Kissing the Queen's Royal @$$


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I was listening to Alex Jones the other day, and he tee'd off on all this "mainstream" groveling to Globalist Elite Queen Elizabeth. He spoke of the absolute disdain and contempt the "Royals" really have for the U.S., our Constitution and freedoms. Alex alluded to Prince Phillip's eugenics & "wildlife conservation" (ie - see environazism) funding and population reduction idealogy (...addition to Prince Charles' bogus "Global Warming" propaganda & hypocrisy). Basically, "Her Majesty" is here under the guise of "honoring" the Jamestown anniversary & to act as if she cared about the VaTech massacre. In reality, the self-important, primadonna Royals are only here for PR & to push for "gun control" (as they hate our 2nd Amendment & Bill of Rights). Alex also mentioned how Queen Elizabeth is first cousin to Bilderberg VIP Queen Beatrix (of the Netherlands). It was a good piece by Alex indeed...very informative & yet humorous (to hear him bash those vermin)!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Dec 15, 2005
The monarchies of the world are pretty degenerate. They are just as scummy as illegal immigrants.
Jan 13, 2007
Come on guys. I was born and raised in England, and our monarchy is just a
source of national pride, and very little else. There is very little they can do
that will affect anyone else in England, much less around the world. Do you
really think her majesty cares enough about gun control to actually do
anything about the 2nd amendment in another country? Sure there are
tyranical monarchies around the world, but those are as far from the British
one as you can get. For me the fact that we still have one symbolizes how
we, and almost no one else seamlessly made the transition from a full
monarchy to a democratic system, unlike others like France, Russia, etc.
Sure they might have some contempt for the US, but they cannot effect the
country at all.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Alex Jones is a nutjob.
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
How could Alex Jones know what the Queen is "really thinking" here anyway? The royal family are just pawns, they have no political clout and no ability (outside of economics, perhaps) of affecting US policies.

If anything, I think the VA tech incident may have had the opposite effect on gun control. Those in support of the 2nd amendment made some great arguments and made the liberal folks look bad on quite a few occasions.


Apr 16, 2005
I know some people are going to disagree with me, but I think the Rothschild empire is more inter-connected to the English royalty then a Jewish conspiracy.


Nov 8, 2005
Outside North America
Just a reminder, the year is 2007, not 1777! I think you guys have bigger problems to worry about than some antiquated european figurehead.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
BB, "Her Majesty" (no Queen to us Americans) went before the Virginia state legislature touting how gun control was needed to prevent further tragedies, so YES...she'd love to see gun control implemented here in the U.S.! Ya'll can keep her on your side of the pond, as us real Americans don't cotton to monarchs (real or otherwise).

Bear-Arms, I defy you to prove exactly how Alex Jones is a nutjob. The man backs almost 100% of what he says with documentation. I hope you don't believe that we can get good info/"facts" from NeoCON propagandists like "Pawn Vanity" and "Hush Bimbo"!

IO, Alex Jones didn't have to know what "Her Majesty" was thinking because she firmly embraced gun control in her own nation. On the surface she might seem like just a pawn, BUT she's blood-kin to Bilderberger VIP Queen Beatrix and several of the Rothschilds.

KJV1, you've done your homework and are well informed my friend!

Kiwi, see my info/response to IO (above). She is more than just a figurehead/pawn and is alligned with the Globalist Elite who control true puppets like Tony Blair. We need to call out and expose all Globalist Elite who are bent on destroying American sovereignty and our culture. Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Alex Jones could find a conspiracy in an empty toilet paper dispenser at Barnes and Noble.
Jan 13, 2007
Yeah, I agree with Bear-Arms, the guy thinks the US gov brainwashed the VT
killer into doing this so they could take away our guns. Sure its possible,
but come on. And with regard to the queen, I don't know what else to say.
What pretty much everyone else said is completely right, she has virtually
zero real power. She's a figurehead and that's all there is to it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
BB, we'll have to agree to disagree on Alex Jones (as I said above, the man solidly backs most all his claims with tons of documentation/proof).

Regarding "Her Majesty", I would submit to you that she supposed to appear as just an empty, figurehead. If you do further research on her connections to the globalist elite Bilderberg Group, you'll see that she has much more influence than the general populace understands. Even if she was just that figurehead, I take issue with American tax-dollars going to put on these lavish, pricey affairs to brown-nose her (more wasteful Government spending). Also, I don't like Elitists of any ilk (whether they be "legitimate" monarchs or "American bluebloods", etc.). That's just one man's opinion though.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Jan 13, 2007
Yeah, I guess we will. I agree that she does have influence on people, but
she just doesn't seem bright enough to really do anything like this. I
watched her and President Bush's speeches yesterday on TV, and while Bush
didn't say much (does he ever?), she said nothing. Literally every word was


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
Dixie Destroyer, as much as I hate the Labour party and Tony Blair you call him a puppet so then what is George Bush??? He must have one of the lowest IQ's possible it's unbelievable how someone like that can get power in the worlds richest country! Everything he does is because of someone elses knowlage and input(just like Blair). Unfortunatly they both still make the wrong choices.
As for the Queen and her power, she really doesn't have any anymore. She can influence certain things sometimes if she really wants to but it's all down the houses of parliament and the government in power as to what the laws are. To be honest these days in the England (Wales and Scotland couldn't give a damn about them) the only people who could give a toss about the Royal family are the upper classes and the older generations (40 years and older) and the millions of tourist's (many of whom are Americans) who flock to London and Buckingham Palace (o yea and the media who make a lot of money from taking photos of Harry drunk and high). I mean her two grandsons are way too normal to be Royalty. Prince Williams a drunkard and Harry is a pothead. That sums up the future of the Royal family! Me personaly being a proud Brit and seeing my country demographically and culturaly being torn apart by immigration i'd like to see the Royal family stay because it's a tradition we've had for centuries and one that many other European countries envy.
And lastly about the whole gun control situation, well all you have to do is compare the USA's deaths from guns to our deaths from guns (even though all our gun crime seems to black on black) and you will realise that having gun control is a pretty damn good thing although having said that, a gun control in the USA would be too late in my view as they are all over the place. The Queen was only suggesting.


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
When I said '(Wales and Scotland couldn't give a damn about them)' I was ment to say Wales and Scotland couldn't give a damn about the Royal family not me not giving a damn about those two countries. Sorry for any confusement.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
TheEnglishman, you're very correct...George Bush is a total puppet of the Globalist Elite (CFR, TLC, Bilderberg Group,etc.). Most every President elected in recent times has been a Globalist shill ("Sick Willie ClinTAX", George "Skull & Bones" Bush Sr, etc.). That's why a true paleo-Conservative, Constitutionalist like Texas Congressman Ron Paul will never be allowed to get into the White House.

BTW, I'm American about 8-10 generations back, but my initial roots are English. I know the British are a great, proud people. To clarify, I meant to state I personally dislike any "Elitists" and it sickens me to see the Queen (or any other Elitist) fawned over to such a degree here in our Republic.

Orwellian "gun control" would/will never be successful in truly detering crime here in the USA (although many traitors on Capitol Hill constantly push for it). As a long-time hunter, NRA & GAO (Gun Owners of America) member & avid Constitutionalist, I'm adamantly opposed to gun control here in the USA.It's proven to have been completely ineffective in lowering violent crimes in major metropolitan areas here in the states (ie - Washington DC).I'd be happy to send as much backing data/facts as you'd like, but here's some basic information (for starters) you may want to read... by: DixieDestroyer


Aug 16, 2006
The movie Bowling for Columbine had its ups and downs but I did find it telling that in Canada where they have more guns per capita than here, they have a far lower rate of violent crime. I think Michael Moore was interviewing the mayor or something of Windsor, Canada and he said something to the effect of: "Well we've only had one firearm homicide here in the last 10 years, and the perpetrator came over from Detroit".

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
jared said:
The movie Bowling for Columbine had its ups and downs but I did find it telling that in Canada where they have more guns per capita than here, they have a far lower rate of violent crime. I think Michael Moore was interviewing the mayor or something of Windsor, Canada and he said something to the effect of: "Well we've only had one firearm homicide here in the last 10 years, and the perpetrator came over from Detroit".

Look at Canada's minority population compared to that of the United States. Gun control in Canada works because their population isn't as overrun with third worlders as ours is. Gun control in the US would be a disaster. It's as simple as that


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
Jared thats what I was thinking. They also compared the UK statistics and they were like Canadian statistics despite the ever increasing Hip-Hop gang culture that we have here and countless Jamaican/African yardie gangs that operate in every inner city in England. In regards to Lance, the problem with the demogrpahics of the UK (when it comes to statistics) is that they obviously include Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where they have barely any immigrants hence the much lower crime rate. Our three biggest cities, London, Birmingham and Manchester have recently seen a huge rise in gun culture and it's 'always' blacks. Lance, according to my Canadian friend the Canadian minority population is exploding, bringing with it loads of crime. How suprising!

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Good post Englishman. One thing you have to bear in mind is that Canada's minority population mainly consists of Orientals, natives and east Indians (from what I've heard) where as ours mainly consists of blacks and hispanics. Blacks and hispanics are known to be more prone to crime than the afforementioned groups flooding into Canada. Now, this isn't to say that Canada doesn't have a problem as I've heard that even Asians and east Indians are starting to form gangs but it still probably isn't on the level of black and hispanic crime we see here just yet. Although I'm sure its quickly getting to that point. One thing Canada has going for it that America doesn't is that it doesn't border or come anywhere close geographically to any third world countries. Mexico is like a long turd hanging out of the ass of the United States, which is used somewhat as a funnel to bring in people from the entire region of Latin America.

I live in Florida and we have a huge problem with Colombians. People generally associate South Florida with its Cuban population, but a good portion of the Cubans have all moved north to Tampa because of the influx of Colombians. The Colombians have a very bizarre and problematic culture. They eat urinal cakes to get high, are known for marrying blood relatives, and bring their drug culture over here to the states (even Colombian churches deal drugs). They all do this instead of assimilating into American society. Colombians are considered to be the lowest of the low in hispanic society, and not even the Cubans want anything to do with them. In my opinion, Colombians are worse than any other immigrant group I have ever encountered.

Now, a lot of people might say that being that I am an American of Albanian extraction, I have no right to say the things I just said being that Albania is sort of known for being the Colombia of Europe. While that may be true, it should be known that I come from an Orthodox Christian background and therefore, I identify more with its Greek neighbors culturally than anything else. I am a big fan of Greek culture and its strong European roots, and I hope to visit that country one of these days.Edited by: Lance Alworth


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
Ah yes Lance very good point. Canada seems to let immigrants in from cultures that have good work ethic and intergrate into society easily such as the groups you metnioned orientals and Indians. Those two minority groups have also done really well here in the UK and I have no problems with them, especially as some of my friends are from India and Hong Kong.

Your discription of Mexico was hilarious to say the least, and speaking to friends of mine in Seattle they get pissed off with the sheer amount of Mexicans that they are currently seeing these days. Well at least you save money with cheap labour! Columbians, jeez where the hell do we start? I think everyone knows Columbia is a mongral nation with the worlds highest murder rate. That sums them up! As for Albania I've heard it can be pretty violent but the vast majority of people there are obviously peaceful otherwise they'd still be at war. And the Greeks, well they are legends to say the least. I mean where would we be without them?!?!

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Just be thankful you don't have any Colombians flooding into England.... yet. They truly are a black eye on this planet and most of them don't even deserve to breathe the air of honorable humanity