Joe Morgan is a jerk


Dec 22, 2004
Joe Morgan who proclaims black athletic superiority(BS) is such a jerk not to mention joyless announcer. I give no inch to athletes or media drones who fall into the "bs" camp and then proceed toargue their point over countless hours on the tube etc. ESPN should fire this guy.
What brought this about? Not saying I disagree, but I'm a bit curious. I have the joy of watching baseball tonight once or twice a year.
Morgan is on record for declaring black athletic superiority. He doesn't hide from it. And since a guy like that has a forum every Sunday Night etc.. on ESPN games I find it intolerable. These clowns need to be weeded out--Vitale, Elmore,Theisman etc etc... and replaced by more thoughtful and less bigoted people.
I don't watch that crap, the only time I watch is when it's the only channel my team is playing on..
I like joe morgan.First of all he speaks like a educated man and not some dumb ex- jock. If it is true that he believes in black athletic superiority, so what! I used to believe in that too before I stumbled on to this site.By the way I used to be aragorn777 before I encountered problems reposting under that name and so I have rejoined under the moniker of prophecy777.
I'm curious too -- did Morgan make a statement about black athletic supremacy? I've always liked Morgan as a player and as an announcer. He was sought by a lot of teams to manage, and probably would have done a good job as he knows baseball inside and out. To me he's a good role model for blacks and anyone else. What I've always found amusing about Morgan is the way all his white sidekicks in the broadcast booth pander and play up to him.
I don't watch baseball that much these days, but I saw a game Joe Morgan was doing on ESPN this Spring. I didn't catch any bias from Morgan. He seemed to discuss the players in a neutral manner. Any PC statement he might have made is no worse than what you would get from practically any white announcer.

One thing about Joe Morgan that once occured to me is, that he is "easy on the ears." He has a pleasant voice that you can listen to for an entire game. In this, Morgan was a 100% contrast to O.J. Simpson, who was a failure as an announcer. Simpson, as Don once remarked on the Forum, was one of the most "white friendly" famous black athletes, before he commited double murder ( a civil court found him liable by the evidence). O.J. Simpson was, to me, hard to listen to. He wasn't bad in a 20-second spot, but his grating voice wasn't good for several hours, not least because of his poor diction.
Being from the New York area I can tell you that a lot Yankee fans can't stand Morgan. They feel heis biased against them in his announcing. This goes back to the Series in '76.

My favorite black announcer on ESPN is Harold Reynolds. He only seems to do the fringe events but I like his style. He will probably be doing the Little League World Series again starting next month.
I hate Joe Morgan and Boob Castas with a passion. Ever since those two teamed up and belittled the Indians in the 1997 World Series alot of Clevelanders hate their guts. I'll never forget the 1998 ALCS vs. the Yankees when we started a huge chant in the Jake "Morgan Sucks, Costas sucks..." It was great.
GWTJ said:
My favorite black announcer on ESPN is Harold Reynolds. He only seems to do the fringe events but I like his style. He will probably be doing the Little League World Series again starting next month.

I agree.Reynolds is knowledgeable and more importantly has a pleasant demeanor. He's one of those rare blacks that you could kid around with like you do with whites without worrying that he'll put on his angry black man front.

Blacksbelieve that their easy going, slap happy image of the past was demeaning. They overcompensated by assuming a surly and angry posture. There should be a middle ground between the two, and Reynolds and Morgan do a good job of presenting it.
I've seen Morgan, but I haven't watched enough baseball in my life to remember much about his announcing. I find it hard to watch baseball period.
Admittedly I have zero tolerance for sports media who proclaim black athletic superiority as Joe Morgan has done. Wish I can recall the sources--maybe Jon Entine's book--but I clearly recall his name amoung others who believe blacks are superior. And I heard it or read about it more than once.And perhaps I am being over sensitive but I detect that line of thinking in his broadcasting. Just a hint mind you. Harold Reynolds is likeable. And there are some good black announcers around. I like Gus Johnson the basketball announcer amoung others.
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