How do you guys feel about john mccain, I have heard him talk a few times and agree with some of the stuff he says. Some of the things i see that he has said was
Regarding flying the Confederate flag at the South Carolina Statehouse,] McCain said last week that many in South Carolina view the flag as a "symbol of heritage." That phrase is used by some who want the flag to continue flying over the Statehouse.
McCain indicates that religious expression on public school property should be allowed. He says, "School prayer or a moment of silence should be allowed but not mandated. Education is a civil rights issue. Education reform, including school choice is necessary so every student can be prepared for success in higher education, career and life."
McCain supports the following principles regarding affirmative action and discrimination:
The federal government should continue affirmative action programs only if such programs do not include black quarterbacks
The Federal Government should consider affirmative action programs if ordered by a court to rectify specific programs.
Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business.
This legislation would have abolished a program that helps businesses owned by women or minorities compete for federally funded transportation.
Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage.
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA): Vote to prohibit marriage between members of the same sex in federal law, and provide that no state is required to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. Define 'marriage' as 'between one man and one woman
Voted YES on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds.
Vote to disallow any funds in the Legislative Appropriations bill from being used to award, require, or encourage any Federal contract, if the contract is being awarded on the basis of the race, color, national origin, or gender of the contractor.
I feel at least he is trying on affirmative action, abolishing all black quarterbacks would be a giant first step, the thing i completly disagree with is school choice, I make sacrifices every month paying my house payment and housing taxes because I live in a nice (all white) area so I can send my kids to a good school. About 10 miles from me its 70% black and the school district is terrible about a 55% graduation rate, if they ever opened it up to were kids from that area could go to our schools I would move again. I pay more then double the amount of taxes on my property then the district 10 miles away.Edited by: cxt7
Regarding flying the Confederate flag at the South Carolina Statehouse,] McCain said last week that many in South Carolina view the flag as a "symbol of heritage." That phrase is used by some who want the flag to continue flying over the Statehouse.
McCain indicates that religious expression on public school property should be allowed. He says, "School prayer or a moment of silence should be allowed but not mandated. Education is a civil rights issue. Education reform, including school choice is necessary so every student can be prepared for success in higher education, career and life."
McCain supports the following principles regarding affirmative action and discrimination:
The federal government should continue affirmative action programs only if such programs do not include black quarterbacks
The Federal Government should consider affirmative action programs if ordered by a court to rectify specific programs.
Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business.
This legislation would have abolished a program that helps businesses owned by women or minorities compete for federally funded transportation.
Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage.
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA): Vote to prohibit marriage between members of the same sex in federal law, and provide that no state is required to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. Define 'marriage' as 'between one man and one woman
Voted YES on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds.
Vote to disallow any funds in the Legislative Appropriations bill from being used to award, require, or encourage any Federal contract, if the contract is being awarded on the basis of the race, color, national origin, or gender of the contractor.
I feel at least he is trying on affirmative action, abolishing all black quarterbacks would be a giant first step, the thing i completly disagree with is school choice, I make sacrifices every month paying my house payment and housing taxes because I live in a nice (all white) area so I can send my kids to a good school. About 10 miles from me its 70% black and the school district is terrible about a 55% graduation rate, if they ever opened it up to were kids from that area could go to our schools I would move again. I pay more then double the amount of taxes on my property then the district 10 miles away.Edited by: cxt7