Joshua Ross


Jun 15, 2006
New York
well its seems Australia has someone to take the reigns from Shirvo. 26 year old Joshua Ross ran a PB of 10.09 in the 100m and said he is aiming to break 10 this summer.
he looks white, but you never can tell whats in the woodpile.
I googled him and his Aboriginal, but looks to have a lot of European blood.
I wonder what percent aboriginal. this guy looks Mediterranean to me.

well there is always Daniel Batman. this Saturday Crawford runs in a meet in Australia. I'm hoping he will bring out a little extra in the white talent. the start list for the meet is filled with white sprinters. I would love to see Crawford get beat by some no name white sprinter. he is already talking smack about Ross.
Batman is a great sprinter.He even has a Batman tattoo on his arm.
He has run in the 10.15 range and is also an excellent 200 guy.

What has happened to Shirvo?He was supposed to be running in these meets.Hopefully we hear something from him soon.On the bright side,maybe it's better because most Aussies peak too early in the year and the World Champs are late this summer!
Supposedly he ran a 9.8 hand timed training session. Generally these training times that are leaked to the media are bull. I equate them to how a fighter looks great in camp and then when the fight is on he is fat slow and poorly conditioned. One training camp hand time that turned out to be true was Borzov's 9.7 in Munich as he ran a sizzling 10.07 which in 72' was the world sea level record....
Do you know where to find a list of who was in that heat with Borzov and what times they ran. I'm wondering if he was pushed, or he did it with ease. There's always been a big controversy regarding Eddie Hart and Rey Robinson not making it because they missed their heats. I remember seeing the relay as a kid, and it appeared to me that Borzov was gaining on Hart during the final leg. It's apparent that Borzov was at his peak during the 72 games. I speculate that if Hart and/or Robinson would've been in the final, Borzov would have went under 10.00.
I'm not sure being aboriginal is an advantage nor a disadvantage. What makes any sprinter faster is being able to make improvements to minute aspects of their performance such as streamlining.
freedom1 said:
There's always been a big controversy regarding Eddie Hart and Rey Robinson not making it because they missed their heats. I remember seeing the relay as a kid, and it appeared to me that Borzov was gaining on Hart during the final leg...

The controversy was created in the media. Borzov was ranked number #1 the previous season (and #2 in 1970 - but a good case could have been made for him being #1 that season). Borzov was faster than Hart and Robinson - the hand timed "WR" at the US trials was electronically timed at a few hundreths under 10.3 (10.26 I think). Borzov was actually a very heavy favorite going into Munich. It was the media's propaganda machine that got the "what if" machine in gear. A bigger "what it" was in fact what would have happened if Jim Ryun had been allowed to move on in the 1500 after having been fouled, knocked down and out of the competition. Borzov was a top sprinter for a number of years, coming back after injuries etc to rank in '74 (#5), '75 (#3), and '76 (#3) where he "surprised" the media to grab the bronze at the Olympics in Montreal. He actually had a very good career - if he were a black sprinter, he'd be considered an all-time great; 3 individual medals (2 gold) - not counting his relay medals. In his first season of real individual competition at the "world" level ('69), he ranked 5th in the 100 - by '71 he was ranked #2 in the 200, with all the usual sore loser remarks being fired off by blacks. The guy was just a super talent. When people make crack and say he was created in a lab, I always ask why there weren't 100 Borzovs then. I can tell you without hesitation our sprinters in those days were dirtier than the Eastern bloc athletes ever were. No exaggeration.
Colonel Callan said:
freedom1 said:
There's always been a big controversy regarding Eddie Hart and Rey Robinson not making it because they missed their heats. I remember seeing the relay as a kid, and it appeared to me that Borzov was gaining on Hart during the final leg...

The controversy was created in the media. Borzov was ranked number #1 the previous season (and #2 in 1970 - but a good case could have been made for him being #1 that season). Borzov was faster than Hart and Robinson - the hand timed "WR" at the US trials was electronically timed at a few hundreths under 10.3 (10.26 I think). Borzov was actually a very heavy favorite going into Munich. It was the media's propaganda machine that got the "what if" machine in gear. A bigger "what it" was in fact what would have happened if Jim Ryun had been allowed to move on in the 1500 after having been fouled, knocked down and out of the competition. Borzov was a top sprinter for a number of years, coming back after injuries etc to rank in '74 (#5), '75 (#3), and '76 (#3) where he "surprised" the media to grab the bronze at the Olympics in Montreal. He actually had a very good career - if he were a black sprinter, he'd be considered an all-time great; 3 individual medals (2 gold) - not counting his relay medals. In his first season of real individual competition at the "world" level ('69), he ranked 5th in the 100 - by '71 he was ranked #2 in the 200, with all the usual sore loser remarks being fired off by blacks. The guy was just a super talent. When people make crack and say he was created in a lab, I always ask why there weren't 100 Borzovs then. I can tell you without hesitation our sprinters in those days were dirtier than the Eastern bloc athletes ever were. No exaggeration.
I recall Jim McKay cheer leading for Hart by saying now Eddie has his gold. I also recall a column by Red Smith(who I generally liked)saying Borzov was the worlds fastest man and he was a commie. So you got where the media was coming from.....
Joshua Ross finished 2nd to Crawford today by 1/100th of a second.He ran a 10.17 wind legal.Ross went on the win the 200 meters also in a close race over Batman.
Josh has a new coach (Emil Rizk) who has worked him harde, taken 3 kg
of fat off him. Emil spent time in CA with Tom Tellez to learn some tricks
so I hope the relationship with Josh works out well.

Josh has aboriginal blood but he's a much greater percentage Euro.

Matt Shirvington is still in LOndon on his new training regime. He decided
NOT to come out here to try to run fast prematurely and be crucified
when he wasn't up to speed. I am a friend of (and run against) his uncle
Pat and got this from the "horses' mouth" so to speak
freedom1 said:
Do you know where to find a list of who was in that heat with Borzov and what times they ran. I'm wondering if he was pushed, or he did it with ease. There's always been a big controversy regarding Eddie Hart and Rey Robinson not making it because they missed their heats. I remember seeing the relay as a kid, and it appeared to me that Borzov was gaining on Hart during the final leg. It's apparent that Borzov was at his peak during the 72 games. I speculate that if Hart and/or Robinson would've been in the final, Borzov would have went under 10.00.
To find that list you need to find an old back issue of Track and Field News. A major cities reference library might have it. He easily blew away the nearest competitor as he did this in the quarters. He might have done a sub ten he also could have done a sub 20 he eased off in that event too.
I can help here:
100m Borzov SOV 10.14(10.07 semi) 200m Borzov Sov 20.00
 Taylor USA 10.24  &nbsp ;BlackUSA 20.19
 MillerJAM10 .33  Mennea ITA 20.30
 Kornelyuk SOV 10.36BurtonU SA 20.37
 Fray JAM 10.40 Smith USA 20.55
 Hirscht GER 10.40   Schenke GER 20.56
 Nowosz POL 10.46  Jelling haus GDR 20.65
 Crawford TRIDNF ZenkGE R 21.05

Borzov married gymnast Lyudmila Turisheva who won more golds than he
did...hmm, might be some good genes floating around in those kidsEdited by: mastermulti
Thanx Mastermulti. Do you have access to the heat lists? We're especially interested in the heat, probably a semi, where Borzov turned in a 10.07. The question is was he coasting, or did someone push him.
sorry , no! I have David Wallechinsky's book (complete book of the
Olympics) but it only gives all finalists in each sporting event.
In the semi of the 200 I know it mentions Borzov talking to Burton as he
passed him, and there are references to Borzov looking round at the field
in both events.
My guess is he was running nearly flat out but looking easy with it. He
DID raise his arms at the 5m mark in the 200 so he certainly could have
leaned and kept driving to go under 20.00. I have that on tape and there
was absolutely no dipping for the line at all.

This "arrogant" attitude together with refusal to do a post race interview
he later explained was directed at the American press who had "dissed"
him after the 100 final.Edited by: mastermulti
Maybe I can e-mail the gurus at Track and Field news and get the info.

Borzov was at his absolute peak for the 72 games, and he was the legitimate best sprinter in the world during that time period.

His arrogance has worked against us in that he could've broken 10.00 and less importantly 20.00 at that time had he been pushed or pushed himself harder. At that time those numbers didn't mean as much as they do today.
Borzov only ran as fast as he needed to win and costed once he new he had the win.
So the obvious question is does Valeriy Borzov have any kids?I hope the answer is yes and that a few are boys.If so,are they involved in track.Thanks for any info that you guys have on him.
Yesterday, Ross won the 100m at the Melbourne Track Classic in a time of 10.22. Patrick Johnson was 4th in 10.47. Wind was -1m/s.
American Freedom News