This is a subject I know far too much about....
I became immersed in the Kennedy assassination as a teenager. I joined Mark Lane's Citizens Committe Of Inquiry and was thrilled to meet him and have an extended conversation with him at his office. I won't go into details with that very long story, but bottom line is that Lane had been speaking to then popular comedian Freddie Prinze on the phone that day, and told me he was obsessed with the JFK assassination and when he "killed himself" a few months later, I wasn't surprised. A short time later, one of the TV networks cranked out one of those pathetic tragic dramas about his last days, and despite the fact his wife was a consultant, absolutely no mention was made of the JFK assassination, which was taking up all his time in his final days. But enough about my personal connection with this.
The clip of JFK talking is absolutely real. It's one of the most remarkable speeches ever made by any U.S. politician, let alone any president. We can guess about who he's referring to (the usual suspects), but even if he meant it as a generic broadside against censorship, and in favor of an open society, it took a lot of courage and goes to the heart of why I believe he was the last decent president we had. That, along with his American University "peace" speech, are two of the greatest speeches in American history, imho.
It would take up far too much cyber space on this forum to argue why there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. The important point to realize is that the murder of a sitting U.S. president was not investigated at the time. Not by the Dallas police. Not by the FBI. Certainly not the by Warren Commission. Years later, when young idealists like myself were lobbying Congress and the media to re-open the investigation, the result of our efforts, the House Assassinations Committee, also didn't conduct a real investigation. The one and only absolute thing I know, after researching this case for over 30 years, is that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't assassinate JFK. He was involved, obviously, but almost certainly as an unwitting undercover agent for some arm of the government, who was purposefully set up as a patsy. We can prove with certainty that the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, as well as high government officials such as J. Edgar Hoover, McGeorge Bundy and Nick Katzenbach, all participated in a coverup. Therefore, the logical assumption would be that these same forces were in on the conspiracy, if not direct conspirators themselves.
The mainstream press has refused to tell the truth about this monstrous crime since the moment Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down by low level mobster Jack Ruby.
It's sad to see so many people who aren't acquainted with the subject fall for the lies and dishonesty behind recent television specials like "Beyond Conspiracy" and the latest, "Inside The Target Car," or Warren Report rehashes like "Case Closed" or Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History." The original band of citizen critics like Mark Lane proved that the official lone assassin theory was impossible some 40 years ago. Their work still stands, and those interested in the subject should read those early books on the subject.
I have conducted enough research on this case to write a book on it myself. Anyone truly interested in any aspect of the Kennedy assassination can feel free to question me by personal message or here on the forum.