john chaney


Jan 4, 2005
United States
chaney just stuck a thorn in the side of black coaches everywhere, by putting a player in the game with the intent of hurting somwoneon the other team. he did this during the st johns game and afterwards felt so guilty he suspended himself for next weeks game. this is not the first time he has let his emotions get in the way of his coaching this also happened in the incident with john calipari several years ago.
Chaney'stirade and death thtreat against John Calipari and atttempts to carry it out in front of a room full of reporters a few years back was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. If he was white he would have never coached another game from that moment on. Bobby Knight threw a chair and 20 years later there are still media attacks on him because of it. Just think if Bobby Knight had acted like Chaney did towards Calipari that day. He 'd probably still be in prison

And the white media people just sat in their chairs while Chaney went crazy. Reminescent of the white customers in the pizza shop in Akron while the black monster/predator went to work.
Here's a typically PC article about Chaney by Phil Sheridan of the Philly Inquirer. "If Chaney is a pariah, then so is every coach in the National Hockey League. So is every football coach who has made it clear, openly or with strong hints, that he would like to see the opposing quarterback out of the game. So is every baseball manager who has had a pitcher throw at a batter.

"His critics will compare Chaney to the likes of Woody Hayes. . . or Bob Knight. . . The biggest difference always has been that Chaney stands for something other than simply winning games."

Unlike lowly white coaches,John Chaneystands for more than winning. In other words, Chaney is granted special grace and held to a different standard because he's black, even though his conduct toward fellow coach John Calipari was worse than anything Bobby Knight or Woody Hayes ever did, as Robcat noted.

[url] idan/10995845.htm[/url]
Don, the article by Sheridan is soooo typical. These politically correct sycophants just can't seem to criticise a high profile black. Instead of focusing on Chaney's dirty tactics, he resorts tofinding fault with other white coaches. The idea being ... so Chaney isn't a choir boy, well, neither is this or that guy.Sheridan also uses this techniqueto deflect criticism from Donovan McNabb's SB performance.

That's how the Eagles lost the Super Bowl. They played an outstanding team. Though McNabb didn't deliver the performance needed to overcome those Patriots, he played miles better than Peyton Manning had three weeks earlier against the same defense.
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