John Mccain


Nov 17, 2004
United States
How do you guys feel about john mccain, I have heard him talk a few times and agree with some of the stuff he says. Some of the things i see that he has said was

Regarding flying the Confederate flag at the South Carolina Statehouse,] McCain said last week that many in South Carolina view the flag as a "symbol of heritage." That phrase is used by some who want the flag to continue flying over the Statehouse.

McCain indicates that religious expression on public school property should be allowed. He says, "School prayer or a moment of silence should be allowed but not mandated. Education is a civil rights issue. Education reform, including school choice is necessary so every student can be prepared for success in higher education, career and life."

McCain supports the following principles regarding affirmative action and discrimination:
The federal government should continue affirmative action programs only if such programs do not include black quarterbacks
The Federal Government should consider affirmative action programs if ordered by a court to rectify specific programs.

Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business.
This legislation would have abolished a program that helps businesses owned by women or minorities compete for federally funded transportation.

Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage.
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA): Vote to prohibit marriage between members of the same sex in federal law, and provide that no state is required to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. Define 'marriage' as 'between one man and one woman

Voted YES on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds.
Vote to disallow any funds in the Legislative Appropriations bill from being used to award, require, or encourage any Federal contract, if the contract is being awarded on the basis of the race, color, national origin, or gender of the contractor.

I feel at least he is trying on affirmative action, abolishing all black quarterbacks would be a giant first step, the thing i completly disagree with is school choice, I make sacrifices every month paying my house payment and housing taxes because I live in a nice (all white) area so I can send my kids to a good school. About 10 miles from me its 70% black and the school district is terrible about a 55% graduation rate, if they ever opened it up to were kids from that area could go to our schools I would move again. I pay more then double the amount of taxes on my property then the district 10 miles away.Edited by: cxt7
This guy is one of the best politicians
around. I'd vote for him over any other legitmate candidates for
any major office. I feel there needs to be education opportunites
for everyone and everyone has a right to try to succeed in this
world. To fix graduation rates they should bring back old school
discipline and make the kids do there work. Children and adults
should have opportunities to be a success, go to college, etc.
Also, we need more adults going back to school to get degrees so they
can advance. Public education needs to be strong!!! Community
Colleges need to be strong!!! It is a key for America's success.

However, I definitely see where you are coming from cxt7.
Sorry guys, but if you like John McCain you must be huge George W. Bush fans, because there is not one major issue on which McCain differs from Bush. A President McCain would continue open borders, affirmative action, multiculturalism, wars around the globe, "free" trade, and every other ill that is destroying this country. He would not be on our side in the Culture War or the War on Western Civilization that is taking place.

The establishment loves John McCain. Think about it. Do you think he would be seen everywhere and constantly be receiving favorable coverage if he wasn't one of them to the core? Anyone perceived as even the slightest bit of a heretic to political correctness is relentlessly attacked. McCain wouldn't rock the boat in the least, much less be a "pro-white" leader.
McCain was "re-programmed" in that Vietnam POW camp so when he is president he will turn the country over to the Asians. (just kidding---I think)
There are many, of differing ideological perspectives, who do indeed wonder if McCain's temperament and even his mind might have been altered during his years of confinement in Vietnam, during which time he endured various forms of physical and psychological torture.

But at any rate he is not "one of us," in fact he's not even close to being what a conservative used to be before the neo-conservatives subverted and took over that movement.

He is one of the people pushing hard for the posthumous pardon of Jack Johnson, as J. B. Cash notes in his excellent article. I admire McCain's courage during his military career, but there is very little admirable about him as a politician in my opinion.
I am not trying to start conflicts on this site ,but if he is against affirmative action he has my support , because affirmative action has prevented me from a job before.
There's no conflicts, especially in the Happy Hour section, we're just giving our opinions on a variety of subjects. I think Caste Football supporters are the most polite group of people of any board I've ever been a part of.

Now the Boxing section, that's a different story!
Yeah those boxing guys really go at it! Makes for fun reading though.
Johm McCain has always used his status as a prisoner of war to great advantage. Because of the revelations concerning John Kerry's military excapades, I'm wondering if McCain's record is not in line what we have been led to believe. Bob Whitaker has a little info. about him I was not aware of.
McCain also sponsored the McCain - Feingold Campaign Finance Reform
Bill, which basically abolished the first amendment during
elections. I used to be a supporter of McCain years ago - I
wouldn't vote for him now unless he was running against Hillary
I agree with you White Shogun, McCain is a sly trickster who I personally don't trust to hold my paper towels.
John McCain is one of the most despicable and dangerous politicians
around today, and that is really saying something. Considering that his
entire poltical career has been based on the fact he was a POW, it is
amazing that McCain is despised by most POW-MIA activists. During the
whitewash conducted by the Senate POW Committee, which McCain was
ranking minority member on (John Kerry was Chairman), McCain actually
stormed out of the session just as a group of concerned family
activists was about to testify. He also was once accused of pushing an
elderly woman in a wheelchair and threatening the family members with
her when they tried to approach him as he walked to his Senate office.
They were POW-MIA activists, and McCain hates them all. He has
long been convinced there were no soliders left behind in Viet Nam, and
pused for normalization of relations with that country for many years.
McCain also once supposedly got into a physical altercation with
another POW activist, who was the author of a small newsletter. McCain
attacked him when he tried to question him as he was in the hallway
outside his office.

John Mccain is, far and away, the mass media's favorite politician.
When Tim Russert or some other joke of a "journalist" is interviewing
him, just listen to the reverence in their voices when they say his
name. The guy even appears on David Letterman, Jay Leno and Conan
O'Brien. Why? What "entertainment" value does this career hack party
politician offer? Considering his political career was financed by his
second wife's beer fortune inheritance, and that he was a member of the
notorious "Keating Five," it is hilarious to watch the lying Newspeak
readers portray him as a "maverick" and a "reformer." BTW, the "heroic"
McCain left his first wife, who remained faithful to him during his
years in captivity, after she was disabled in an auto accident. McCain
quickly traded her in on a much younger model, the aforementioned
heiress to a huge beer fortune. This second wife, by the way, was found
to be stealing and abusing drugs several years ago, but like all
celebrities and powerful people, she evaded any real punishment. McCain
is one of the foremost advocates of more immigration, and has never
been against any of our many foreign interventions overseas. This guiy
absolutely LOVES war. He is the only man on the planet whom I actually
think would use nuclear weapons. His stubby fingers should be nowhere
near the button. I would vote for anyone over him, including Hilary
His open border policy is enough for me never to vote for him. I would vote for anyone that would close the U.S./Mexican border. It's the biggest hidden issue in politics. Last election not much was heard about the border as it was barely mentioned in the debates and in network TV. Unbelievable considering it was the number #1 issue that viewers emailed to Network news and Fox news. I think if a major candidate would put "closing the border" as his Number #1 objective he would get elected easily.
Oddly enough Hillary Clinton has a harder stance on illegal immigration then McCain. I expect it to be a choice between them in 2008.
I think Rudy Guliani will win the Republican Party nomination for '08, not McCain.
Kaptain Poop-

You'd think that any candidate wanting to control immigration would be
easily elected. However, never underestimate the stupidity of the
voting public. In 2000, Pat Buchanan ran on just such a platform. True,
he had to deal with the media's daily "polls" claiming he was
consistently at 1%, and with the major parties locking him out of the
debates, but I still don't think enough Americans will vote their
conscience on this issue (or the race issue, either). It is hard to
explain how a voting pubic that is anywhere from 80-90% in favor of
curbing immigration can constantly vote for politicians who tell them
that they want more immigration. No Democrats will speak out on this
issue, for fear of alienating their Hispanic special interest base. The
only Republicans who are strong on immigration control are Ron Paul and
Tom Tancredo. Not exactly household names, and I don't expect either of
them to join the multitalented John McCainiac on David Letterman or
Conan O'Brian anytime soon. I am afraid this country will not wake up
to the crucial immigration issue until we have ethnic warfare.
bigunreal, I think you may have a good point on your last statement. It seems as though that's where we are headed, and I don't see how to avoid it.
Right on in regards to McCain-Feingold Shogun.

In addition, McCain wanted to ban mixed-martial arts in this country, despite the fact that the lousy hypocrite is a boxing fan. As UFC is the greatest show of white strength in the public eye today, I cannot help but think it was not moral outrage but instruction from his fore-skinner overlords.

Also, McCain has recently been at the forefront of those wanting to bully Major League Baseball into changing it's rules. While I'm against rampant steroid use, I'm even more against the government setting the rules of sporting organizations (Though sporting organizations would have a better defense if they weren't funded by tax dollars so often.) Particularly sporting organizations who are likely being targeted because of insuffecient negritude.
"Negritude"! Man I just about fell out over that one! That's some good stuff. You must be kin to Bart, White Savage.
Ron Paul btw, is what we call a "stealth libertarian"

Even though immigration policy is the one issue where I feel the Libertarian party is just dead, outright, 100% wrong, (A good argument using Libertarian principles can be made for a CLOSED border btw, and I make it.) their policy would be better than that of the Demopublicans and Republicrats, since it would involve using troops to stop the illegal traffic (instead of using them to bomb A-rabs until they start loving us), and screening immigrants at check points.
Ok, White Savage, I'll bite! Can you make the Libertarian
argument for closed borders sufficiently succint to post it here on the

I'm more Libertarian than anything else, so I'd really enjoy reading
such an argument and adding it to my arsenal for political
conversations and debates.
White Shogun:

Simple. Goverment's purpose, perhaps it's only just purpose, is to protect our lives, liberty, and property. Illegal immigrants infringe upon private property when they enter this country, to say nothing of what other petty crimes they may commit en-route. If they use public lands to do so, then they are infringing upon property that belongs to all of us collectively.(Theoretically, in truth government treats public property as its God-given private fief. Libertarianism must allow collective property, otherwise you and I cannot go into business together, etc.) Therefore, government is failing to, en masse, to protect the private property and collective property of it's citizens from countless trespasses. (They are trespassers since the polls seem to show the vast majority of people don't want them here.)

Even if you own a ranch on the Rio Grande and don't give a damn if Juan and Paco swim across and squat on your place, I could argue that little imaginary line between your property and Mexico is in fact, the collective property of the U.S. citizens, to say nothing of the issues involved when they step on a public (can you say collectively-owned) road to go into town. That's the only way the concept of a "border" and a "citizen" make any sense. They are Geographic areas bound together by a common authority, and people to whom that authority owes something, and they in turn owe something to that authority. If all the world's people are citizens of our country, then they are behind on their taxes, and 9/10's of them are obeying upstart fake governments that don't follow our laws.

To say nothing of the pragmatic fact that if you look at a Texas voting map, the "blue" counties are all along the Rio Grande. While I have my qualms about the "Red" candidates and voters too, Republican is alot closer to Libertarian than Dem, thus immigration hurts Conservative/Libertarian causes at this time, tho if Socialism/Leftism were thouroughly banished immigration might not be such an issue. Then again, there is every evidence to suggest that Mestizos are somewhat less intelligent than whites on average, though not so much less as Negros. Less intelligent population segments will always come out second best in economic competitions and will thus tend to consider wealth-redistribution to their benefit, and lacking intelligence and foresight, such populations will tend to milk the cow until they kill it.

Also, Libertarians could say something about eradicating the restrictions on WHITE immigration that keeps our brothers and sisters from different lands from counter-balancing the brown tide somewhat. I'm sure many of them would like to flee the socialistic hell-holes their countries are becoming. However, I suppose politically-correct Libertarians think explicitly helping WHITES would lose them points with the Left-leaners(Who hate and despise Libertarians anyway)
Now I'm totally confused as to what I am, I guess a ultra-conservative Christian independent could cover it. We need to come up with a new and better term for it.
Reb: I'd be willing to bet the Constitutionalist party platform fits you pretty well. They're something of fellow-travelers with libertarians, since the centerpiece of both platforms-enforcing the Constitution and Bill of Rights-overlaps so well.
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