Jobs Americans won’t do.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
He nails it.
I'm still trying to figure out which jobs Americans won't do that the elites such as President Bush, Senator Kennedy and Senator McCain are always talking about.

I can only speak for myself--just this one American--but I've worked in fields. I've slopped hogs. I've shoveled manure. I've worked in factories. I've painted cars. I've worked in a foundry. I've washed dishes. I've bussed dishes. I've waited on tables. I've worked for a newspaper. I've shoveled snow. I've worked in offices. I've fixed cars. I've mowed lawns. I've worked as a caddy. I've worked as a salesman. I've worked as an actor. I've worked as a writer. I've worked in construction. I also served in the Marines.

And, those are just some of the jobs I did for pay for others. In addition, I've cleaned my own toilets, raised my own kids, mowed my own lawn, fixed my cars myself, and done all those other things that Americans won't do.

And, funny thing, all the Americans I've known over the years were all doing the same sorts of things I was doing. But, of course, no Americans I've known were born with silver spoons in their mouths. No American I've known was the son of a President, as is the present President Bush, and none of the Americans I've known attended the most expensive and prestigious New England prep school as did President Bush, and no Americans I've known were as rich as the Kennedy's and no Americans I've known were the sons of Navy Admirals as is John McCain. Nope. Most Americans I've known were salt of the earth types. Good, decent people trying to make better lives for themselves and their families by working hard doing jobs that Americans won't do.

When you hear the fou fou crowd composed of the likes of Bush, Kennedy and McCain talk about jobs that Americans won't do, you should translate that to mean that these are jobs that the rich elites won't do. Might muss up their dainty little hands, don't you know.
Exactly right! (btw that's posted on the ANU site as Millard has been a staff writer for The Nationalist Times for many years.) The mantra that "immigrants do jobs Americans won't do" is repeated so often that no one questions it . But it doesn't hold water. Who does the "demeaning" jobs in the areas of the country that don't have Mexicans and are still mostly or all white? For example many rural areas, Appalachia, the upper Midwest, much of New England, much of the Northwest and large parts of the Rocky Mountain states. Whites always have and still do all the jobs in these areas.
Great post, Bart! My thoughts exactly.
Thomas Sewell made an excellent point in an article published last week. The sector that is most reliant upon Mexican labor is agriculture, and the truth is that NONE of those jobs are necessary. Agriculture is heavily subsidized and there is no need for most of our production capacity. So why the insistence upon importing millions of browns to work in it?

Isn't the government's objective clear to us now?
I am one of only a couple of people in my neighborhood that mows my own lawn. I have even had my neighbors look down their noses at me because I actually enjoy working outside doing yardwork. During the week, I am either on the road or in my office, so I enjoy getting out and sweating in the sun on the weekends. My neighbors pay lawn services big bucks to mow their grass and these services employ Mexicans (not sure if they are illegal or not). When I was a teenager, the kids in the neighborhood competed to mow lawns for $10 a lawn. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I have never had a neighbor kid knock on my door to offer.

I had one neighbor approach me a while back while me and my son were weeding the flower beds. He said "Why don't you just go down to Harwin Street and pick up some wetbacks to do that for you?" I said, "Because I don't believe in hiring illegal immigrants to do something that I am perfectly capable to do myself." He just walked away shaking his head.

My point to all of this is a lot of Americans do have the attitude that physical labor is beneath them. I see it all of the time.
How out of touch is McCain? He thinks Americans wouldn'tpick lettuce fora paltry $50.00 an hour.

AP, April 5, 2006

Sen. John McCain threatened yesterday to cut short a speech to union leaders who booed his immigration views and challenged his statements on organized labor and the Iraq war.


Mr. McCain responded by saying that immigrants were taking jobs that nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.

Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting Mr. McCain's job offer.

"I'll take it," one man said.

Mr. McCain insisted that none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season.

"You can't do it, my friends," he said.

Some in the crowd said they did not appreciate Mr. McCain's questioning their work ethic.
Thomas Sowell made an excellent point in his recent article, in which he presented his strong position against the illegals.

Sowell's point was this: You can't speak about "jobs Americans won't do" without including the factor of price. He put it to this example:

Do I "need" a jet plane? Well, if jet planes cost $1,000.00 a piece, I would probably "need" a couple of them. But because they cost in the millions, I don't even "need" one.

The proper question is "will Americans do these jobs at a fair wage?" The answer to that question is YES!

I starting worked in retaurants before I turned 14 (we knew the owners), and I even worked at a landfill one summer in college (terrible smell but relatively good pay).
I'll pick lettuce for $50.00 an hour. It is more than what I get paid now, and I get to work outside!
screamingeagle said:
I'll pick lettuce for $50.00 an hour. It is more than what I get paid now, and I get to work outside!

Screaming Eagle, you would not be alone. $50 per hr. at 40 hrs.a week calculates to over 100K for a full work year. It's amazing how many old men I see working as baggers in grocery stores or stocking shelves at Wall-Mart and Home Depot. Do we think they work in those places because they are tired of golfing, yachting and travelling around the world? I speak with them and many of them sing the same tune. They can't make ends meet or need to pay for supplemental health care which just about bankrupts them. Often they have moved to smaller homes in seedy neighborhoods to avoid scandalous property tax hikes. Many younger men work at low paying jobs because their companies have outsourced their positions and have put an emphasis on hiring minorities. Our legislators live high on the hog at our expense with big salaries, pensions, perks and lavish retirement programs. And I almost forgot to mention the Washington boys don't even pay for the gas in their cars and have the best medical plan available. So, what do they do? Cut the legs out from under us and reduce us to second rate peons in our own country!!
All of this 'jobs americans won't do' stuff is baloney. I work for the State doing one of these types of jobs (legally the State has to hire citizens so that is why it hasn't been taken over by mexicans, also the demographics in my area are 90% White, one of the reasons I choose to live where I live) and the reason why is because it has good medical/ dental/ vision benefits! If one is compensated enough they will do just about any work.

(BTW as a Fascist I have no philosophical qualms with working for the State, I just don't like the current marxist egalitarian forces in Control that is all)
I've never done agricultural work, but I have bussed tables, washed dishes, flipped burgers, been a cashier, and worked at a factory. I'm sure a snob like McCain would consider that menial work far beneath him. But I'm upper middle class myself. If I'll do this work, I can only imagine that the majority of Americans would as well.

The pro-immigrant pundits will say that our unemployment rate is 4.9%, but what they won't say is that the unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma is 9%. I guess working class Americans don't matter anymore. Plus, we are the vast majority of workers in all these industries. We are already doing the work.
Our prisons and jails are filled with violent third worled border jumpers. If the media told the truth of the incrediblenumbers of criminals, pedophiles, rapists and ruthless drug dealers preying on the white sheep we wouldn't fall for the benign image of Juan Valdez and his burro.

The saga of a young illegal immigrant found living in Apple Valley High School continues after he was charged in a violenthome invasion on the East Coast.

A Boston woman said Serrano kicked in her apartment door and threatened to attack her early in the morning on March 29.

"He said, 'I'm not here to steal, I'm here to kill,'" the woman said, requesting anonymity.

Her roommate grabbed a sauce pan and hit Serrano over the head.

"He just hit the guy, and you can see the handle is bent," the woman said.

The man then chased Serrano down the stairs and into the street.

Boston police say they found Serrano wearing a ski mask, armed with a butcher's knife and a pocket knife.
An Immigrant is one (Historically from Europe) that goes through the red tape of applying for U.S. citizenship. Waiting for approval, then assimilating into our culture (or whats left of it.) An ILLEGAL ALIEN is a dirt person from the south that breaks international law while stealing over national borders. Brown scourge do not blend in, they don't have to. Our country has determined that its appropriate to write instructions in spanish, have interpreters in public offices and give driving tests/booklets in several languages other than English. Incidently, the flow of European Emmigration has all but dried up. It seems that some legislation from the 60's took care of that. Edited by: Renaissance Man