Kosher Nostra


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
For some unknown reason this isn't get much media attention. If these crooks were priests or ministers the story would go NUCLEAR!

The Kosher Nostra is Trapped at Last

‘The scale of corruption we're seeing is simply beyond any pale'

MONEY laundering, organ smuggling, racketeering and $97,000 hidden in a cornflakes box â€" all allegations levelled this week when the FBI announced one of its biggest-ever organised crime busts in New Jersey.

But this bust came with a difference: the ring-leaders are orthodox rabbis.

The five Sephardic rabbis, all from orthodox Syrian Jewish communities in New Jersey and Brooklyn, are accused of selling kidneys and laundering tens of millions of dollars through fake charities.

"These complaints paint a disgraceful picture of religious leaders leading money-laundering crews, acting as crime bosses,"Â said federal prosecutor Ralph Marra.

"These rings were international in scope, they trafficked in the cleaning of dirty money all across the world."Â

Mr Marra singled out Brooklyn Rabbi Levy Izhak Rosenbaum as operator of a kidney smuggling operation: "Mr Rosenbaum, who we refer to as our kidney salesman â€" his business was to entice vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000 that he would sell for $160,000."Â

The arrests sent shockwaves across the orthodox Jewish community where the rabbis had a reputation for working hard for children and the elderly. (snip)


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I agree with you Bart that this story has been ignored due members of the tribe being the perps.

That being said I don't much like any of the "crimes" being prosecuted. Selling kidneys? Why not? It's a valuable item and the best way to do it is through the free market. Money laundering? That's just them moving the money they made on the black market to hide it from the gov't who should have no business in what private individuals do with their cash anyway. Racketeering? Just a catch-all gov't accusation meant to punish someone who has made money in a non-approved way.

For all we know the kidney donors needed money and were willing to sell their kidneys to get it. The way organ donation works now is ridiculous, you can only donate your organs for free and the only one who makes a dime is the hospital who make hundreds of thousands.


Oct 26, 2008
jaxvid said:
I agree with you Bart that this story has been ignored due members of the tribe being the perps.

That being said I don't much like any of the "crimes" being prosecuted. Selling kidneys? Why not? It's a valuable item and the best way to do it is through the free market. Money laundering? That's just them moving the money they made on the black market to hide it from the gov't who should have no business in what private individuals do with their cash anyway. Racketeering? Just a catch-all gov't accusation meant to punish someone who has made money in a non-approved way.

For all we know the kidney donors needed money and were willing to sell their kidneys to get it. The way organ donation works now is ridiculous, you can only donate your organs for free and the only one who makes a dime is the hospital who make hundreds of thousands.

Good points. It's the same with prostitutes. Why can't you sell your body? They say it's degrading and maybe it is, but all wage slavery is degrading. Renting yourself in any form is degrading. If it's legal and regulated like some areas have it, you can control disease. I would say working in a terrible factory in China or years ago in the US was degrading too. Or what about working in a coal mine and dying of black lung; that's degrading.

You can sell alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, but not weed or other drugs. I think they are all terrible products, but why make some legal and others not?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Kosher Nostra...LOL! That's a good one.

In all seriousness, of course the Heebz get a pass (being Tribesman). A Christian preacher would have been put under the jailhouse!


Nov 25, 2004
Nobody is "selling" kidneys. The kidneys, livers, bone marrow etc. are being stolen and the bodies discarded. I've heard of Jews doing this now for years and now it is officially no longer "conspiracy theory" but fact. Where are the hundreds of survivors? Where are the interviews?
These are people that are basically kidnapped one way or the other and later killed. A promenient professor named Nancy Sheper-Hughes has been on to this for years. She notified the FBI of this ring in New York way back in 2002. She says that Eastern Europe is in paticular a target because they are poor and get lured into going somewhere for a job that doesn't exist. Israel is the human trafficking capital of the world. Do you really think they want survivors walking around telling their stories?


May 10, 2008
According to a story which was published in Ha'aretz (a source not open to charges of anti-Semitism), Romanian authorities have accused an Israeli adoption agency of being part of a global organ theft conspiracy.
Haaretz: Israeli Butchers
The Romanian Embassy in Israel has asked for, and received from the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry, a list of all children born in Romania who have been brought to Israel for adoption in recent years. The Romanian officials are trying to ascertain if all such children arrived in Israel with all organs in their bodies.