best about Kristoffer Hari is his stride. He has a nice elongated stride for his height. Most of the elite sprinters are huge striders and as Kristoffer continues to mature, his stride rate ratio and the distance of his stride will improve even more. Remember guys that this kid is not going to be 16 until December. Here is the article.
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Jul 19, 2008
hari hasnt really touched weights...just look at the pictures....his father is an ex athlete from rumania far as i know its all track plyos and pure natural talent..:biggrin1:


Jun 15, 2006
New York
I think this kid is amazing. 10.37 with nobody pushing him is amazing. we could see this kid in the 2016 olympics. anyone know how tall he is?
Jul 13, 2012
Another soccer player.

All the very fast young Europeans/Japanese coming through at the moment are all from soccer backgrounds.

Even Bolt plays soccer.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The World Youth Championships starts tommorow and Kristoffer Hari runs in the heats on day one. He is the favorite for the 100 & 200 meters but who knows what might happen with the immense pressure in his first major intl championship. Kristoffer does seem very mature(mentally) for his age. I think he has his head on straight. The fact that he played soccer is even better. Soccer like athletics teaching you great explosiveness, stamina and coordination.

I feel a few more personal bests soon. This kid is gonna be a superstar. He actually already is at the youth level. For those interested, he has a twitter account, youtube channel, and a facebook but I'm not going to post the links out of respect to his privacy. Hoping for a huge double gold performance starting tommorow. Good luck Kristoffer!:becky:
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Apr 29, 2012
The World Youth Championships starts tommorow and Kristoffer Hari runs in the heats on day one. He is the favorite for the 100 & 200 meters but who knows what might happen with the immense pressure in his first major intl championship. Kristoffer does seem very mature(mentally) for his age. I think he has his head on straight. The fact that he played soccer is even better. Soccer like athletics teaching you great explosiveness, stamina and coordination.

I feel a few more personal bests soon. This kid is gonna be a superstar. He actually already is at the youth level. For those interested, he has a twitter account, youtube channel, and a facebook but I'm not going to post the links out of respect to his privacy. Hoping for a huge double gold performance starting tommorow. Good luck Kristoffer!:becky:

YOU SAID : "Kristoffer Hari runs in the heats on day one. He is the favorite for the 100 & 200 meters"

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Thanks RCSMAN. I meant to say that he is the favorite for the 2013 European Youth Championships. Some how I got it confused with the World Youth Championships which in my opinon he would have been better of to be a part of. He should dominate the Euro Youth Champs just as he would do the same in the World Youth Champs in my opinion. Here is a link to the schedule for athletics.
Feb 27, 2013
I am not a fan of Facebook but Hari seems to update his quite a bit and IN ENGLISH. He just posted a picture of a drug test form for the people out there that think he is cheating. This kid has a bright future.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Denmark has plenty of talent, but parents and coaches are too poor to fold them out, says Stefan Hari, who is the father of one of the country's greatest running talents. The reason is that the children of today are spoiled and easily gives up, he said.

It's not everyone who understands Kristoffer Hari. Understand that he trains almost every day except Thursday. That he boarding a plane more than ten times a year. Understand that he neither parties or drinking with friends. Understand that he spends all hours of the race. It writes Berlingske.

16-year-old Kristoffer Hari chose to cultivate talent? a talent that triggered the title of world's fastest 100 meter runner in his class.

"You give up much, but you get a lot back. I will do everything to go all the way, now that I have the talent and the will, "says Kristoffer Hari, when Berlingske meet him at Oesterbro Stadium, where his running club Sparta holder.

Kristoffer's father, Stefan Hari coming from Romania's firm support both in the role of coach and parent. And although Kristoffer Hari has a unique talent, says Stefan Hari that hides many talents in Denmark. In fact, Stefan Hari in his time as coach never met so many talents in relation to the population.

In Stefan Haris optics problem is that Denmark does not manage to exploit children and young talent, particularly because the parents are not supportive enough.

"Children today give up very easily if they are not being supported by parents and coaches. Of course, Denmark has lost talent that way. It is not enough just to find the talent, you also need to keep talent in the right track. If not, they say that "it is too dark and cold, I'm not running on athletics track, which is better inside the badminton hall." But the child has a huge talent for athletics and not badminton, it is never good for the sport, "he says, explaining that Team Denmark is very good if the child when the elite planet. It is the process before, so when it comes to recruiting talent lagging, says Stefan Hari.

"I say to Kristoffer and the other athletes that they are spoiled by the system. They're all too familiar with TV and Xbox and a lot of other options. "

It is not without experience, Stefan Hari trying to keep his son from the runners world stop. He has been there since he left in 1970 had an international career in Romania, where running talent especially lay in 400 meters hurdles.

There was of course talking about not just another time, but also a completely different view of elite sport, than what you see in today's Denmark. The communist regime in Romania cultivated sports training very hard, and the mentality revolved around the individual talent, the coaches and parents worked closely towards the goal.

Since his career on the race track, it has been for 32 years of training experience, the last 22 years in Denmark.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Kristoffer Hari won the 2015 Dutch Junior National Championships today in time of 10.42! He has raced very little this summer but hopefully next year he will get back to racing on a regular basis. This kid has so much talent. I think he can make a serious run at a sub 10 within 3 or 4 years at the most. He is driven to succeed.
Jun 11, 2015
What happened? 10.37 as a 15 yr. old then......(16 yr. old?)........10.42 as a 17 yr. old and nothing since(18 now). Looks like the last post on his Facebook page was a year ago. The muscular development at 15 and perfect running form makes him look like a man running against a bunch of pudgy boys in those vids. One thing I noticed that bothered me was the relative shortness of his lower leg with a calf muscle almost reaching the ankle. Not the ideal running lever. He was 1.77 meters at 15; I wonder if he grew any taller? I'll keep an eye out for him and report when he's sighted.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
He will be racing alot this summer. Patience my friend. Very soon from what I hear. He also has never ran indoors which I think is smart as your still growing. Next winter he will run both indoors and outdoors. I expect to see him get into the 10.20's this year which would be great for that age. Can't wait to see Hari in his first race. Will have to post videos to keep track of his progress.


Jun 3, 2016
Question on K. Hari and just want some general feedback. He is 18y old just ran 10.24 +2.1 with no one really able to push him. His time is faster than 90% of US college guys on any given day. With only 3 years track under his belt but incredible natural talent, he is like a gunshot out of the blocks, if you were his coach what, how, where would you take him to further his competition levels? All thoughts and feedback welcome..
