Kevin Garnett/Fan Incident


Oct 21, 2004
I'm surprised I haven't heard anything on here about the recent incident where Kevin Garnett threw a ball and hit a fan in the stands. After it happened, I heard and saw several of the jock-sniffing "journalists" castigating this white fan for acting like he was hurt. The guy was also soundly booed by the fans at the stadium for being wheeled out on a gurney. Now, it does appear this guy milked the situation for what it might be worth, but it's interesting to note how not a single lame, wannabe comedian publicly condemned Garnett for throwing a ball at a fan. All of the criticism was directed at this white fan. Not the contrast to how the black photographer who was very, very gently "kicked" by Dennis Rodman during a game a few years back was portrayed in the media. His motivations were never questioned, no one claimed he wasn't hurt, and the fans didn't boo him. I'm convinced that, if that photographer had been white, he would have been criticized and none of the jock-sniffers would have condemned Rodman. This is the second recent incident where (the other being the white guy who the idiotic black NBA player thought was "messing" with his wife in the stands) a black NBA player has in some way attacked a white fan. In both cases, EVERY "journalist" sided with the black player while questioning the "actions" of the white victim in the stands. Yes, Don King's America is a lot of fun.
The guy got taken out on a gurney.
Edited by: white tornado
I agree bigunreal. I was seriously pissed off when the guy's little girl started crying as well. She looked shaken up.

PTI's Kornheiser kinda agreed with the fan but maybe he was mocking him, I don't know. But the fan hasn't sued Kevie boy and doesn't plan to. So I think we should just lay off the guy.

The fans that booed him were just angry that their black god got thrown out of the game because of it.

"Argh! Your damn head got in the way of our Zulu warrior! Argh! Damn, you to hell!"

God, who the hell throws a basketball into the stands anyway?! Ya stupid f'n c**t! Maybe Minnesota shouldn't have fired Flip and hired a black guy as coach to replace him.
The guy got taken out on a gurney.
Yes the guy was taken out on a stretcher from what I saw.He looked ok but shaken up.The father's daughter was shaken up pretty badly.I felt bad for that little girl.The Timberwolves should do something for that little girl and her father out of good gesture.Kevin Garnett is a athlete who gets paid millions and should act in a professional manner.That was uncalled for and he should be ashamed for his antics.First thing he should do is at least hold a public press conference and apologize to that family.
Kevin Garnett is an over-emotional, impulsive half-wit, but that fan was such a wimpy little drama queen! You got hit with a basketball, big deal. Shrug it off, loser. His antics merely reinforce the "soft white wimp" stereotype. He should have his white skin ripped off. He doesn't deserve it.
JD074 said:
Kevin Garnett is an over-emotional, impulsive half-wit, but that fan was such a wimpy little drama queen! You got hit with a basketball, big deal. Shrug it off, loser. His antics merely reinforce the "soft white wimp" stereotype. He should have his white skin ripped off. He doesn't deserve it.

F*** that! I say he should do whatever it takes to make an example of Garnett. Do you think if a white player threw a basketball at a black fan he would even still be playing?? He'd have been suspended for several games and fined. The guy has no means of defending himself, if he goes on the court after being hit with the ball, he gets charged with assault. A basketball to the face can break your nose and cause other facial injuries.

White Shogun said:
F*** that! I say he should do whatever it takes to make an example of Garnett. Do you think if a white player threw a basketball at a black fan he would even still be playing?? He'd have been suspended for several games and fined.

Good point Shogun!If Dirk Nowitzke angrily nailed a black with a basketball, the analysts and black activists would be outraged and call for his head on a platter.
I think the point is that no black anywhere, regardless of age, sex or physical condition, would be made fun of for exaggerating the effects of an injury. The lame wannabe comedians on ESPN would have treated it as a serious incident, and the fans certainly would never have booed any black fan. The example I cited of the black photographer who was very, very midly kicked by Dennis Rodman is a perfect reflection of this. None of the jock-sniffers in the media lampooned him for his clear over dramatization. No one ever gets impatient with the myriad of black athletes, especially football players, who appear to be critically injured but then suddenly jump up in perfect shape, to the cheers of the idiotic white fans. This is in contrast to the lamentations of Terry Bradshaw and other supposedly "old school" announcers, who whine about "putting a skirt on 'em" in reference to rules designed to protect QBs. They always say this with a white QB in mind. Always. You will never hear them say that we should put a skirt on McNabb, Vick, etc. As always, there is a clear double standard.
White Shogun said:
F*** that! I say he should do whatever it takes to make an example of Garnett.

He made an example of himself, not Garnett.

White Shogun said:
Do you think if a white player threw a basketball at a black fan he would even still be playing?? He'd have been suspended for several games and fined.

Yeah yeah yeah, the double standard, I got it. I'm not a newbie here, I know all about that crap.

White Shogun said:
The guy has no means of defending himself, if he goes on the court after being hit with the ball, he gets charged with assault.

He doesn't have to fight anybody (he'd get his ass kicked anyway.) He simply has to refrain from being a total douche bag. Yell at Garnett, brush it off, console his daughter, whatever. Just don't be a little b*tch about it.

White Shogun said:
A basketball to the face can break your nose and cause other facial injuries.

This coming from an MMA enthusiast. Garnett lobbed the ball, it wasn't a Roger Clemens fastball for Christ's sake. At most it would've made his eyes watery. We've all gotten hit in the nose with a basketball. I didn't cry about it when I was in 6th grade, this grown man shouldn't be crying about it now.

White Shogun said:

Go for it. If he has that kind of money to blow, I applaud him for that at least.

Oh, I'm sorry, Shogun, too much "line by line dissection" again. I guess this will go "unread."
Both of you guys are right. The white guy totally acted like a wimp, but he should sue Garnett if he can get anything out of it. It was a incredibly stupid thing for Garnett to do. To be honest with you..If I was in dallas watching a maverick game in the stands and Dirk Nowitzki got upset and fired a ball in the stands striking me..the only thing I would want is his autograph on the basketball and enjoy my brief time in the limelight. Now if it was the opposing teams player..well..find me a good jewish lawyer and sue.
..well if I wasn't really injured then some season tickets and free parking will do! I'm certainly not going to get carried out on a stretcher even if I did have a broken nose. What a wus! It will look damaging in a courtroom though.
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