Kill your television


Jan 7, 2005
The media is using the myth of the superblack male and the super
black/rap star to dissociate the white youth (mostly male) from
their own sense of state, country and culture. Jeeez, how I want
to puke when I see perfectly heathy, well fed, middle class whites
walking around in "Urbana" type clothing (complete with revearsed
ballcap), slouched shoulders and jesticulations which speak of class
warfare! Parents, pull the plug on the television, make
your kids read books (start with caucasion heros: Bell, Edison,
Franklin, hell even Tesla.)
Its gone to alot of people's heads more than you think. I was trying to get a job bouncing at a bar in Manhattan and was told by my friend who bartends there that they usually only hire black people. We both were pissed. Now it seems only blacks males are able to enforce and check ID's. Bullsh*t!!!

On other hand a black friend of mine wants me to bounce at his Uncle's bar in the Bronx. This is psychological warfare conducted by whites against whites. A black guy will hire me but a white guy won't. Edited by: Alpha Male
I dumped the cable about a month ago. Its working out
alright. There really isn't anything I miss that much accept the
occasional football game. I'll usually go over to my parent's
place on Sunday and watch a little. The commercials are even more
obnoxious when you haven't seen them in awhile.
Poacher said:
I dumped the cable about a month ago. Its working out
alright. There really isn't anything I miss that much accept the
occasional football game. I'll usually go over to my parent's
place on Sunday and watch a little. The commercials are even more
obnoxious when you haven't seen them in awhile.

Your right, I was talking to my mom the other day and noted that if one
wants to get an idea of society just watch the commercials. I
usually get cable for football season (and some boxing), then dump it
after the superbowl. One can only take so much propaganda.
The only reason I watch televitz is for sports and news (and I also follow both on the internet as well).

EVERYTHING else is essentially poison except maybe a rare documentary.
Killing the TV is especially important if you have young children. Study after study has proven that children develop language much earlier in homes that do not have television. I have observed this with my own children. I have a 3 year old that talks like a second grader, and my youngest is starting to speak at 17 months.

TV is poison, and you owe it to yourself and your family to unplug it for good. And that includes sports programming, too. Besides, radio broadcasts are much better.
American Freedom News