Klitshcko - Brewster PBP

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Round 1 - WK starts the fight almost in the middle of the ring. Both men are throwing several punches but most are missing. There is a small clinch and WK stumbles. WK begins to jab, lands an overhand right. WK goes for a clinch but appears to be reaching for it. WK's jab continues to land, Brewster is a bit inactive. LB throws a lunging right that misses, WK lands a solid right. WK appears to be using the fight move in-clinch method that he used against Sam Peter. At this point it appears superfluous and unnecessary to do so.

Round 1 - WK Edited by: White Shogun
Round 2 - Round starts with WK almost all the way across the ring. LB tries to bull rush, WK just keeps him at bay with his arms and his jab. WK lands 1-2-3 combination. LB ducking and lunging, WK lands crisp jabs again. Hard right by WK. Ouch! jab jab jab jab over hand right by WK. LB is throwing slow punches, well out of range, throws lunging over hand right. Appears very amateurish.

WK hitting with some bombs, sweat flying off LB's face as punches land.

Both men are fairly inactive, measuring each other.

Round 2 - WKEdited by: White Shogun
Round 3 - Round starts with WK jabbing. LB lunges again and misses. LB trying to throw some jabs, he's out of range. Eats another 3-4 jabs from WK. LB can't seem to find the range at all. He's landed only a few jabs to the body at most. Punch rate appears to have slowed for both men. WK throws a sloppy jab and lands a right. They're in the clinch, ref breaks them up.

WK hits with another 1-2-3, then lands another 1-2, lands another jab jab jab. WK is landing regularly now. Jabs and combinations.

LB lunged caught WK with a left that appeared to do no damage.

Round 3 - WKEdited by: White Shogun
Round 4 - WK again takes the middle of the ring to start the round. Jab jab jab... jab ...jab ... LB lunges. Jab-jab-jab.. jab .. jab.. right cross... LB trying to lunge forward behind the jab, doesn't find the range. LB trying some head movement now, eats a jab.

Jab-jab-jab-jab-jab.. anybody seeing a pattern here? LOL

LB trying some out-of-range jabs, eats another 3-4 jabs for his efforts. Jab..jab.. ouch.. some of WK's jabs knock LB's head back. LB lands a hook. He ducks rushes in, but WK steps away. More jabs..LB looks to be running out of gas.

Round 4 - WK Edited by: White Shogun
LB's corner telling him to give up on the 'one punch' KO. They're now telling Brewster to stay low and move. Guess they though LB would catch WK early.

Punch stats say WK is throwing 56 jabs per round.

Round 5 - LB lunges and bull rushes. WK steps back and peppers LB. WK lands an uppercut, throws several more 1-2-3. WK ust missed with a big right hand.

Jab.. jab..jabb.. big rigth hand, LB's head rocks, he goes backward. More jabs from WK.

LB lunges and lands a left, but it doesn't appear to phase WK. LB's hands are dropping, he's keeping them mostly around his waist. WK lands a hard right, moves in but they clinch. More jabs.. WK literally lands about 5-6 jabs before LB even throws a punch.

Round 5 - WK Edited by: White Shogun
Round 6 - WK lands a left hook, jabs again. The jabs are just peppering LB. It's like WK's jab is a power punch. LB's head snaps back with every jab. Sorry if the PBP is becoming a bit redundant.. WK is landing snapping jabs one after the other. LB is trying to lean back out of the way, he is still within WK's range. LB literally jumps and lunges at WK but misses. They clinch and LB leans down, WK leans on him, LB goes to a knee.

Oh!! Wow, hard right hand. LB staggers back but comes forward again. Wow.

Round 6 - WK

Really lopsided, but probably not enough for a 10-8.
Edited by: White Shogun
Wow, too easy!

How about that. Buddy McGirt (Brewster's trainer) calls the fight. He tells Lamon he isn't going to allow him to take those shots.

Looks like Lamon took the easy payday.

Wladimir Klitschko by TKO. Edited by: White Shogun
You're welcome, everyone! I enjoy it, it's almost becoming a must for me when I watch boxing now!
Edited by: White Shogun
Lamon agreed to stop the fight after McGirt asked him a couple of times if he wanted to continue. He was going to sleep the next round anyway.

Revenge is sweet and Wlad is the baddest man on the planet by far. As Chris Byrd (Brewster's cousin)said, fighting a Klitshko is brutal. No heavyweight can touch him
Shogun, thanks for the PBP. Also, coverage of the fight was pretty big. An Austrian news source mentioned that TV coverage of the fight resembled that for an election, with huge amounts of press, TV cameras, live coverage in 100 countries etc. Good stuff.
Liverlips said:
Lamon agreed to stop the fight after McGirt asked him a couple of times if he wanted to continue. He was going to sleep the next round anyway.

I was about to post that Brewster wasn't gonna make it through the 7th when trainer and fighter agreed to throw in the towel.

Klitschko was like theovergrown schoolyard bully toying with a second grader. Is there anyone out there, white or black, who's a serious threat to his dominance right now?
No real threat to Klitschko right now. Chagaev and Ibragimov are too small and Maskaev is too old and does not take a good punch. Sam Peter will start to be hyped if he beats Maskaev in October. Alex Povetkin is the 2004 Olympic gold medlaist and has been making his mark. But it looks like smooth sailing for Wlad the next 2-3 years.
Wlad has GOT top be considered a top 5 heavyweight of all time. The mans jab is second to none (I personally believe it is better than Larry Holmes jab which I considered to be one of the best), he has devastating power in the left AND right hand and his defense has gotten better with every outing. Wlad Klitschko is a complete fighter with poise, grace and intelligence and its shameful that he continues to be snubbed by the so called boxing experts.
This was just a continuation of the brutal beatdown that Vlad was giving Lamon in their first fight. If he hadn't had that weird meltdown that fight would have ended about the same time this one did.

All right. Next up, where's Corrie Sanders? And while you're at it, get Ross Purrity on the line.
Not sure if Wlad can be considered an all-time great as he has not beaten another all-time great yet. That is a problem as there are no real big name opponents at heavyweight right now. But this win should put him in thp 10 "pound for pound" rankings by Ring magazine.

And, historically speaking, a 6'7, 244 pound man who can move and fight like Wlad would have many advantages over a 5'11, 190lb Rocky Marciano and 6'2, 210lb Muhammed Ali and Joe Louis.
I liked the way Wlad adjusted as the fight went on. As I wrote in the PBP he seemed to be trying to 'force' a clinch when it wasn't necessary. He calmed down, obviously concluded it wasn't necessary and used mostly footwork to avoid Brewster's sloppy, lunging punches after that.

Good call, Hock. Let's get Sanders and Purity in the ring, LOL. But on a serious note, anyone think Sam Peter would actually fight a rematch with WK should he beat Maskaev? It's a moot question though right now, as the winner of the Vitali - what's-his-name fight is supposed to face the winner of the Maskaev-Peter bout next.
dkr77 said:
Wlad has GOT top be considered a top 5 heavyweight of all time. The mans jab is second to none (I personally believe it is better than Larry Holmes jab which I considered to be one of the best), he has devastating power in the left AND right hand and his defense has gotten better with every outing. Wlad Klitschko is a complete fighter with poise, grace and intelligence and its shameful that he continues to be snubbed by the so called boxing experts.

Wlad's jab is bone crushing. Holmes couldn't match his power.And unfortunately it is true that most Americans don't have a clue as to who Klitschko is. Just for the fun of it, I checked the prediction of the two boxing goofs at Boxing 4 Real. One thought Wlad would win in the eigth or ninth, the other had Brewster stopping him by the sixth or seventh. Both were hoping Klitschko would lose. Thus is the state of white America today.
Yeah, but those geeks at Boxing 4 Real always pick against the white fighter and always are proven wrong. It is like an IQ test that they always fail. Aside from a few flukes, whites always beat blacks in fighting sports(when evenly matched).