Kobe Bryant on Youtube


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I post comments on youtube about Kobe Bryant being a racist and telling white people not to support him or buy his jerseys. You know what. They say no hes a great guy and curse me out. So much for white brotherhood. They are brainwashed.
3 whites guy in a row. come on. there aren't that many white guys in the nba to begin with. but he will just get away with it. cause remember guys, a black can't be racist
He elbows 3 white guys, and that means he's a racist? Are you kidding me? So when he elbowed Raja Bell:

"The following is a compilation of nearly every comment Bell made Wednesday before he and the team left for Los Angeles. After Bell's comments, there are Lakers' reactions out of Los Angeles and from Bell's Suns teamates.

On Kobe Bryant elbowing him in Game 5: "I got a bruise here (pointing to face) and I can barely open my jaw on this side, and that didn't come from nowhere."

[url]http://www.azcentral.com/sports/suns/articles/0504rajasounds off-CR.html[/url]

Elbowed Chris Childs:

Bryant said the incident started when Childs was holding him.

"So I got him off me with an elbow, it's part of the game," Bryant said. "It pretty much happens on every play.


And tried to punch out Reggie Miller:

"Kobe has other issues he has to deal with. This had nothing to do with me or the basketball game played on Friday evening."

The NBA suspended Bryant for "throwing a punch and fighting" and Miller for "retaliating against Bryant and fighting."


We'resupposed toconclude that he'sracist against blacks as well?
Well Pac10, why don't we use the methods the blacks taught us about
racism for this one, shall we? You know basic math, right? So lets do a a
little minority black quarterback math.

What percentage of the NBA players are black? What percentage of Kobe's
elbow victims are black? What percentage of the NBA players are white?
What percentage of Kobe's elbow victims are white? If you see a
disproportionate number of whites on the victim list relative to their
representation in the total NBA population, that's your evidence of racism
right there.

And I know its true because the blacks taught that to me. And if there's
one thing blacks know how to do, its count numbers when race is

Thanks for the input.
You honestly think those were the only 3 black guys he's elbowed in 10 years? Maybe you need to bone up on your reading comprehension.

"So I got him off me with an elbow, IT'S PART OF THE GAME," Bryant said. "It pretty much happens on EVERY PLAY."

That quote is 7 years old. He admits to elbowingpeople for spacing. He believes it gives him a competitive advantage so he does it. If anyone has a problem with it, they can put on a dress and retire. He's elbowed Vince Carter in the face, he's elbowed Tracey McGrady in the face, he's probably elbowed every 2 guard and 3 forward in the league because they just happen to have the displeasure of guarding him. Big deal.
Meet the president of the Kobe Bryant fan club! Pac10, if you have a daughter, please don't give Kobe any alone time with her!
You don't elbow people in the face for spacing, especially when they are
driving to the hoop with the ball.

Those four recent white guys can't be the only white guys he's elbowed in
the face either, if that's your tactic. " He's probably" is not an argument. If
you have a problem with that, you can stop prancing around in your dress
and get to work. Do the math. I read just fine. I just don't make excuses
for racist ball-hogging ********.

Thanks again for your input. We value it greatly.
PitBull said:
You don't elbow people in the face for spacing, especially when they are
driving to the hoop with the ball.

Those four recent white guys can't be the only white guys he's elbowed in
the face either, if that's your tactic. " He's probably" is not an argument. If
you have a problem with that, you can stop prancing around in your dress
and get to work. Do the math. I read just fine. I just don't make excuses
for racist ball-hogging ********.

Thanks again for your input. We value it greatly.

No, YOU don't elbow people for spacing. But HE does. He admitted it SEVEN YEARS AGO.. LONG before this thread ever surfaced.

And again, you reading comprehension skills are severly lacking. I never said he ONLY elbowed those specific white guys. I said HE ADMITTED HE DOES IT ON EVERY PLAY. He elbows whoever's guarding him. If they're standing erect, they catch it in the chest. If they're crounched, they catch it in the face. Big deal. The players he elbowed aren't crying like little bitches about it, so I don't know why anyone else is.

Charles Barkley and Bill Laimbeer used to lift their elbows, and furiously 'bo white and blackdefenders in the faceafter almost every rebound in the low post. Barkley's wife was white. Laimbeer's teammates that he went to battlewith nightly were black.I suppose they were each "racist" too?
Sorry buddy. Elbowing people in the face is a lot different from using
your elbow to hold somebody off of to turn a corner. His elbows to the
face are intentional. I don't know who you think you're kidding with that
type of ridiculous equivocation, but feel free to offer it if you want.

Take a look at his elbow to Mike Miller's throat.It was Miller, not Bryant,
who had the ball. The Great Ball-Hog was playing defense, not offense.
Miller was driving with his face to the basket. Bryant elbowed him to the
throat to try to hurt the guy and send the message that he's a rough boy.
What a pussy.

Charles Barkley is a stupid, fat-mouthed ******* who married a white
woman to try to give the finger to white men. Like a lot of black men, he
abandons black women. All you have to do is read some of his abundant
BS to figure that out. Yep, he is a racist too. Laimbeer also elbowed just
about anybody. But like you just pointed out, he did it without

Where's your math homework? Show me all the intentional elbows to the
face he threw on black guys away from the ball and while the black guy
had the ball and was driving with his face to the basket. I'm still waiting.
I have a sinking feeling that with you, that's all I'll get.

Prove me wrong.
Oooooooh, okay.So when Mike Miller elbows Kobe in the face, opening a gash that requires stitches, he's ISN'Ta racist, butwhen Kobe retaliates later in the game,it's because he IS aracist?Howf*cking dumb.You DO know that Miller elbowed him first, right? You DO know that in THAT play Kobe was reciprocating, right?

Mike Miller elbowed him in the 3rd quarterand thought he was gonna get away with it. Au contraire, mon frere!After receiving Kobe's patented throat massage, Ibet you Mikewon't be leading with his 'bo against Kobe and/or the Lakers again.

"After Wednesday's game, Bryant was unapologetic. He was cut over his left eye early in the third quarter when Miller elbowed him while driving to the basket. Bryant left the game briefly, and took three stitches to close the wound.

"Any player that was going to come down the lane at that point in time, I was going to let him know that he just can't walk through there," Bryant said after the game. "I think we as a team have to do a better job of establishing that. And me, as a leader of the ballclub, I've got to take the initiative to do that -- and hopefully, everybody will see that."


Reading Is Fundamental, Pitbull. I bet you now wish you perused that little nugget, and refreshed your memory on the incident before you ran your spigot, huh?
I dunno.. Isn't basketball supposed to be a 'non-contact' sport anyway?
Pac10 said:
Oooooooh, okay.  So when Mike Miller elbows Kobe in the face, opening a gash that requires stitches, he's ISN'T a racist, but when Kobe retaliates later in the game, it's because he IS a racist?  How f*cking dumb.  You DO know that Miller elbowed him first, right?  You DO know that in THAT play Kobe was reciprocating, right? 

Mike Miller elbowed him in the 3rd quarter and thought he was gonna get away with it.  Au contraire, mon frere!  After receiving Kobe's patented throat massage, I bet you Mike won't be leading with his 'bo against Kobe and/or the Lakers again.

"After Wednesday's game, Bryant was unapologetic. He was cut over his left eye early in the third quarter when Miller elbowed him while driving to the basket. Bryant left the game briefly, and took three stitches to close the wound.

"Any player that was going to come down the lane at that point in time, I was going to let him know that he just can't walk through there," Bryant said after the game. "I think we as a team have to do a better job of establishing that. And me, as a leader of the ballclub, I've got to take the initiative to do that -- and hopefully, everybody will see that."



Reading Is Fundamental, Pitbull.  I bet you now wish you perused that little nugget, and refreshed your memory on the incident before you ran your spigot, huh?

You've taken this Kobe thing too far. I think a clear case can be made that Kobe uses his elbow against white players more then against blacks probably because he feels he can get away with it both from the reticense of the players AND the response of the officials.

However that is no longer the issue. We have heard your points, you have made them and you continue to make them over and over. Furthermore you are using personal insults against a respected member of this forum.

You have suddenly shown up on a chat board that is expressly dedicated to celebrating white athletes and have done nothing but defend black athletes and insult white ones.

You are either a pro-black troll or a person with poor manners. We expect a certain decorum here and you need to either follow it or leave, or else be banned.

There is no excuse for such poor behavior, I don't know if you are black or white, young or old, smart or stupid but you are ignorant of the kind of decent behavior we expect here and is indicative of the kind of manners that infect all of society.

I know most people are familiar with the ugly behavior that is typical on web forums and thus come here and right away mimic that type of exchange. Since you have been advised of what we expect perhaps you can change the attitude of your posts.
If Bryant was reciprocating, it just goes to show that the elbow to the
throat was intentional, and your previous post about how Bryant does it
to everybody all the time is your usual BS. You just proved yourself a liar.
Bryant himself said the elbow by Miller was unintentional. So again, he
did it to show what a rough boy he thinks he is, proving me right yet
again. He doesn't want to look like a pussy, taking an unintentional
elbow, especially from a white guy. Why retaliate for an unintentional

How about the other 3 cases?

You know, if you keep this up, I won't have to prove anything I say. You'll
do it all for me. As you'll notice from these responses, I read very well.
Reading IS fundamental. See? We agree again!

Thanks for the kind words and support. I appreciate it greatly!Edited by: PitBull
Okay,you believe Kobe when he said he think'sMiller's 'bow was accidental.So do you alsobelieve Marko Jaric when he said Kobe's 'bows to both he and Manu were accidental as well?

[url] se+%2Bdirty&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&u=www.twinciti es.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/16864852.htm&w=k obe+elbow+defense+dirty&d=WF7KP_mdOeB0&icp=1&.in tl=us[/url]

LOL, my guess would be no, you don't believe him.You believe the black man, but you think the white man is fibbing. You're gonna come back with some ignorant tripe laced with bullsh*t pellets about how Marko Jaric just didn't wanna rock the boat, or that he was just being a trooper who was taking one to for the betterment of the league.
No matter what you regurgitate, it's gonna be transparent desperate drivel.

You're done.
It doesn't matter what Jaric thinks, or what Manu thinks. It only matters
what Kobe thinks. He's the ones throwing the elbows.

You seem to have some sort of inability to actually think clearly. If I do
something, I'm responsible for what I do. It doesn't matter what other
people do or what other people think. None of those white guys really
knows why Bryant is an elbow throwing maniac, and neither do you. Only
Bryant does. The rest of us are just left guessing. Bryant himself said
when he elbowed Miller that he was trying to get back at him, and that it
was intentional. That matters because the issue here is Bryant, not Miller,
and Bryant has a way of throwing elbows into white guys heads on a
regular basis.

So as far as I'm concerned, I just look at the numbers. Bryant just
elbowed four white guys in a row. I don't see him throwing elbows in
black guys faces on a regular basis. So I'm going to call it like I see it. If
a disproportionate number of his intentional elbow throws to the head
are at whites, and it looks like it is, in my book he's a racist. That's how
we do racist math in this country, my nappy-headed friend.

We all know you're black now. You've can't even think clearly enough to
see that your arguments disprove your premises. You swear at people
because you cant win an argument, and you're a racist black cheerleader.
Need proof? Why would some black guy post pro-black garbage on a
pro-white site? Because he can't stand to see white guys do well, stand
up for each other, and justifiably criticize a black. In other words, he's a
racist. If you don't think so, just reverse the races and see for yourself.

I hope you enjoy the skin color of the next NBA MVP winner. You guys
can't even dominate your own sport! What losers! I guess if you want
something done right, its best to get a white man for the job. You'll also
notice that these guys don't get suspended for throwing elbow shots at
black guys' heads. I guess you don't need to when you have their skill.
Bryant should watch how real players conduct themselves, and learn to
deal with a little adversity instead of resorting to dirty play.

Or gutter languange, in your case.
PitBull said:
Bryant should watch how real players conduct themselves, and learn to
deal with a little adversity instead of resorting to dirty play.

Kobe must have taken pointers fromDikembe Mutombo, who has a real knack for throwing elbows and injuring players. Must be a black thang.

Two year old story: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=1956133

Meanwhile, Dikembe Mutombo's elbows have done a lot of damage over the years. Left in his wake were 25 affected players, five broken noses, 20 stitches. The log:
<LI>April 20, 2004: Kenyon Martin, hit in the eye and retaliated by clubbing Mutombo across the arm. Received a technical foul
<LI>March 31, 2003: Yao Ming, hit in the throat. Mutombo assessed flagrant foul
<LI>Feb. 4, 2002: Vince Carter, hit in the gut
<LI>May 16, 2001: Vince Carter, hit in the head. Carter did not return to Game 6 of the Eastern Conference playoffs
<LI>May 6, 2001: Chris Childs, broken nose
<LI>Feb. 26, 2001: Ray Allen, broken nose
<LI>Jan. 13, 2001: Corey Maggette, eye trauma
<LI>Dec. 28, 2000: Chauncey Billups, hit in the mouth, four stitches, fractured front tooth
<LI>Feb. 6, 1999: Jayson Williams, broken nose
<LI>May 4, 1999: Mark Strickland, broken nose
<LI>May 8, 1999: Lindsey Hunter, left eye
<LI>May 8, 1999: Christian Laettner, cut on face
<LI>April 9, 1999: Chris Childs, lost a tooth; Marcus Camby, shot to throat; Larry Johnson, hit in the head; Patrick Ewing, hit in the head
<LI>March 4, 1999: Kevin Willis, injured shoulder. Missed several games
<LI>May 6, 1997: Dennis Rodman, retaliated and ejected with second technical foul
<LI>April 12, 1997: Tom Gugliotta, broken nose
<LI>Jan. 30, 1997: Antoine Carr, knocked senseless
<LI>Jan. 4, 1997: Charles Oakley, four stitches to the lip
<LI>Oct. 22, 1996: Michael Jordan, bloodied nose (preseason game)
<LI>April 10, 1994: Robert Horry, hit in the head, fell to the floor
<LI>Dec. 30, 1993: Chris Webber; Mutombo later ejected for taunting Chris Gatling
<LI>Dec. 28, 1991: Robert Parish, hit the floor
<LI>Nov. 29, 1991: Ricky Pierce, 12 stitches in forehead</LI>
what kind of clowns come in here to stick up for smug black athletes. come on now. is this site anti white or black.
American Freedom News