Kimbo Slice

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
This is a link to a video of a fight between a black guy named "Kimbo Slice," who is apparently a 'name' fighter on these underground fight videos. He fights a guy who is supposed to have been on the UFC, a white guy named Sean Gannon. I have never heard of him in relation to UFC, but thats beside the point.

As you watch this fight, you will notice the following:

1) every time the white fighter begins to subdue his black opponent, the black's posse intervenes.

2) at no time does the white fighter's friends intervene, except to keep the other blacks out of the fight.

3) every time the white fighter uses a technique other than fists, the black's posse intervenes

4) even after the white guy has clearly won the fight, the black's posse continues to delay and stall til Kimbo gets back on his feet

This video encapsulates on film, like a small microcosm, the vast gulf that separates blacks and whites and their viewpoint of the world.

Fight video

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
look at the white vs. getto fight its hilarious.


Oct 11, 2005
The White guy must have won that fight at least three times only for the other fighters crew to disrupt when their man is on the brink of defeat.That video shows that Blacks do not have the same ability to inquire and reason as whites.They are ruled totally by emotion which is one of the reasons why white men are better fighters.The fighting arts,especially Mixed Martial Arts require a certain level of self control and tactical nous and intelligence,even more so than other sports.Its something that Bruce Lee always spoke and wrote about.Fedor Emelienko has this in abboundance aswell as the all time great fighters such as Rickson Gracie.Its definately not a strong point amongst Black athletes and Blacks in general.


May 20, 2005
Yeah, Gannon has been in the UFC, though obviously as a bit player. You can tell from his level of conditioning that he might be described as a "serious hobbyist" in MMA, but he still gets the job done.

So you think because you've pumped some iron and run over some bums in street fights you can take on a UFC fighter, even a no-name? Moron. Typical ******* narcissism. You'll note in the video that the ******* CLEARLY started grappling first (shooting for the leg), but they cry foul on the guillotine choke. Of course, they would have saved their man alot of pain and humiliation if they had just let him get choked out.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Kimbo slice is an overrated myth. Supposedly he is a bodyguard on porns sets. I guess his job is to protect the "starlets" from gang bangs or something.........

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
If Gannon's people had not been shooting that video, I'd bet that we'd have never seen it. Can't have a vid out there of Slice losing. It would destroy the myth.

I must say though, the guy looks like he is wearing a helmet of flesh or something on his head. He even has what looks like a hardened ring of knots just above his ears. Damndest thing.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
I've seen this guy (Slice) fight before. Slice is only successful in fights against opponents who are strictly street fighters. If he goes against anyone of comparable size, who also has MMA/grappling skills (which he obviosly doesn't), he's toast.

Gannon, also was just plain tougher, as well as having better overall endurance. Personally, I think that both Gannon and his crew knew the racial-score and situation of this fight. I saw the look on Gannons face when he knocked Slice to the ground for the third time. He wanted to continue pounding on him. I'm surprised no one dropped any "N-Bombs" during this fight. Kudos to Gannon's crew too, for not backing down from Slice's ghetto-circus of a posse that he had with him.These orangutans tried to jump in every time Slice starting losing. Typical black behavior. Hell of a fight though.