Kelly Pavlik

In the past fighters with Pavlik's style burn out fairly young, look at Fernando Vargas. The only good thing about this is that it's not a substance abuse problem(at least on the surface). Maybe his comeback is being forced upon by Arum and his management team. It's hard to go through the motions boxing.
If this was the same Pavlik that fought Jermaine Taylor he'd have a decent change against Bute. The current Pavlik would get killed by Lucian and it would most likely put the nail in the coffin for his career. Until Pavlik starts beating some good fighters convincingly again he shouldn't even be considered for any title shots.
This was an absolute career killer for Kelly. I'm thinking the promoters already know something that we are learning...Kelly is damaged goods.

It's a sad situation (but not unheard of) when a fighter is his worst opponent. I still hold him in very high regard for his tremendous, caste shattering bouts against Taylor and Miranda.
The more I think of this the more I say WTF Kelly. Why in the F did you sign that contract to fight this guy, only to say days before the fight, you were short changed and not going to fight?

Either you are forgetting how a contract works or you binge drinking after workouts and know you are in no condition to step into a boxing ring. Man, please either just admitt that you can no longer fight at the highest level due to your weakness for alcohol or hire different management which includes an elite trainer such as Roach and a promise to abstain from booze. Simple.
The worst part for KP is that he was the one who wanted this tuneup against a southpaw to prepare him for his fight with Bute. KP was also getting a % of the gate so he stood to make much more than the contract states.

KP would've gotten destroyed by Bute anyway (IMHO) so no amount of preparation was going to help him, but if he somehow pulled off the huge upset he would've set himself up for huge paydays in unification bouts with Ward or Froch...
If Kelly never fights again at least I'll always remember the joy of watching Kelly knock out Taylor live on TV (and about a hundred times after that as well :biggrin:.

If only I could find a nice HD version of the fight.
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If Kelly never fights again at least I'll always remember the joy of watching Kelly knock out Taylor live on TV (and about a hundred times after that as well :biggrin:.

If only I could find a nice HD version of the fight.

There was a thread on this site with links to dozens of fights. I'm pretty sure the Taylor Pavlik fight was one of them.
Pavlik-Miranda (720 HD)

(use HJsplit to join - download here:

Pavlik-Taylor I (good quality, not quite HD)


(use HJsplit to join)

Pavlik-Taylor I (smaller file)

Pavlik-Taylor II (720 HD)

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

(use HJsplit to join files)
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For some reason the first part of Taylor 1 won't dl for me. I think I've seen it already and I prefer the smaller version I have now. has a huge number of fights for dl. Unfortunately no one seems to have capped Taylor 1 in HD.

Unless Pavlik can score some good wins I just assume he retires.
It looks as if everything we've been reading about Kelly is 100 % true. He's a full blown alcoholic and rehab hasn't helped.

Kelly Pavlik avoided a court appearance Friday morning by allowing his attorney to enter a plea on his behalf.

Attorney Damian Billak filed a "Waiver of Appearance" and entered a not guilty plea for Pavlik. Pavlik is charged with OVI, failure to control, and leaving the scene of an accident. The charges stem from an incident Wednesday night at his Canfield home.

According to a police report, Pavlik and a friend were riding ATV's outside his home on Sugarbush Drive when Pavlik allegedly struck and damaged a lamp post on his neighbor's property. Deputies from the Mahoning County Sheriff's Office responded to a 911 call and placed Pavlik and Daniel Ferreri under arrest.

A preliminary hearing for Pavlik is scheduled for Friday, January 13th at Mahoning County Court in Canfield.

Ferreri is set to go before a judge on January 3rd.
Just when I thought Kelly was getting his act together with management and a new trainer, this happens! WTF! I hope Kelly was not DUI when that accident occurred. What is wrong with this young man? He still has a future in boxing to make big money. But further stunts like this will only caste doubts on him and his commitment to unscrew all facets of his life. Ugh.
Just when I thought Kelly was getting his act together with management and a new trainer, this happens! WTF! I hope Kelly was not DUI when that accident occurred. What is wrong with this young man? He still has a future in boxing to make big money. But further stunts like this will only caste doubts on him and his commitment to unscrew all facets of his life. Ugh.

I assume his drinking problem started after he won the belt from Taylor. The Pavlik that fought Hopkins was not the same fighter anymore. He'd most likely still be champ if not for his addiction. Alcoholism is a terrible addiction to kick. I know first hand because of what my father is going through. He had over five years alcohol free only to go back to the bottle.
A true alcoholic can never have even a social drink once he has been diagnosed with this problem. I know someone that went to court ordered rehab for a DUI. Before he went to rehab he was a raging alcoholic who was playing grab ass with waitresses and clanging steins until last call nearly every night. After rehab he thought he could socially drink and tried drinking like a normal person. Within a month he was back to being Barney from the Simpson.....:thumbdown:
a lot of people don't realize that alcohol can be just as addictive as illegal drugs. Some people just have an addictive personality. The problem is alcohol is socially accepted and almost everywhere, which makes it even harder for a person dealing with alcoholism. The damage it has on your body with abuse is worse than many illegal drugs, it affects every part of your body. He would be better off doing coke like so many big name athletes do.
a lot of people don't realize that alcohol can be just as addictive as illegal drugs. Some people just have an addictive personality. The problem is alcohol is socially accepted and almost everywhere, which makes it even harder for a person dealing with alcoholism. The damage it has on your body with abuse is worse than many illegal drugs, it affects every part of your body. He would be better off doing coke like so many big name athletes do.

It is just as addictive as illegal drugs.
I think Kelly's problem goes back before he won the title. I can remember his career being stalled when he was still just an up and comer because of legal problems stemming from a bar fight. I wouldn't be surprised if he's into coke too. Back when I was a big drinker I liked a line here and there to keep things going. Thank God I couldn't afford as much of it as I wanted. If I'd had the money Kelly has...

Yeah he better cool it quick and get back on the good foot, because his skills are eroding as we speak. He's in the process of going from hometown hero to hometown zero.
Its sad to hear this about Pavlik,but whatever happens to him he will go down as a legend in my book.When he fought Taylor,that was a huge caste fight.Taylor was unbeaten and had defeated Hopkins twice,Pavlik was also unbeaten and Taylor was the heavy favorite.It was 2005 and the White domination of the upper weight classes wasnt yet fully fledged,Wlad wasnt a reigning champion so Pavlik beating and knocking Taylor out was an important victory at the time,i was on cloud nine for days after the fight.

Alcohol is probably the worst addiction to have,even more than class a drugs.It messes the person up physically.I recently watched an interview with Nick Nolte for the movie Warrior and he's obviously someone who's drunk aot of alchohol throughout his life as he's got that grizzled sounding voice common amongst heavy drinkers.Micky Rourke has the same problem.It was sad seeing him like that,He was great in the film Warrior though,so he's still got his acting chops.

Kelly Pavlik beat Taylor in 2007 not 2005.
I really hope Pavlik gets it together. I still want to see him fight Abraham one day, that would be an all out war!
I really hope Pavlik gets it together. I still want to see him fight Abraham one day, that would be an all out war!
I finally saw a copy of this fight and Pavlik looked sharp and looked much stronger as a 168 pounder. Granted he was in against cannon fodder, but Kelly put his shots together and didn't have a shot look to him like he did in his previous comeback fight.
WIR, I was thinking the same thing after viewing his fight with opponent Jaco. Kelly looked fresh and powerful, albeit against a fighter signed to lose. His power shots looked fast, crisp and with obvious power.

Hopefully Kelly has resolved his alcohol problem. I have said over 2 years ago that Kelly should have hired another trainer. His new trainer has a winning record and reputation with elite fighters. Hopefully him and Kelly are a good match and much success at 168 lbs.
Kelly scheduled to be the main event on ESPN's FNFs on June 8th. I hope he can steer clear of the beer for the foreseeable future.
For those of us who live outside the USA, here are some links for Pavlik-Sigmon on ESPN Friday June 8:
Another efficient bout, Pavlik looks like he is rounding into form. We will soon see if his power is as devastating against fringe contender to legitimate top 10 fighters. He looks ready for that level of opponent.
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