White Power said:
preach it brother, as I have been aware for quite some time as to the horrid conditions whites face at every collegiate and profressional level especially football. It is quite sickening to think that in the darn 21st century a race of people have basically been done away with in certain so called speed positions it makes you wonder just what in the hell happened to make all football coaches hate and discriminate against their own kind. This blatant discrimination would never ever be tolerated any where else in this enitire country except in sports where so many have been able but have had the door repeatedly slammed in their faces. First let me say that ever since I started watching football I used to ask myself why aren't their any whites running the football. People used to tell me that I was a racist and a biggot when ever I brought up the subject. Now we find ourselves having a candid discussion why can't we get any honest answers from the people who really know the coaches the ones past and present. I truly love the sport of football, but I wish it was more fair. I have two young boys who would like to play football, and my hope is that they are good enough to play running back at any level they so choose. If however I find them fighting odds that seem not to be in favor then I will back my kids to the point of no return. I feel if all of the parents got invoved and made this an issue that this curse would eventually become a not to distant memory. The only way to fight prejudice is with all parents and the communities getting involved in this fight that we have to change this sport and truly open it up to everyone regardless of race creed or especially color when this is done then we really will have changed this country for the better. Who is with me?&nb sp;
I agree with your sentiments, and for it to change it will have to be from the grassroots up as you mention about parents being involved, or take at the least a huge upswelling in awareness of the Caste System and its rejection by white fans and athletes.ÂÂ
For all the overt and institutionalized racism that blacks faced, there were always powerful elements sympathetic to their plight -- in media, in government, in colleges, in professional sports, etc. The difference now is that under no circumstances is any person in a position of influence allowed to show the least bit of sympathy or empathy for whites -- whether it be an individual screwed over or victimized because he or she is white -- or a group of whites facing discrimination and/or victimization. If it's acknowledged by the system at all, the basic attitude is "It's about time whites get what's coming to them," or "Turnabout's fair play."ÂÂ
To the system (Caste and otherwise) whites don't exist and aren't allowed to exist, except to be disparaged and made fun of. There are no exceptions to this rule. Any manifestation of white self-respect or white pride is strictly verboten.  The racism that white athletes face is but a small part of a much greater whole, a whole that is intent on rooting out all racial feelings and self-respect in whites at the same time whites are being replaced in this country with non-whites. To be blunt about it, it's a program of "soft" genocide that's taking place and as long as the vast majority of whites are unaware or unconcerned about it and refuse to organize and stand up for their own group interests, it will continue to move forward.ÂÂ