This is something that always pisses me off. For the longest time, and to this day, Whites have always been outstandingly represented in the decathlon and usually are the very best at it.
To have great ability in not one, but TEN events is incredible. It's no surprise why for many years, the Olympic decathlon winner was considered the "finest, all-around athlete in the world."
However I've noticed that over the last thirty years, after that now-freak Bruce Jenner's victory, as it became more fashionable to prop up minorities, the decathlon became less cool because Blacks didn't win it.
Just like many sports where Whites are clearly superior, the media ignores it.
That is, until a token Black becomes decent at it. Hence, golf wasn't a sport until Tiger Woods showed up and did well. Then all of a sudden golf was this amazing sport.
Tennis was a boring White sport until that cross dressing Black gay guy and his slightly less macho brother started winning. Then all of a sudden tennis was this amazing sport.
When random Blacks started winning decathlons here and there, all of a sudden the decathlon decides "the world's best athlete" again.
But now that order has been restored for the most part in golf and tennis and decathlon, because Whites (or at least non-full Blacks in the case of women's tennis) are once again at the pinnacle, be prepared for the media to downplay these sports once again, or accuse the White winners of oppressing Tyrone and Sharkeesha or whoever they hell they think is entitled to the title of "best."