Kevin Mayer: Decathlon World Record Holder (9126 pts)


Aug 27, 2011
Kévin Mayer becomes today the new decathlon WR holder!

100m: 10"55 [+0.3 m/s] (963 pts)
Long jump: 7.80m (1010 pts)
Shot put: 16.00m (851 pts)
High jump: 2.05m (850 pts)
400m: 48"42 (889 pts)
110m hurdles: 13"75 [-1.1 m/s] (1007 pts)
Discus throw: 50.54m (882 pts)
Pole vault: 5m45 (1051 pts)
Javelin throw: 71.90m (918 pts)
1500m: 4'36"11 (705 pts)

TOTAL: 9126 pts

I knew this was a matter of time as did a lot of other posters. Now this again proves what we always say here. Whites are the
most overall athletic people on the planet. We dominate more sports than anyone can excel at the highest level. To the lurkers who come here but don't post, take note of this. The media constant lie is that only blacks are great athletes. Complete lies.

Congrat to Kevin Mayer. One of the finest athletes the world has ever seen! This is such great news!
This is something that always pisses me off. For the longest time, and to this day, Whites have always been outstandingly represented in the decathlon and usually are the very best at it.

To have great ability in not one, but TEN events is incredible. It's no surprise why for many years, the Olympic decathlon winner was considered the "finest, all-around athlete in the world."

However I've noticed that over the last thirty years, after that now-freak Bruce Jenner's victory, as it became more fashionable to prop up minorities, the decathlon became less cool because Blacks didn't win it.

Just like many sports where Whites are clearly superior, the media ignores it.

That is, until a token Black becomes decent at it. Hence, golf wasn't a sport until Tiger Woods showed up and did well. Then all of a sudden golf was this amazing sport.

Tennis was a boring White sport until that cross dressing Black gay guy and his slightly less macho brother started winning. Then all of a sudden tennis was this amazing sport.

When random Blacks started winning decathlons here and there, all of a sudden the decathlon decides "the world's best athlete" again.

But now that order has been restored for the most part in golf and tennis and decathlon, because Whites (or at least non-full Blacks in the case of women's tennis) are once again at the pinnacle, be prepared for the media to downplay these sports once again, or accuse the White winners of oppressing Tyrone and Sharkeesha or whoever they hell they think is entitled to the title of "best."
It seemed like he beat Eaton's record with better strength events, which Whites are clearly better than Blacks at(not that I really consider Eaton a true *******). It seems like the recent world record holders have been more speed type guys than power guys. I actually miss a guy with a build like Jurgen Hingsen setting the world record.
Just noticed that his 110m hurdles PB is 13.55. You have to think that dedicated training & specialised training could shave that down to, what, 13 flat or thereabouts, i.e. something genuinely world class.
I wouldn't expect a 10.50 /100m speed is enough to go near 13 dead even if he learns to hurdle perfectly. Then bear in mind the amount of training he must put in to compete in 10 events.
I very much doubt he could put that much time into one event considering the toll total training would take on him
MM, I agree, his 10.50 100m is not fast enough to get him to low 13's in 100mh. I seriously doubt he will ever get much faster than a 10.40 100m. In order to lower his 100mh time he would have to train specifically for the 100mh negating his abilities to train for the other disciplines. My old high school coach was an ex decathlete(not higher than club level) but he always told me that extra points could be earned from the 1500m portion and javelin much more readily than the other disciplines involved. At 5'8" and 140lbs in high school I had wanted to try the decathlon but the hurdles were as high as I was lol. The javelin, sp and discus were events I really enjoyed but speed and technique could only propel them so far. I still participate in these events as well as the sprints as a masters aged athlete. Yes the hurdles still look high even though I grew a whopping inch to hit 5'9" lol
SS, I like the throws too (although my shoulder won't let me throw Javelin efficiently).
My state champion mate in hammer, shot and discus has perhaps convinced me to return to T&F next season.
After 3 training sessions with just a walk in release (no technique used yet) I've started with an 11.60 metre shot and a near 35.00 m discus. I'll only compete once I get near 13 m Shot and 40m+ discus so I'll need to get the technique going or I won't get those distances. I go into next season aged 68 and then have 2 years to prepare for a reduced shot put weight of 4kgs.
I'm 180 (cms) and 180 (lbs) so a decent balance between speed/power and weight related strength, at least for an old guy.
Looking forward to it actually
MM, glad to hear you are considering competing again. The camaraderie of trackies is amazing to say the least. Always a buzz of electricity at the track meets, getting to see people one doesn't see on a regular basis and pickup conversationally where you left off..Competitors during the race, buddies just before and after the race or field event.

Your marks in training are much better than mine. I really enjoy the javelin and the discus, sp not as much. I don't train enough for the jav,sp and discus as I primarily train for the sprints. LOL the only coaching I get is at the meets by the guys that are the better throwers and putters. Ability and strength wise I should be throwing the javelin over 35m maybe even hitting the 40m mark but I tend to throw it like a baseball(I was a pitcher for years growing up) which hampers the trajectory of the javelin. I look forward to hearing about your progress.
yep, if javelin isn't thrown aerodynamically it's a waste of energy and effort. I have to round arm it and let it go from under shoulder height with a slightly bent arm, releasing it from between index and middle fingers (a bit like bowling in cricket).
Usually fouled but can get to around 35m that way.


Kevin Mayer - Training Compilation​

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